We’ve had this Muslim shoved down our throats for months. The big day comes and General Franco’s team fucks him up lol. Communist Liverpool rekt.
Mo Salah BTFO
Kayden Flores
Christian Wood
Ur future king is gonna be black though
Logan Nelson
Mohamed Salah is a fucking good player, you gotta admit that
Tyler Williams
this wuldnt 'a 'appened if we fookin went down t'mosque once in a while
fook sake not again salah we fookin need ya mate
Aaron Bennett
The butcher Ramos strikes again
Grayson Long
good player but nothing more, he is at the same level of hazard/mertens/griezmann/douglas costa/etc...
Mason Hughes
Camden Morgan
Ramos crushes attackers for fun, he's always been one of my favourite defenders.
Aaron Jones
Sergio ''The Slayers of Moors'' Ramos
Aiden Clark
How is that guy making a gay face newsworthy? Divegrass sucks.