Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT fall for this anti Muslim psy op - somali kiwi here, redpilling you on the Zionist menace. Tommy Robbinson is currently sitting in a swanky hotel somewhere laughing his ass off at all you good goys, while his talmudic masters genocide the inhabitants of Palestine and cause anti Muslim hate all around the world, do NOT fall for this psy op, do NOT send money, do NOT promote Muslim hate!
> protip: once the kikes stop causing wars in our homelands, we will go home
>somali kiwi you fuckers are everywhere, why can't you stay in your own country
Camden Sanchez
you are so stupid this is not what it is about. >only people I disagree with should go to jail for no reason you are shills fuck off
Luis James
>you are shills fuck off Who is he shilling for?
Brody Brown
if you come norway scottish man, you are never going back leftypol/leftpol obviously. nobody here gives a shit about tommy but they do
Ayden Nguyen
Jewish wars destabilized my homeland senpai
gtfo kike, you wont divide us this time
John Barnes
fuck off leftypol go suck a dick again you disgusting parasite
Lucas Reyes
>nobody here gives a shit about tommy but they do I've seen so many Tommy threads lately. What you say doesn't seem accurate. Or are they ALL leftypol as well somehow?