What would you do if you found out that you are part-jewish?

A) I would embrace my new-found identity and join the organized jewry to reap the benefits of its privilege and wealth.

B) I would use expose the jewish NWO to the general public using my identity as a shield from accusations of anti-semitism and become a ''self-hating jew''.

C) I would do nothing. It wouldn't matter.

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Nothing, Kaspars. I'm part Jewish and it doesn't make any difference to my life.

A obviously, although I would continue shilling for my fellow Germans.

You don’t think the Jews would know you’re a goy?

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Even the SS allowed membership up to 50% Jewish Germans so long as they denounced Judaism


I am Jewish and im glad im not filthy goyim like you faggots, such a pitiful existence it would be

most people judge others on a individual basis
the answer to your question depends on the persons character

Maybe, maybe not. If you studied their texts, it would help deflect suspicion. Have a DNA test done as an extra and you're set. Besides, there are blonde, blue-eyed, redheaded, dark skin/light skin jews as well.

I would go act like a nigger in Israel for the lulz

I would gas the kikes as well as sand monkeys like an ebik boss

I am jewish and I think about killing kikes often. Hitler DID do something wrong: he wasn’t thorough in the least. Illness swept the luxurious camps in spite of him, not because of him.

This happened to me. I chose A.

This is the most cucked post I've seen here.

You are no different than a white guy saying his grandkids will be brown and smiling about it.

I would straight away move to israel and join the zionist movement. Actually thanks for the tip I will do an ancestry test. I would do anything to escape this hell.

Bad comparison.

1. Bobby Fischer was right about absolutely everything.

2. I’ve read the Tanakh and the Talmud. and understand that the Talmud is basically satanic. More importantly, the true prophets of the Tanakh predict that the jews will need to be slaughtered for what they do and continue to do. They shall be driven from every nation, and God will have nations rise up to righteously slaughter kikes for being evil demons.

3. Prophets aside, let’s get back to the Talmud. They want greater Israel, and when they get it, they will have a “messiah” who is actually the antichrist.

I cannot, in good conscience, condone the criminal activities of these disgusting creatures (who I know better than most), which have slaughtered thousands of Americans, robbed them, beat them, and continue to drain it of blood and treasure. Kikes are evil, and I refuse to stand with that. I’d rather be a righteous remnant than join the despicable scourge that is kikedom.

Most of them will die. God wills it.

Jew is not an ethnicity

B, I actually larp as jew when i argue with people i don't know.

Except that will get your children accepted in top tier universities and government jobs

Yes it is

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use my bloodright to find an israeli wife obv.

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Neanderthals to be precise

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