I am an avid hunter and a gun owner. However...

I am an avid hunter and a gun owner. However, even I realize that if we are going to keep our second amendment rights then we need to start being open to compromise.

Almost all of us can agree that there really is no real need for assault weapons on American streets.

A reasonable approach to the issue would be for gun owners to compromise and give up assault rifles and extended magazines in exchange for getting to keep shotguns, bolt-actions, etc. It might be upsetting to many to give up some guns, but in reality it's a win because we still get to keep the rest of our guns, just not the assault rifles.

It's much better to compromise a little bit than to lose everything.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Ever heard the saying, "Give an inch and they'll take a mile"?


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Hi, I'm a black person who is very triggered by some of the things I've read here. Like legitimately, I'm mortally wounded by the absolutely vile things I've read here. My feelings are hurt, I feel sad, and an assortment of other emotions that probably haven't even been discovered by science yet. I have a few Jewish friends as well, and they're even more upset than I am. I'm legitimately concerned that he may commit suicide after what he's read here. I don't want to lose my best friend. It's just not fair. And it's all the fault of you nutbars here on Jow Forums. I thought that a minimally moderated, anonymous internet message board would have a bit more class than this, but it would seem I've been sorely mistaken. As a black person, I feel so hurt and betrayed by a community that I thought I could trust...Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and cry and drown my sorrow binging on something other than fried chicken and watermelon, because I don't eat fried food and the watermelon isn't very juicy or flavorful this time of year.


Don't feed the troll.

Fuck off, shareblue. If you try to take the method of self-defense families across this nation, the only thing that will be lost is your life.

(OP) And that's a no.

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>that file name
Come on OP why do you do these things

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How about you just don't sell weapons to menta;;y challenged people(Jow Forums users for example). PROPER BACKGROUND CHECKS!

> Let gay people live in open
> Now transgenders encouraged in children

Sure bud that worked out well before.

I'm an avid shitposter and a gun owner. Even I realize that assault weapons don't exist.

The second amendment is all about ownership of military style small arms.

Nothing in it concerns your little animal-murdering hobby called "hunting".

What on earth are you talking about? I am a gun owner just like you. I'm just saying that we need to compromise now because we do.

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Thats what they said in this country and now we have less rights of what we can own legally and gun crimes when up because of diversity.

So theres the evidence take it or leave it.

the fuck is an assault weapon?

Make sure to collect your welfare on the way back to the pub.

>The only way to keep our rights is to give up our rights.

I'm a pickle Morty!

Obviously the first reasonable compromise that needs to be made is exterminating the entire negroid species from the planet.
Almost all of us can agree that there really is no real need for assault dindus on American streets.

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THIS. no more compromising. EVER. That’s how they win, we give a little and then they take the rest. They’ve been fucking us for thousands of years this way. Liberals are a cancer.

I'm going to find you 1 day. I'm going to find you and beat the ever living shit out of you. Not because you are a NEET, but because EVERY fucking day you come on here and post this shitty, toxic thread that does nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's like that fucking banana on /b/. It serves no purpose other than to piss people off and yet you sit there with a shit eating, smug grin on your face as you chuckle how you did it again! You posted the exact same shitty, unoriginal thread over the exact same fucking point for the 100th day in a row now. Facts don't make you stop. Logic doesn't make you stop. Holding you to moral standards doesn't make you stop. You're like a SJW or feminist who's completely sold in their ideas. Only you're sold on being an annoying faggot. The only thing that you deserve is to get the ever living fuck beat out of you. Fuck you, you dumb frog-poster

"Hello There Fellow Nazi Frogs"; the post

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Sage isn't a down vote, no matter how much you think it is
You gave yourself away with this OP, I would've believed a

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Negro we've been compromising for decades

I'm not saying we ban guns! Fucking hell, get a grip you gun obsessed psychopaths. Calm down. No one is saying ban all guns. I'm just saying we ban assault rifles in exchange for getting to keep the remainder of our guns. It's quite simple, really.

Stop larping as an American goldstien

Yeah we ban one type and then they’ll start coming for the others too. Liberals want ALL guns banned window licker.

suck a dick bootlicker

>assault rifles
chink detected. how many yuan do you get paid per post? or you get paid in "social credit"?

Nice try

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fuck off cocksucker shill

the second amendment is to defend against the government

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I choose option B: we keep all our guns and ban jews instead.

Fuck off with your pasta and fuck off with your fudd lore.

The right to bare arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Its not 'The right to keep arms for sport."


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It's pretty easy my dude, you need to put boots on the ground. Grass roots movement, be a hero. Go to your neighbour's house and demand he hand over his assault rifle. Tell your neighbor what you've told us here OP, that we need sensible gun regulation and there's no reason he should own a high capacity assault rifle, tell your neighbor to hand it over. The only way this movement is going to get off the ground is if YOU ACT NOW.

1) No you're not. You're a fucking shill.

2) There are 20,000 gun laws on the books across the USA. NO MORE FUCKING COMPROMISES. FUCK OFF.

You’re retarded..

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Lmao he would get his ass beat so fast

Fuck off

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Look, no one is a bigger supporter of the second amendment than me. But this is just common sense.

Why won't you compromise?


Treason is punishable by death.
This is treasonous speech.

Why would I willingly give to the government something they have no right to take?
Plus a repeal of 2a would literally spark a civil war. It's in nobody's interest to do so which is exactly why (((they))) are trying to take our arms gradually

Get back in the oven!

LeL I know that's the point

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Blow your brains out nigger.

A compromise implies we get something in return. What you're suggesting is that we simply give liberals exactly what they're asking for. We already have access to shotguns, bolt-actions, etc... Imagine if someone demanded you give them your wallet. You say hell no, so they suggest a compromise. Rather than taking all of your wallet (including your credit card, your ID, etc...), they only take the $100 in cash you had in it to buy stuff at a local outdoor festival.

This is what a compromise looks like: Liberals can have universal background checks if we can have an end to the 1986 machine gun ban. Don't think they'll buy it? How about removing the requirement for an NFA tax stamp on suppressors, just make them able to be purchased like any other gun part. No? How about a universal conceal carry permit. I can get a permit to carry in Washington, which requires only that I get fingerprinted, be 21, and pass a background check, and use it to conceal carry a gun in New York City as if it were a New York City conceal carry permit.

Actually, if you want to get technical. The second amendment never really applied to assault rifles anyway since they weren't in existence back then. So in reality nothing is being "taken" from you. It just that legislation is being "corrected".

You wanna compromise? I'll compromise with you. You meet me with your bolt action, I'll meet you with my AR-15. Winner takes both guns. Deal?

Who has a helicopter. This commie needs a ride!

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>However, even I realize that if we are going to keep our second amendment rights then we need to start being open to compromise.
kek, might as well of started off
>as a fellow white person

saged concern troll


>Let's remove the right to free speech and only allow communication of all political ideology via corporate and government approved media agencies.

It applies to every form of artillery. Blow your brains out nigger.

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Better ban free speech on the internet, tv, and radio then. Idiot.

Again, you’re retarded.

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to give the simple and repeated arguments is something you are obligated to do if you live here. If an idea goes uncontested here then some people will take it as gospel and will start to ask the same question as this.

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Yeah I'm behind you OP please be an hero, Please lead the way to safer gun legislation, you could pioneer a safer America just go demand that your neighbors hand over their guns!

How's this for compromise?
Twenty years in the can. I wanted to eat manigott'. But I compromised: I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead.
I wanted to fuck a woman: I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. So I know all about compromise.

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lmfao please tell me this is real

Hi, I'm a black person who is very triggered by some of the things I've read here. Like legitimately, I'm mortally wounded by the absolutely vile things I've read here. My feelings are hurt, I feel sad, and an assortment of other emotions that probably haven't even been discovered by science yet. I have a few Jewish friends as well, and they're even more upset than I am. I'm legitimately concerned that he may commit suicide after what he's read here. I don't want to lose my best friend. It's just not fair. And it's all the fault of you nutbars here on Jow Forums. I thought that a minimally moderated, anonymous internet message board would have a bit more class than this, but it would seem I've been sorely mistaken. As a black person, I feel so hurt and betrayed by a community that I thought I could trust...Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and cry and drown my sorrow binging on something other than fried chicken and watermelon, because I don't eat fried food and the watermelon isn't very juicy or flavorful this time of year.

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"Assault Weapons" are the only classes of firearms that should be protected by the 2nd admendment IMO


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>supporter of the second amendment
Where to start... Where to start?

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>Almost all of us can agree that there really is no real need for assault weapons on American streets.

I don't agree at all. Most people in my state disagree with this. First of all define what an assault weapon is? Is that an official class of weapons? Why not just be honest and admit that you want to ban all guns and that this is a slide thread?

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Again you show your ignorance
Give the fuck up

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Just because you also own guns doesn't make you any more qualified to take guns away than someone who does not own guns. If you don't feel safe and responsible enough to own guns then don't possess a gun.

>Hello, my fellow gun owners: The Post

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0/10 shitty bait, revised to 1/10 bait because I posted in your bread.

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>words created since the first ammendment aren't protect

stale pasta kys op


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on this issue, there is no middle ground. it is the guarantor of all other rights. you wanna make a deal? ok i'll trade you a negotiated version of single payer health care for the abolition of the USDE.

>squawker.org/culture-wars/liberals-are-building-a-meme-lab-to-compete-with-Jow Forums-after-shareblue-and-correct-the-record-failed-to-infiltrate-the-site/

>compromise with liberals
>thinking they will keep it

Be thankful that retards can own guns in your country, burger.

Just look at the LA riots and Ferguson to see what diversity does

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Fpbp /thread checked

Come take my gun, see what happens.


I live in Texas where the Sante Fe shooting just happened. The school said they wanted metal detectors and better barriers into school instead of banning weapons. Texas is also the state where Stephen WIlleford stopped the church shooting with an AR-15. He's an NRA instructor too.

We're a full 3/4 down the rabbit hole but people somehow act surprised that after a near century of "compromise" what's left of the gun rights activists have dug in to say 'this far and no further'.
You're the unreasonable one OP. After the NFA, GCA, import bans, demonization of self defense, and all the states that felt the fed's just didn't shit on individuals quite enough for their taste it's clear that the only reasonable stance isn't "compromise".

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What kind of build should I do?

you worthless piece of shit

Fuck off, shill. How is "give up everything for nothing in return" compromise. As demonstrated last week, a shotgun and revolver is a capable school shooting weapon.

my fellow white people let me tell you why we need to do everything jews say in our own goyish intrests

Forgot pic

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I’m a fellow Texan too. Love this state, I’ve never felt safer than when I’m in H-E-B and white cowboys come in open carrying and the spics run out. Best shit ever

You're a nigger son.

>its a win win because you lose your stuff but we won't take all of it

theres a lampost with a noose on it waiting for you, commie scum

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OP here, I'm actually a Texan as well. lol, small world. Like I said though, we need to be proactive in solving this gun issue and if we want to keep from losing ALL of our guns, we need to just give up assault rifles because we do.

Just bleach ur skin and tell ur guiz to shave down their honkers. Any1 can be alt light if they try

"fuck anti gunners" build: 8.5" 300 blk with a "brace" and an echo trigger

>Using sleazy words like 'reasonable' to manipulate people.
>Pretends to be a "fellow gun owner."
>Probably pretends to be a "fellow white" as well.

Gee, I wonder

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I think I will just go eat some Tex mex then go shoot targets in my backyard while sipping beer mate. You can go talk to liberals about banning guns and join em in protests and I’ll be living my life and having fun ok bud?

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