I'm sick of seeing anti American sentiment on this board, America is the greatest country in the world!
You aren't going to like what comes after America.
Express your support here.
Pic related, the stars and stripes.
I'm sick of seeing anti American sentiment on this board, America is the greatest country in the world!
You aren't going to like what comes after America.
Express your support here.
Pic related, the stars and stripes.
wtf m8 have some pride
What did I say to suggest otherwise? Wtf
Are you guys (Jow Forums) winning?
>Brazil 2.0 is the greatest country in the world!!!!!!!!!
You said that the US is the greatest country in the world. That might or might not be so, but a country such as yours does not lack greatness to and extent that you ought to put a different one before your own.
Thanks limey
You’re alright.
You aren’t so bad either.