New Battlefield V Class Video

Commando, Gunner or disabled Feminist. Who are you?

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The executioner

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You tards never learn, EA cares about money not identity politics, so you are basically doing their ad campaign for them and for the price of your autistic fits.

Discussing any other game is far more wothwhile.

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Battlefield Vagina best battlefield to date. stop hating on it you misogynist pig

>Bringing awareness to the dumpster fire that is EA and identity politics isn’t good man, just talk about something else!

>Bringing awareness to the dumpster fire that is EA

Are you really that delusional? do you really believe that EA doesn't know it or that they care?

Boycotting by itself will do nothing, battlefield is a conveyor belt game, it will be shitted out every 2-3 years and people will buy it because it's battlefield, they couldn't give a flying fuck about feminists and gamergate and eve if you manage to reduce sales, what? 20% in the best case?

There are other options out there, with less budget yes, but far more quality and without the controversy

this is gold

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>no bow and arrow and sword kit

Wolfenstein 2 had bad sales even with (((critical acclaim)))

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/po/ unequivocally BTFO

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This why we can't allow shit like this. They a re-writing history and young retards will actually believe shit like this. Fifty years from now it will be SETTLED SCIENCE that most deaths in WW2 were trans-gendered otherkin.

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Jow Forums's distorted dead white man's history BTFO forever!

>so you are basically doing their ad campaign for them and for the price
All publicity is good publicity is a meme that doesn't work now, look at Wolfenstein/Battlefront 2. Lots of negative publicity, sold like shit.

women were prohibited from fighting apart of soviet union and resistance in couple of countries like france and maybe in warshaw uprising but still made tiny fraction of "soldiers". i seriously doubt her story.

>drafted at 15


problem sissy white bois your woman completely btfo your entire male fantasy of winning this war

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this post must be ironic

no women were drafted in WW2...

>Let me make up a story to discredit a bunch of men that don't like the identity politics that have been included in their game franchise of choice

Twitters userbase, especially the blue checkmark names, should serve as a directory of who gets send to concentration camps.

she had 2 bayonet arms and was known as the barber of Omaha

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lol your troll level sucks - you're one of those faggots who just sees any post on Jow Forums and writes something in opposition, no matter what.

No you do that

complain to veterans organisations over (((their)) portrayal of veterans for profit - get some allies -keep reposting this

It worked to destroy Wolfenstien 2.

>All those likes and retweets. Curious about what the 770 replies say.

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part 2

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literally "sweetie" tier

don't bother looking,tons of soys there virtue signaling

>It worked to destroy Wolfenstien 2.

>Top 5 best selling game in the U.K. and AUS
>Top 15 best selling game in the U.S.

remember when peope would say shit like this was a harmless fantasy? guess not

>sent to fight
More like sent to hide in a cave.

Lol, what a deluded retarded girl.

im just gonna come here and shill this


EA are fucking stupid. All they need to do is remake Battlefield 2 with updated graphics and they would make fuck loads of money

>Be communist terrorist

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Exactly. It's fun to laugh at how stupid this is, but there are teenagers (and 20-30 something manchildren who slept through history class) who are going to actually believe that this is a historically accurate depiction of ww2.

And if you think I'm exaggerating, ask yourself if the world war 2 vets in your family (assuming you ever got a chance to meet them) would be considered nazis to the modern left, despite the fact that they were the ones that actually fucking fought them.

My grandpa was from Arkansas. Lived through D Day. He made nigger jokes now and again, and once beat a pedophile so hard that the guy got laid up in the hospital and died after an extended stay. Was he a nazi according to the blue hairs? Probably.

Was your grandpa charged with murder for beating a guy to death?

Used to be straping blades to disabled people was a wolfenstein meme

No, but I'm not sure why. He and the rest of the family were socially ostracized for awhile afterwards until they packed up and moved a ways away

I hope a nigger kills this dumb shit


kekking based1

Yeah nah, *they* will never allow the re-writing of that part.

Well said.


What a lying cunt.

You dicks are blowing this out of proportion. EA wants to sell games to EVERYONE! So, they want to put female avatars into thier games to target that audience. Females are half the population so makemoney.jpg.
Fact is that just a little internet research will tell you that women served in combat in some form. >Out of 350,000 American women who served in WW2, 16 were killed in action.
So a MINISCULE amount saw action and it was mostly unintentional. Like a hospital was shelled or something. Or the enemy penetrated behind the lines. They were. NOT fielding 101st Airborne Units with women.
In Europe or the Pacific fronts, where action was common, you have to be a real dunce to think females never fired a shot.
>Females that would cut your dick off while you slept because you insulted her mother are ALL just going to cower after thier home was levelled or kids killed by the enemy?
Image search for WW2 women in combat. You will find women posing mostly. There are some where they look like they are in action. My favorite is the Frau in her dress with a German helmet on her head and a Luger on her hip, posted up,behind some sandbags.
>ib4 fake images are easy to shop.
Go to your library then.

DICE is clearly blackmailing the series. I know they can't be this retarded.

True, but making a handicapped women with a leather coat on the frontlines the focus of the first trailer was still a retarded decision.

at debut. either a retard or a shill.
got beat by a nintendo switch game.

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Partisans weren't drafted, a lot of them were jewish communist groups acting as spearheads for the soviet union.


we need to support this game over BFV

they just released a vid on the mutt forces coming in the future . i really hope they get to doing the eastern front with stalingrad and kursk

>partisan resistance

Jow Forums keep falling in the jew meme

>im nazi , im racist ,i hate other races , muh 14/88

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Give them a list and they'll claim it's biased because all the historians are white

I'm a black gender fluid non binary pedosexual Muslim with one eye and club foot called Princess Moonbeam Kang


I remember there was this "Extreme Ghostbusters" anime show which featured a new team of a latino, a nigger, a wheelchair cripple, a woman and Egon, but they still managed to make it cool.

controversy equals free publicity hun

This is how "female intellectuals" argue on the internet. They make a claim virtue signalling, put the burden off proof on you to prove its false, then post lame unfunny memes or shit all over your sources while firing off ad hominem attacks. They never source their claims or admit they're wrong.

The funny thing is, you could bring every WW2 historian in the world to "her" and they would all say that British women did not serve on the front or behind enemies lines, and "she" would go all like "REEEE! You're all lying misogynists! Show me the proof! Oh that's right, there is none because you're just making it up!

And while that happens, onions and others clap and cheer for her, saying she won the debate.

I can kinda understand the female part, even though there were only 55 female agents part of SOE out of the 13,000, but no way would they have someone male or female with a prosthetic arm in active duty