"We need to stop having children for the good of the Earth...

>"We need to stop having children for the good of the Earth. Overpopulation will kill us all if we keep having many children. Think about the CARBON FOOTPRINT; children are extremely polluting. Why even have children anyway, they are expensive and take lots of money to raise; how are you gonna buy the new IPhone? Having children is also sexist because you are stopping her from pursuing life goals."
literally 2 minutes later...
>"European countries have an aging population and a job shortage for low skill labor. We need those [uneducated, unskilled and barbaric] immigrants to fill in for our dying population. Who cares that these migrants have 6+ kids per family, you should poke your nose in other peoples' business."

Why are people STILL denying that they are trying to ethnically replace Whites in European countries (aka 'White Genocide' but I don't like using that word)?

Attached: showing true colors.png (831x463, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>life site
sounds like a pro life shill website to me. their opinion has never ever mattered

White people have chosen voluntary extinction, live with it.

Attached: Worldpopulation.gif (684x784, 612K)

Agreed, who gives a fuck what a literal who website thinks. Saged.

what is the penalty for these crimes?

Attached: genocide is many things.jpg (600x450, 60K)

Read the actual post you dimwit.
I just picked the most appropriate image from my folder

>'curl up and surrender goy'

Depopulation is a Jewish trick that many people, national socialists included, are falling for. 9 billion humans can fit in the state of Texas alone. There is plenty of room for everybody. Chemtrails, flouride, and plastics are harming the environment, having children isn't.

That rising Africa bar is enough to give me depression

4000 years of civilization only to be drowned in nigger because some hippies thought lacing their antibiotics with birth control is unethical

I agree that overpopulation is a problem - just not in the west (or far East for that matter).
Overpopulation is happening in Africa and India, not in Europe or America

>lacing their antibiotics with birth control is unethical
Nice plan lmao

No worries, the world will realize before long, that they will stop sending aid to Africa, stop migration, and just let Africa starve back to its natural state.

>africa's burgeoning, youthful and increasingly sophisticated population

Attached: c48e89110adf1cc00436cd17c192fdbf.jpg (510x309, 17K)

Its propaganda, Justin.
It is there to demoralize and make us hopeless. There is little truth to it.

You don't need to lace anything, african genes come with a severe deficiency in impulse control and long term thinking, the vast majority of Africans would gladly take a drug that makes them permanently infertile in exchange for a two days old cold leftover of french fries

Pure coincidence, OP.

>the majority of people are cognizant enough to be capable of willfully choosing anything

Attached: 1524548729177.jpg (960x960, 179K)

>increasingly sophisticated population
>75 IQ

>That's a good thing
For fucks sake do they do this on purpose

Nothing stops the Africans from unprotected sex, not: fee condoms, AIDS/ diseases, high child mortality, starvation, war zones, lack of clean drinking water, lack of proper housing education, health care, NOTHING WILL STOP THEM FROM RAW FUCKING! NOTHING!

>they won't all starve to death when white people are gone

good thing all the extreme conservatives are christians

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Rope and drop

The worst part is how the Oceania bar doesn't drop to zero

Attached: aussie-shitposters-irl_o_7207345.jpg (640x640, 158K)

>*White people* have chosen voluntary extinction, live with it.

They got to stop stoning people to death in order to compete. No more mob violence. They haven't even completed step number one. So they are screwed basically.


Article discusses future migrant flows from africa to Europe

Someone photoshop a picture of a globe where wojak is. Looks like the world is going to be BLACKED. This totally sneaked up on us. I thought the Asians were the ones doing the breeding.

Attached: 9ec.png (350x350, 41K)

''sneaked up''
Public knowledge and UN has already investigated how to replace Europe's population with Africans to keep populations at a stable level.

Attached: Europe1.jpg (1024x768, 451K)

>ethnically replace Whites in European countries (aka 'White Genocide' but I don't like using that word)?

I prefer the great replacement,

>I don't like using that word

I firmly believe our problems can be solved if we could engineer a venereal disease that causes sterilization

>making your OP image more interesting than your post
Classic newfag mistake

>niggers feeding themselves after whites die off
I found a flaw in your cunning plan, Herschel.

overpopulation is a problem in England. It is one of the most densely populated places on earth. I feel suffocated by the amount of people around me. It doesn't help that they are all brown people

Probably because people who believe in the mainstream narrative will instantly stop listening to you if you use it. I know it's stupid, but if we want to convince more people we sometimes have to play their games and be careful with our language.

the left has been winning by being hysterical and unapologetic
maybe it's time sane people start shaming leftists and telling them that they support genocide is pretty good imho

The solution is easy, only the will is missing.

Yeah, I agree that we shouldn't back down on our opinions, but how are we supposed to redpill the people in the middle this way? It may seem otherwise by being here on Jow Forums, but sadly we're still in the minority, and people who are on the fence are much more likely to side on the side of the left if they hear words they've been conditioned to find reprehensible like "white genocide".

A few stupid niggers almost killed Hertz IV in Germany, a few billion niggers will literally explode the earth.

no, thats not a good thing, ill tell you why.

it means:

true but we should stop pretending they have the moral high ground
because we're implicitly giving it up by capitulating to their idea of "acceptable speech"

That's retarded and based on flawed models. The Africans can't feed themselves now, so their population can't grow without bound, they're not bacteria on Petrie dish with unlimited food. And they can't live and their population can't grow when there's no whites giving them food, water and vaccines

>That's a good thing
And it's beautiful. Here's why:

White people stop feeding Africa, sending aid or allowing them into Europe

That population crashes to nothing again

When ebola attacks, everything will be alright

it's really unsettling how all these retarded articles titles sound the same
why do they have to always use the same words?? it's freaking me out

>It doesn't help that they are all brown people
You answered yourself. The politicians are importing them en masse to the UK to replace the ageing population.

homogenization of thought

World war nigger

I would have had no problem with Africa's growing population as long as Africans didn't invade my lebensraum and didn't destroy nature. Too bad they do both of those things.

Because, for most people, genocide is the deliberate mass killings of an ethnic or religious group (ie the holocaust)
By calling it something else, it avoids having to explain that Genocide is more than mass killings which in turn avoids confusion, misunderstandings and making yourself look stupid by saying 'white genocide!' without any death camps to be found.


They are basically saying that it is ok to have own country, identity, heritage.. Unless you are white!

And if you are against this, they call you white supremacist. When you google that, you get these pictures. You see?

Attached: white supremacistt.jpg (348x145, 10K)

And what will happen to migration when theres famine and war in Africa?

Attached: nwo.png (1800x1668, 1.95M)

but it's so fucking transparent, do they really think we're that dumb?
genocide is when a people is deliberately made extinct so all we have to prove is that it's deliberate

Niggers manage to ruin everything

Im already working on opening people's eyes to the truth about foreign aid.
I obviously dont say "kill nigs lmoa", but there is many other reasons which normies WILL understand and may even side with you, like the fact that it creates dependency on our money which means they stop working or that the warlords and corrupt governments take the money anyway.
You would be surprised on how many normalshits are sympathetic with our opinions. we just need to really play our cards right and phrase our opinions in a well, easy-to-digest way.

But most importantly - do not go full 1488. I know I'm going to get called a 'JIDF shill' for this but seriously, if you want to really get anywhere you need to keep your opinions on Hitler completely to yourself. Im not gonna go into whether he was right or not but a good 99% of anyone you could have redpilled will completely disregard anything you have said if you associate with Nazism in any way. Take my word for it because I made that mistake.

Attached: 23905319_1694979127220527_8799345329960992186_n.jpg (787x959, 113K)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz

For the most part normies are that dumb.

Pic sends a good message but it is presented in a really tinfoil way.

>so all we have to prove is that it's deliberate
Which, for normalshits, is extremely hard.
They will ignore any ((()))s so I just go with a narrative that it is just blind altruism (which works a lot because most moderate leftists are just that - blind altruists)

Fighting the good fight user. Drip-feed redpills and our ideas.

Normies are annoyed and open to a lot.

Attached: PicUnrelated.jpg (600x630, 53K)

yeah and carbon tax the goys too!

No need to worried, more people means more death, lot peeps here are unemployed and can't keep up with a living.

>Lifesite news
>conservative outlet
>it is good that niggers are outbreeding us and that we are going to devolve back into the swamps we came from because muh kike on a stick

Conservatives are literally worse than shitlibs.

>they are trying
Three of my spanish female friends going on to 30 don't want a spanish man. They don't need to do anything, its the fall of the western man.
And the only german I know moved here from Frankfurt with a shit hot filipina.

UN is begging females in Africa to take the pill, and they are slowly reaching like 0.1%. If they manage to reach 10% this takes away 1 billion new kids over 100 years. The west should stop building walls and tanks, but finance this af.
There is no culture war, when the soldiers are even not born.

Authorities make my job hard though, not helping that I live in a police state.
I've been warned about my dangerous opinions a few times when I talked publicly about Islam in my college, so for now I just stick to topics such as anti-Globalism and British Nationalism when I do public speeches. I dont like self-censorship but I cant redpill anyone if Im in prison.

>UN is begging females in Africa to take the pill

I'm an expat in the UK, where abouts do you give speeches?

Do you have any recommendations on how I can find venues / organizations looking for public speakers?

true but it's more and more obvious nowadays, you'd think they'd change tactics or something
I adapt according to who I'm trying to redpill but "Hitler did nothing wrong" is actually a good shortcut

>yeah having more cancer cells is a good thing

what will happen is millions of homeless 75 iq niggers due to unsustainable demographics explosion and climate change will try to enter europe by force and we'll have go to race war over this.

Hey look its ancient Egypt

Im on holiday now but I do some public speaking in Keele University.
Its not official but I get a turnaround of some 100-250 people on good days, most of them are from my Gov't & Politics class but some just go because they want to hear my opinions. Its quite flattering actually.

I was going to sign up to speak on Sargoy of Mossad's free speech rally but they rejected me because im not relevant enough. Other than that, I dont think there is many venues

That's in the middle of fucking nowhere isn't it.

Good on you though for attracting those crowds. My online articles do pretty damn well, I just need to get into this public speaking scene to draw some crowds there.

Got a meeting later with a platform that might be able to support me on that.

The future of humanity is not, and will never be, black, and here’s why: black populations everywhere (both in Africa as well as blacks living in white nations) depend upon the white man for their survival. Most American blacks wouldn’t be able to survive for a week if their EBT cards stopped working, and Africa is only surviving because of white generosity, both in the forms of government aid from white nations as well as private charity from (mostly) religious/Christian groups, who are nearly all white.

What’s going to happen is that there will be so few whites, and so many blacks that we’re going to reach a breaking point where we simply will not be able to afford to feed them all, and once that happens blacks will die by the billions. Who’s going to take care of them once we’re gone? Who will be as generous as the white man? You really think that the Chinese will feed them? You think Muslims are going to run charities to save the African children? Even if they wanted to they wouldn’t be able to afford it. The future of humanity will be mostly Asian, and some “light browns” (southeast Asians, Latin Americans etc) but once whites are gone, blacks will have less than 100 years before they’re gone too.

>increasingly sophisticated population
Article discarded.

>we'll have go to race war over this.
the race war is going on right now. Like user said, There cannot be no war if the soldiers aren't born.
European birthrates are devastating while Niggers multiply like insects.
Then, the politicians take those niggers and put them into Europe where they still breed like fucking insects (although a little less than in boogaland) and slowly replace the native population.

There are two reasons why they are doing this
-Making a global goyim race which is easy to control, just as YHWH said in Genesis
-Making a global human race which is easy to control, just as the power hungry UN oligarchs want to.

>That's in the middle of fucking nowhere isn't it.
Its near Stoke, and 20 minutes away from Birmingham

I'm generally either further up north or down south. Since I'm expatting I don't have a car in the UK so those events would be difficult for me to attend.

Besides, I can't do schoolnights. Need a weekend-venue.

The model is based on the assumption that everything continues as it is now. Africa's population will not explode because without outside support they die. Their best bet at survival is siding with chinks against whites, and hoping they end up as slaves instead of getting mass-murdered.

>do not go full 1488
I actually successfully have, many times

No shit. That's why they all will flee to Europe.


>Africa's population will not explode because without outside support they die.
But they have the support. And will continue to have the support because of the UN regulations


Something I never understood, this prediction relies on the west supplying aid to africa to keep their population going up.
So what happens when there isn't enough white people to keep paying taxes to send africa aid?

>4 kids

feels good

Increase taxes on white people and start austerity measures at home.

friendly reminder that 2/3rds of the "europe" and "north america" column will also be niggers

WW2 kill about 60 million people. To reverse this trend, you'll have to kill like 4000-5000 million people. More niggers will be born between 1950-2100 than ever exist in history prior. For context, in 1914, Europe was 38% of the world population, and whites were around 50% of world population. By 2100, whites will be hovering around 2-3% of world population.

You want the real answer?
War, famine, disease, death on unprecedented levels like this planet has never seen before.

If the USA went under tomorrow there would be a global collapse that would make the dark ages after the Roman empire look like a fucking joke. You'd have Russia clearing out the middle east and China sweeping African clean in a decade. Europe would get flooded or they won't, it won't matter because they are impotent peices of shit anyway and they will be steamrolled regardless, it's just a matter of who is driving the steamroller at this point.

But if you think that the Chinese or Russians give a single shit about African lives then you are fucking kidding yourself, they would make them fight gladiator style for fun and then kill the winner just so they don't have to buy food for the lions that day.

Basically, if we lose then everyone loses really, we may not survive, but we will be proven right regardless, rules of nature and all that.

I remember having to go to a feed my starving children thing as a kid, it was for church. They showed up the "starving africans" and how we had to feed them. I remember thinking even at that time how cruel it was to just endlessly feed them, since you're only causing them more death in the end since you won't be able to feed them forever. Teach them how to fish, ignore them, or sterilize them all. But giving them endless supplies of fish is just cruel when you think of long term consequences. They have all these kids, knowingly fully well they can't feed them then have some more kids anyways. Yes, taking the lowest IQ continent on earth and helping them spawn billions won't fuck over the human race at all, good lord.

you can use ww2 and the holohoax as a shortcut to redpill normies
all you need to do is to explain what really happened in a way that makes sense to them while shedding light on the jewish influence that had taken over Germany
I'll say however that people shouldn't be attempting it unless they're very well read on the topic and able to easily counter very argument they will inevitably make but it's pretty effective if you know where to start and how to spin it
it also depends on who you're talking to, obviously

to sum it up, the jews gave us an asset with their holocaust and how fake it is
so fake we have to have laws to keep people from asking questions, that alone is evidence of illegitimate jewish power
the rest just flows naturally once you get them to see that

Is 2020 the year Africans discover agriculture?

So If I'm Of German / Jew Decent But Wifelss And Childless, I'm 2 Be Thank full -And - Suck it Up , 4 The Global Community , - Yikes - A Fmr, Christian - Now - Roug - DUE 2 SKARS -&- Wounds / Inflicted - By - Pagans ....Bitches .

I know OP isn't arguing the WORLD is overpopulated but damn do I hate that argument and how it's always aimed at the west for some ridiculous reason.

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