I don't trust this meme

this meme
>when did it start on Jow Forums?
>where did it come from?
>is it one autist spamming?
>is it a forced meme?
>is it a jewish meme psyop?

the reason I ask is because Shrek is love Shrek is life and this "snap" meme is sacrilege

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it's not funny, totally forced.

I once saw a .gif where the camera flashed.
I laughed harder than at crystal energy or mummy powder

It's a meme that itself was so cringe that it comments on itself ironically. It simultaneously acknowledges how bad it is, while at the same time belittles the victim; making the poster of the meme invulnerable.

aka you can't make me feel stupid if i already know im retarded

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It all started last week. It's visibly the next Buzzword used to dumb down people. They seems to start using a Buzzword until everyone use it for everything than jump to the next.

where did this meme come from?

It started around the same time this kikes face started making rounds

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I'm almost certain it's literally one guy posting it.

he's a better one

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Like all memes, it is posted ironically to shitpost and then it becomes something normal. The only acceptable version is the one where they enhance the jpg artifacts.

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The Jews can't meme

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who knows? probably a site like ifunny or 9gag (i dont even know if those are still up, but I'm sure sites like them are). Throw a bunch of retarded chimps with adhd in a lab, they are eventually gonna put the right few chemicals together without knowing the significance of it.

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its gotten out of hand, it used to be just the retarded version that OP posted but slowly it has started to mutate into a bunch of other obscene memes. the person who started this needs to be gassed.

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It's from baizuo who personally find shame holds more weight than truth. You'll also hear them call you "irrelevant", which I imagine is a fear of theirs, but sounds fucking retarded to us.

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unless it was around 6 years ago it definitely wasn’t us

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This is a shill meme. It is used when some sort of Revelation happens, or when some sort of important discussion is taking place, and it is used to end it. The point is to make people think what they are discussing is stupid or "Cringey", and no one wants to be cringey. So next time you see someone use this image, call them out as a shill.

It's a bad meme being forced by one guy that's adapted to fit different boards based on the board's rules.

an autistic german keeps spamming it

make a pro nationalism thread or something productive such as "lets do X to see if it helps" etc and the same german pops up spamming it and just shitting up every thread picking for a fight needlessly


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I was told it started on leddit.. which explains why it's so stupid.

Nice memeflag faggot

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Mk ultra

I have noticed that in every thread its mostly memflaggers posting this meme


all I know is it showed up on /v/ first in a couple of threads getting reposted as a response to literally every other post in the threads I'd stumbled upon.

Shortly later newfags jumped upon it in some sad attempt to be the "new" spiderman and banana spam posting of threads.

Wanna says jews are involved but unfortunately I can't see noses through anonymous posting but jews are likely involved

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is Guangzhou user behind this?

No, but I'd like to know more about who you're referring to.

Exactly, meme flags are the flags on the shill

I dunno, but it doesn't pass the smell test. Same as that дpyг shit that was around a month ago.

they say he comes from a city in China

This same exact post was posted 40,000 times on r9k over nad over word for word, until it started mutating with other r9k memes and becomes something more disgusting each and every iteration. The alteration typically include cuckolding, and boomer dad "give him a firm handshake" advice on getting a job.

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China finna doxx
u best delete

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I don't know but it's fucking hilarious, it's just stupid enough to work.

alright, seeing this after seeing the bad meme makes this one kinda funny.

Look at you kikes trying to claim this meme is funny. You guys still don't understand chan culture and oyu never will.

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all one faggot

Attached: Forcedmemefaggot.png (1366x1323, 296K)

Protip: OP is the one who started the meme.

the original isn't funny. but seeing the one I linked to after it is kinda funny, for some reason

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Niether are funny and you're still not good at trying to fit in on these boards. Kikes and chans are antithetical to each other and that's why you have such a hard time understanding how to shill properly.

oh shit lads! we have an ACTUAL professional meme connoisseur in the thread! All hands on deck 'pedes!

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>reeee stop laughing at wont i don't like

>tfw this is actually David Hoggs meme warfare tactic

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>wont i don't like
Nice proxy Rabbi.

it started when I spammed it on /int

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>when a kike calls you a kike


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I guarantee you've only been here about 3 years and only visit Jow Forums and maybe one other board occasionally.

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This, but unironically.

Tbh I think it's funny just because of the way peoe respond to it

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Obama #spygate

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I told you the truth fag

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Strangely i first saw it last week on /wowg.
I like it, throwing cringe at someone is fun.

This completely, this is the reason I've been spamming these nonstop for a 2 weeks. It never creases to make me laugh hysterically. The less effort put into the image, the more responses you get.

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Agree. Actually kinda ironic because the meme itself should be added to a cringe compilation.

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You know, that makes a lot of sense.

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Its a forced meme being done by a single autistic faggot. I think the guy is a burger.

Because people reply to it
Also the mods are part of it

LeL quit being a nigger and read the FAQ rule 6

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you don't think i'm on to you faggots?


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it means you think the person on the other end of the meme is cringe and can be used for any and every occasion so is it really that bad or is the context in which it is used the questionable part

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nobody asked for the bog pill either but here we are

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Idiots trying to get it declared a hate symbol. I think they could go dumber.

wait do they actually have a page of rules?
that one's going in my cringe folder


The is a good use for a shitty meme. Gonna use it in the future when people start posting snap shrek memes

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nah it's actually hilarious, but what do i know i'm stoned atm

this meme glows in the dark, no doubt about it

My sides.

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There are lots of synthetic memes being pushed on Jow Forums right now.

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Some people have a cringe collection. Others have a cringe folder. But not Shrek, no.
He has a cringe compilation, and - yep, - this one's going in it.

Got any examples? Lets have a synthetic meme thread.

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I chuckled

harden yourself to this meme my brothers. let your soul steel itself in its forging flames of embarrassment. you have nothing to fear of death, for in a life lived gloriously you will find immortality, and the favor of all the gods.

the 25 year old boomer

We're the monkeys with typeeriters hitting keys at random until we create perfect OC. It's why shit like this happens, but it's also why we can't be defeated.

sensible chuckle friendo

I thought it was some shit bot. Its reason for posting never make sense.

it's about three autists trying to start an obnoxious nu-naked-banana, only one of whom isn't doing it ironically
also saged
also filtering this image from now on


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It probably came from another board. Something like /tv/ or something.

See, /tv/ is one of the most cancerous boards. There is very little moderation, and that breeds a shit ton of garbage. Another thing I have noticed is that there is a roving band of what I suspect to be underaged shitposters that go from board to board spreading their cancer. They hit /ck/ /tv/ Jow Forums /b/ and /v/. It's one of the biggest reasons that /tv/, while being the worst board on Jow Forums, believes there are Jow Forums raids.

It's pretty obvious, because even though Jow Forums has their overall culture, each board has their own culture, their own memes, and their own inside jokes.

Now this is an ironic joke meant to be annoying. I can see the "humor" in it. It's the most cringiest meme, while being super cringy itself.

Yeah pretty shit meme. Boomer posting and accusations in general are usually divide and conquers.

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