/no caffeine (kike juice aka jew brew) general/

who quit the jahudi drink? who here fell for the preworkout meme? who realised that once you are addicted you take a preworkout just to perform like you normally would and you are just fighting withdrawals?

Important: im talking strictly about the caffeine, yes coffee does have some antioxidants but so does decaff.

addicts often come up with meme studies financed by cocacola and jews to defend their junk because they cant quit.

meanwhile the cold hard truth:

>Withdrawal occurs at dosages as low as 100 mg/day. That’s just one typical cup of coffee. One study (Field et al., 2003) even found that abstaining from just 41 mg/day for 30 hours decreased blood flow to some parts of the brain by 19-32%. The most common withdrawal symptoms are headache, fatigue, decreased energy/activeness, decreased alertness, drowsiness, decreased contentedness, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and foggy/not clearheaded-ness. Withdrawal is much, much more common than most people think. Many people just assume legal drugs are perfectly safe and only associate withdrawal with illegal drugs, even though there is practically no relation between the toxicity and addictiveness of drugs and their legal status, but caffeine withdrawal is extremely common. In fact, many studies overestimated the positive effects of caffeine, because they didn’t exclude habitual caffeine consumers. This causes participants to be in withdrawal during the study and the so called positive effects of caffeine are then merely withdrawal reversal. If your training sessions are notably poorer without stimulants, you may very well be in withdrawal. Withdrawal also causes muscle stiffness and weakness.
(Juliano & Griffiths, 2004).

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Other urls found in this thread:


The Misconception: Coffee stimulates you.

The Truth: You become addicted to caffeine quickly, and soon you are drinking coffee to cure withdrawal more than for stimulation.

>The truth is, once you’ve been drinking coffee for a while, the feeling you are getting after a cup isn’t the difference between the normal you and the super you, it’s the difference between the addict before and after a fix.

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The take home is that regular use of caffeine produces no benefit to alertness, energy, or function. Regular caffeine users are simply staving off caffeine withdrawal with every dose – using caffeine just to return them to their baseline. This makes caffeine a net negative for alertness, or neutral at best if use is regular enough to avoid any withdrawal.”

- Neurologist Stephen Novella

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Can I just drink coffee because I like it? Will that be okay with you user?

you wanna be human or subhuman/untermensch leaf? get your shit together

People who never had regular coffee > people who quit having regular coffee> people who have regular coffee.

I’m part of the first group so I’m better than you, OP.

How to quit scho-ka-cola? I don't even want to.

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have to agree with u kangaroo here

It's alright. I've got simulants for throughout the day

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if you ain't standing on your head your doing coffee wrong
