Italy YES!

Italy YES!

Just came back from a trip to Rome. This poster was advertised everywhere. Subways, public buildings, billboards.

What gives?

Attached: IMG_20180527_130300.jpg (620x340, 77K)

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Tourist/Main cities in a nutshell
Who cares if Italians approve tho, gib shekels and take more nignogs, cuck

>wow how can a western capital be a degenerate tourist shithole I am so shocked

literally every western capital is like that.

It's funny to see how people in Rome are even darker than people I see in the south

Yeah there really needs to be a tourist limit. I saw more foreigners than Italians when I went there last year.

I was talking about the Italians in Rome too, it's kinda funny to see how they are darker in the capital
Really proves

1% of the population is rubbing sticks or scissoring and the other 99% are supposed continually bend over backwards to applaud them for covering their dicks in poop and spreading aids.

>supposed to continually

Huh, no

So they're willingfully concentrating themself?