Mo Salah BTFO

We’ve had this Muslim shoved down our throats for months. The big day comes and General Franco’s team fucks him up lol. Communist Liverpool rekt.

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Ur future king is gonna be black though

Mohamed Salah is a fucking good player, you gotta admit that

this wuldnt 'a 'appened if we fookin went down t'mosque once in a while
fook sake not again salah we fookin need ya mate

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The butcher Ramos strikes again

good player but nothing more, he is at the same level of hazard/mertens/griezmann/douglas costa/etc...


Ramos crushes attackers for fun, he's always been one of my favourite defenders.

Sergio ''The Slayers of Moors'' Ramos

How is that guy making a gay face newsworthy? Divegrass sucks.