Post links to anti-white twitter comments. I'm going to retweet them if I think they are definitely racist against whites. Pic related is me.
Post links to anti-white twitter comments...
Type "White people" into the search. Every 3rd tweet would be considered racist if it said "Black people".
Heres an example.
you should snuck in a picture of Blonda in it, but then again.. some part in me would hate it to see her dragged into this.
where do you find such tweets? how do you stumble upon them if you don't follow these people? you activly hunt them?
except from our leafanon here, any other words?
Target locked
Thank you for your service.
Oh wow OP you sure are doing great work there, hey maybe getting something to trend will save the west! I bet Hitler wishes he lived in this day and age so he didn't have to do all those silly things outside.
Fuck off with your gay twitter shit and get outside. Speak to the damn people, listen to them roar, tell them you will save the white race.
"white people"
"white ppl"
"hate white"
etc etc
You have to be at least 18 to post here.
Fuck off faggot, take your nerd shit elsewhere and let the adults who aren't afraid to make changes in the world discuss things.
ah ok
i'll have a look into that
Just saw this one and retweeted it.
anyone know if the original racismdog has been confirmed jewish?
If not Jewish, then at least Zionist no doubt.
Holy shit man you retweeted it? fucking based man you are a true american hero. Imagine all those one or two people who will see that!
this faggot
Almost nobody starts out Twitter with hundreds or thousands of followers within days. Get fucked, abo fag.
Lmao at this neckbeard aussie
Hello shill, oy vey we can't have people organising in real life.
>take your nerd shit elsewhere and let the adults who aren't afraid to make changes in the world discuss things.
lad where do you think you are?
found the account owner of the 'RacismDog' account:
>height of Twatter's "political discourse" is some fag larping as a dog
>laughing at what you don't understand
Here's some context:
I know the fucking cotext.
It's still some fucking retard going "WOOF WOOF WOOF" at random tweets and and 360000 people find it hilarious for some reason.
>his two dads
Someone who knows how Twitter works should make a cringe racoon account.
>We trained our racoon to laugh at retarded bullshit, he's a good coon.
Then do the same thing these faggots are doing, but posting ha ha ha ha ha in response to cringy leftie nonsense
Well shit, I guess you BTFO'd me, so I guess I'll delete the account now.
sounds like you're on the right track
Will Jow Forums stand up to hate speech?
>It's still some fucking retard going "WOOF WOOF WOOF" at random tweets and and 360000 people find it hilarious
People do this?
Cringe material
it's more like an SJW target detector in it's application. It woofs and SJW attack.
. . .
I don't know how the account doesn't get deleted for brigading / inciting hate speech.
So I made this one to cover the area of racism that the faggots behind 'RacismDog' avoid.
If there is any chance you are really one of """two dads"""...
Please do.
And people say WE make the worst posts? Lmao
I have the 'Racism__Dog' account. I have no affiliation for the anti-white 'RacismDog' account.
This is unironically a shitlib getting angry at facts.
hulk hogans cuck stepson
Well shit, I guess I've been reading this thread with my ass. Sorry about that.
But on the serious note, just "doing the same thing with a different targets" won't take you far, mate. You've got to add your own twist to it.
He’s also Jewish
Imagine my surprise
He’s still going
He got me banned from twitter
The idea was to nearly copy the original. I've already caused confusion among the normies when replying on anti-white posts.
Ok, fair enough.
But if you are taking criticism, drop that Translation shit. Just stick to barks and woofs.
>drop that Translation shit
Because the original only woofs.
Also, it's not as effective overall if you try and reason with them. Just woof at them and if they use "can't be raysiss against whitey" card, woof again.
>and if they use "can't be raysiss against whitey" card, woof again.
always do m8ey
Also, because of this.
Can't ask to SHUT IT DOWN if the only thing you do is woof and bork, right?
Wew. Found the aboriginal.
I thought MillMat was behind this account?
When you’re shilling, try not to be so obvious. There’s strength in subtlety.
>Fuck off with your gay twitter shit and get outside. Speak to the damn people, listen to them roar, tell them you will save the white race.
that would be nice
OP if you're reading, although this post is useful it's better to focus on Verified users.
Also don't make it completely about anti-white, it's hard to call you a hypocrite if you call out both sides
It also would be kekworthy to make an account like this for Jewish "fellow white people" posters.
paki knows whats up
Any other caucasophobes to detect?