How do parents allow their daughters to dress like this?

I literally cannot fathom the reason.

Enlighten me.

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every parent wants their daughters to experience the joy of BBC

Because they're going swimming I guess. If they were wearing a cock in their holes, then I guess their parents would probably be more upset.

Apparently for my pleasure

You should be shot and raped. You nigger loving nigger

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>How do parents allow their daughters to dress like this?
Better question: How do parents allow their sons to dress like THIS?

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These do not look like girls who are of the age where parental control is appropriate.

the mothers are ho's
and the fathers are weak
what else do you need to know

The girl on the right's parents were crushed to death by a soup can that rolled over.

Cause daddy is a beta money provider,and rest is just a reminder for him what his wife did before closing up to the wall and marriage


Maybe he was talking about BBC pedo ring in UK

This thread is nonsense. OP is a faggot.

If my shit genes managed to make human beings that looked that hot I'd want them to show off.

It's not like wearing a bikini is some big deal, this isn't Saudi Arabia

Because they are out swimming/sunbathing.

Muh degenracy catholicucks are the worst, even Nazis made fun of you.

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>Why is incest porn so popular nowadays?

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>t.beta father

Just tell me why.

Their mothers do because their mother understands womanhood and thus feels proud for them. They are attractive and happy and showing off their assets.
Their father will not understand this and will sulk. But, that same father would be proud of their sons if they were buff, intelligent and knew how to fight.

because western parents are cucks. my father would only let my sister go out in a hijab

ty fren

bruh it's situational
A bikini on the beach is fine, especially with family
A bikini in a nightclub (I have seen this) is a horrible, horrible idea


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Thats because you guys are retarded, and only think about sex and food

>thong bikini
>pressing breasts against girl's breasts
>girl touching thigh
>faces touching with implied lesbianism
>taking pic
>posting pic online

>not a big deal


The real nazi pill is that the nazis were actually moderates.

It's called being modern grandpa..

my children walk around like that as well in summer.

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its not thats the default setting for sheboons if you care to look

Thats why Hitler was nominated by Times.

Those are adults. They aren't really "dressed", they are in swimsuits. I prefer one piece swimsuits myself desu

we wuz paganz n' shiet so I'll just allow my daughter to wear little to no clothes and she totally will not get gang raped by jamal and friends, catholicucks are so dumb lol

good. better than being a cuck father and letting my daughter go out dressed like this.

the prophet literally said the "cuckold will never go to heaven" look it up

then you mmust be really proud of your newest royal.

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Also, they're fucking hot. I'd prefer all hot legal women be required to be nude all the time until they start to age or get fat.

Its quite rare in Texas.

>being degenerate


Oh man wish they were my daughters

Her dad probably masturbates to her fb. my ex caught her dad jerking it to pics of her and her sister then got mad when i laughed about it.

Am I blind or are their proportions fucked up? what's up with their legs

Living the dream

I declare you a cuckold. Now you wont go to heaven


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weird angle and positioning to make their asses look bigger

Ignore the white cucks, let them march to hell while their whores lead them.

This is true.
I'm a republican.
Oddly enough, I want there to be an American style republic established here in the UK. I'd go as far as to say that i'd like the UK to become a state of the USA, because the USA is basically the UK perfected, at least before it got niggered.

Good thing I noticed your flag, otherwise the words you have written wouls have upset me

You put your little kikes in thongs? Does not surprise me

Their mothers are whores and their fathers either don't want to lose access to that pussy or they are degenerates who get off on it because they want to Fuck their daughters. Or they are raised by single mom harlots.

a cuckold is anyone who lets his mother, sister, wife, daughter, or any women in his family have sexual and clothing freedom. as i don't do any of that, i will never be a cuckold

They look like midgets who got stretched on the torture bed jesus

> why do parents allow their children to wear swimsuits?

alrighty then

based sandnigger

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mmm I wanna grind a block of cheese on those fine ass hairs


Why would you let your daughter wear a thong bikini?

> How do parents allow their sons to dress like THIS?
It legitimizes their 'dicking' them.

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>implying double standards are bad
I'm sure the sun will never set on your grandchildren's heritage

>you guys are retarded, and only think about sex and food
White normies are literally no different.

What happened America? what happened?
How could you drop the ball so bad?

No idea why but israeli posters have become funny as shit lately

fucking jewess harpies and their milkers

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I’d support a merger between the UK and USA. Imagine getting 50 million more whites. Glorious. Plus the US would drag the UK to the right and Americans could run from the Mexicans.

i wish for the girl to stomp on my face with bare feet while i try to lick the soles and then she hold my mouth to her pussy while piss my mouth i swallow it. and then force me to drink the breast milk. i love she. i am your son.

modern fathers are a bunch of onions faggot christcucks or atheist bugmen

all men who actually have balls AND a brain arent having kids anymore

why would i police her clothes if she's 16+? better teach her about shady guys and how to defend herself

america is a land of slave masters and their slaves


progressives, they will hang one day.

never said I was against double standards.
I was answering the OPs question. Why does shit like this go down? well, their mothers actually appreciate it. Their fathers probably won't but, can you think of many mothers that condone a son wanting to get into fights?

every arab i know thinks this way as well

get rich man slut plz

3/10, would fuck her once for the titties but the nipples are disappointing and I could never make it past the nose :(

Words mean what i say they mean

You think that’s degenerate? How come shit like nudism is allowed to exist legally?


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Because she's going to have incredible power over men. Whether or not she uses it wisely is another story. Look how happy she is. You just don't get any more happy.


you on Jow Forums:
> 3/10, would fuck her once for the titties but the nipples are disappointing and I could never make it past the nose :(
you irl:
> g-guys, a girl cashier spoke to me d-do you think she's flirting?


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that one blonde is a midget. look at her hands. what kind of crafty jew tries to lure unsuspecting Jow Forumslacks into a midget fetish?

my female cousins spontaneously made out with each other for me, when we were all 15

we are living in end times friendo

and that's exactly why you are still a 3th world shithole.

you are not progressive but regressive.

America basically did too well. Victims of its own success.
Think about it like this. Imagine the White revolution happened tomorrow. We set up our ethnostates. Everything goes well. There's no immediate threat. What would you do as a person? Probably not hang out on Jow Forums.
You'd probably just focus on work and being a good citizen. Probably get a pet. You'd let your wife run the house and you'd not want to fight. And dum de dum de dum. You'd try and live well.
Basically, good times create weak men. That's what happened. The future will depend upon us figuring out how to handle success. I think. We're going to need some sort of creepy thulean priestly caste.

you guys are hebrew-sexuals

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If the dad disapproves he gets thrown in jail, at least that's how it works here.

There is literally nothing wrong with incest.


d-do you have any stories of fucking your sister

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because you're such a humongous faggot, two bimbos have to do that to counterbalance the gay you emit.

I remember that brit family on vacation: the daughter was like 13, dressed worae than a whore and daddy was proud af.

The USA and UK are intimately bound. USA is basically UK rebel politics if you look at Thomas Paine and stuff.
Imagine if all Whites were to return to their "homelands" only for their former homes to collapse due to "progress". Then Whites re-invade and this time, take no prisoners.

No, but I'll get back to you with stories of my daughters.

Probably proxies. I mean, why is he advocating sex with Jewish women? Then again, Jewish people are very strange.

Who cares, they wont exist for long


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lol shut tf up you fucking jew. i'll kill you and every other jew on the day of judgement. god says in the battle between jews and muslims on the day of judgement, every jew who hides behind a tree, the tree will say "O'muslim, there is a jew behind me come and kill him" it's literally a matter of time

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