Am I retarded if I can not read twitter...

Am I retarded if I can not read twitter? I finally started reading it for the elon musk thing but it just seems like a site where you samefag reply to your own posts and post gifs of niggers shaking their head/throwing up hands/that fucking jay-z cringe gif ...I just don't understand it,why follow Trump and sit there all fucking day to reply to him if you hate him so much?
Also why do the libs get so mad when Trump blocks them? just make a new account ?...see I just don't understand twitter,it can't even make money with no advertismens?
magnets confuse me less than twitter,atleast I can see magnets do something cool.

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Aye carumba

Post more of that comic

i wish this comics was regularly updated

Stop seeking validation for your opinions from retarded autistic man children who spend all day jacking off to furry horse porn. You're better off going down to the pub to seek advice. At least there you might get laid.

not a fan of the marge/apus wife/ lisa stuff though,gimme more lovejoy and maude even though she is kinda dead it still feels better.
anyone gonna actually respond to my twitter redardation question?

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you still have a local near you? they killed everything that even resembled a traditional local pub near me...I had a real local that had a open fire place and gave out free chestnuts during the winter.
Christ I miss my life just 10 years back.

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yeah i agree lovejoy was one my favorites and I wish I could but I don't understand twitter I get all my news from Jow Forums/yt kek

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Do you have any porn of Principal Skinner?



g00d pOst!

what the fuck is wrong with you people

well if no one here can explain how to read twitter I give up and stick to this " primitive posting site" at least here I can see who is replying to who and not just samefagging.

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yeah but pubs in America are either all townies or 18 year old who just want to bang each other.

I just wanna fuck Bart

nah, I agree with you. Twitter is a shit platform, but I have no idea why you had to post simpson porn

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this thread sucks

it is almost like getting redpilled right? porn sucks after this kino story.
what would ned or reverend lovejoy say about it is what I really want to know.
anonreplies to user@anon replying to user?...this sshit makes no sense to me.
do they get money for posts?

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shit taste

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I can't read twitter, I am twitterilliterate. It is an inferior platform anyways.

why do spics draw porn of simpsons characters?
Do they go crazy over gross cartoon overbites in Latin America?

>Am I retarded-

Fight degeneracy!


Every time some shit4brains OP posts porn to attract attention to his faggot-ass shit thread, all true white Christians must /b/and together and BRRAAPP it up! THUS IS SIN AND PERVERSION DEFEATED!


You've fucked yourself with your OP post, the only people left in the thread are those not immediately disgusted by your uncest cartoons. In other words retarded freaks not at all interested in answering your question but interested in your badly drawn smut.

I also have the same problem with Twitter, do you start at the top and go down or is it the other way round?

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What episode is that?

wheres the incest?

I think you read it backwards to see who is samefagging?I honestly have no clue because well this place just makes more sense.
you can see me reply to you and we can now have a chat...on twitter all I see is samefags.

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Two examples of people lusting after their mothers you clueless shitstain, read the fucking thread.

1- 2 -


I wish I could help, user. I've tried twitter a couple times, but decided I hated it. The layout is terrible.

maude cucked marge? this is something /tv/ needs to investigate lads.

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thats not barts mother

I can only assume it's designed to appeal to people who are only interested in being heard and not those who wish to have an actual conversation, this sounds about right for normies and their beloved virtue signaling.

Like a constant one sided conversation.

Pubs here nearly all gone, used to see live bands in them that's gone as well.
One Wetherspoons and one independent that is teetering on collapse is all thats left.

isn't talking to yourself the opposite of virtue signal? I really do not understand the twitter format,they have different accounts to respond to eachother ffs...someone explain please,I want to read trump tweets but I just don't get it.

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Why did you make this necessary?

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the showrunners themselves intentionally sexualize their characters, they know what they are doing, this is just the natural progression of that.

a more Jow Forums on topic discussion would be why we fetishize cartoon characters?

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Don't have a cow, man.

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cute pic

>isn't talking to yourself the opposite of virtue signal
No. Tw*ter is perfect for bleating out the leftist narrative and if it goes according to plan nobody will dare challenge you so there is no need for a conversation.

is there a celeb whose nuts you would like to swing from? that's pretty much it, a celebrity service for nutswingers.

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goddamn you summerfags are annoying


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Also this

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she ain't even the fuck do you confuse that with marge simpson?
keep making them anyway,saved

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I was addressing the incest theme that he claimed didn't exist.

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You see what happens when you post contentious images, almost zero discussion of your actual topic, neither of us is any closer to understanding how tw*ter works.

>where you samefag reply to your own posts and post gifs of niggers shaking their head/throwing up hands/that fucking jay-z cringe gif
I don't understand it either, why is it always black people reaction gifs?

What the fuck did you post jesus christ

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and this is politics related right ?

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no twitter is cancer


Jow Forums is an abbreviation of POLITICALLY INCORRECT not POLITICS, fuck of back to the Donald you fucking piss-stinking homo-nigger.

half the psosts link to some no name eceleb/tweeter and I have no idea how to navigate the site...just like reddit and you come here to tell us about your fave other sites for some reason.

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>Jow Forums is an abbreviation of POLITICALLY INCORRECT not POLITICS, fuck of back to the Donald you fucking piss-stinking homo-nigger.
Then why do I always get banned for posting politically incorrect shit?

the jay-z gif and the 1000 gifs of reality tv show women doing that shaking head thing makes me think something is up.

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Because the mods are lefty UCL s o y-b o y s.


Saw an autist post something similar on facebook lmfao

facebook is somewhat readable to me,I just don't understand twitter with them all samefagging their own threads? someone explain please because it makes no sense after so long on Jow Forums.

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Report this German racist scumbag.

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Its still basedboy? Checked

>tfw did some light mommy/son RP with my MILF fuckbuddy (20 years older than me) yesterday

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