Why isn't she

In jail?

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why do you get paid to post?
are you that sad and poor?
Rhetorical question

Waiting till 2020 if she's against him again.

She’s already dead

It's been two years. Why is she giving speeches still.and not behind bars?

She's on her loser tour which in her mind is jail. She has to explain everywhere she goes why she is the world's biggest loser turd.

And why couldn't martin shrekli do a loser tour instead of jail?

it's like Swamp still exists or something

>It's been two years. Why is she giving speeches still.and not behind bars?

Because wild unfounded conspiracy theories don’t meet the standards of evidence for a US court of law?

It actually makes sense to keep her around if she is going to continue destroying the DNC as a public figure.

I would like to believe the reason she isnt being investigated fully yet is because Trump wants to wait until his second term.

Remember, once Trump doesnt have to worry about re-election he can start doing more extreme policies and work, especially once his popularity rises when people realize he isnt hitler

Right benghazi was just a conspiracy theory. So was having state department emails on a home server

>laws for thee not for me

>Right benghazi was just a conspiracy theory. So was having state department emails on a home server.

There were eight seperate invrstigations on Benghazi, that went on for years. She testified in front of Congress under oath for eleven hours straight. Wtf else do you want?


Answers. And we got none, faggot. Try sucking Hillary's cock some more.

The email thing is legit though. She sent and received classified info on her home server. There is zero excuse at all. She should be in prison for that.

You are rarted

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She had to give it back after she left state shes a woman again


>Answers. And we got none, faggot. Try sucking Hillary's cock some more.

There you have it... You aren’t interested in the truth. You just want her punished because you hate her. What about all the representatives, many of them Republican who voted to cut embassy security funding?

the youve got mails mcfly, mcfly.

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I love hbomb but I also wanna know if justice is still a thing in USA or if it's just something us plebs get when we go out of line

I wonder *why*...

Why was Stevens in a secret CIA base no one knew about in the middle of a fucking civil war? Why didn't they send help? Why did she have to delete 30 thousand emails? And I bet you didn't watch the hearing on how pissed off people were for the 'not' answers we got from 'her'. Go fucking die in a ditch you fucking cock monger.

>The email thing is legit though. She sent and received classified info on her home server. There is zero excuse at all. She should be in prison for that.

Yes, it is absolutely legit. The reason nothing has happened or will happen to her is because its no real secret that most of the rest if them do the same damn thing, and they don’t want to open that can of worms. Trump’s administration use encrypted messaging apps on their personal cell phones to dodge the public record.

fucking jewish mods i htatthtosniggas

Double jeopardy is why. Comey and Lynch were on (((their))) payroll and falsely acquitted her of any wrongdoing and now she can't be brought up on charges no matter what comes to light.

She will get what's coming to her, though.

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wheres the opening of crystal skulls at mcfly, mcfly.

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>Anytime trump seems to break his promises or do the kikes' bidding it can be rationalized away as 4-D chess.

Because trump isn't "in charge of the law" like her hypothetical had laid out. No one person is.

She put forth a silly scenario and he responded with a chilling outcome for her

Double jeopardy doesn't apply if she was never charged.


Show me the trial.

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>I also wanna know if justice is still a thing in USA or if it's just something us plebs get when we go out of line.

I think you already know the answer to that one...

last chance, wheres the armagedon save the day buttons at mcfly, mcfly

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hillary is an egg that just won't crack, but they're trying

>Double jeopardy
There was no trial, there is no ruling from a judge. She most certainly can be put on trial.

Something something privileges and something trap cards

>Go fucking die in a ditch you fucking cock monger.

Why are you so obsessed with cocks? Tell me about your relationship with your mother?

Because trump is a good goy

You can't drain the swamp and arrest people in two weeks, you dense burger.
Although I believe this is just slide thread anyway, so sage

Kill yourself. If you can't see why have a government account on a private server or taking bribes for political favors aren't jail worthy offenses then you are too stupid to live

>You can't drain the swamp and arrest people in two weeks, you dense burger.

It's been a year and a half since he was president, it should've been done by now.

The bitch already said she wouldn't though I wouldn't put it past her to run again
Cunt is going on a pity world tour telling people she's not over it and that she was bullied because the country is "Uneasy about Women Seeking Power". Power, not leadership.
She also wears a back brace now lel

>Kill yourself. If you can't see why have a government account on a private server or taking bribes for political favors aren't jail worthy offenses then you are too stupid to live.

I agree on the email thing, but if she goes down for it, a LOT of others, including Trump will too. As far as bribes go, I assume you’re referring to the Uranium one nonsense. Where’s the evidence? Even the circumstantial evidence is as thin as cheap toilet paper. If you bother to venture outside of the righteong propaganda machine the rest of the facts they leave out pretty much destroys their case.
As long as we’re talking about bribes though, why is Donald Trump against the advice of pretty much everyone, trying so fucking hard to save a Chinese company found guilty of selling our prohibited tech to our enemies? I’m sure it has nothing to do with the 500 million dollar chinese investment in his Indonesia project...

Because she needs to be in court first and that just has been announced.

She'll be in the court system by the time first term ends, and most likely in prison by his second one.

shes hiding in a nation with no extradition policy in the USA.
Should have nabbed her earlier on.

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She’s basically in an iron lung at this point, she can’t stand up without a body brace and has seizures constantly

>she needs to be in court first and that just has been announced.


Nah. His initial cabinet was filled with people who were there to hold him back. Now that he’s got Pompeo, Lighthizer, Bolton, etc, he’s entering full steam ahead mode

because theyre all fucking jews. all of them.

The president made her an offer. "Hilldawg, if you go and make one speech a week explaining how much of a loser you are to the American people you can stay out of jail long enough for the people to be slowly educated on what you did as so not to start a civil war"

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Honestly she can't have much longer to live, and it's kind of enough that her entire life has led to this disgrace. She will always be known as a disgusting criminal who was too incompetent to even be successful at it. Always the wife of a president who slept with other women, never the president herself. She is in jail already.

In time, coming generations will be more detached and able to look at it objectively. She will be recognized as a criminal.

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Because nearly everything Trump said about her was bullshit just to make his retarded followers feel better about themselves?

Were you under the rock for past 2 weeks? They outright announced they'll investigate everyone involved in the shitmess that wiretapped Trump illegally. It means Hillary, Obama, Mueller and others are most likely going to face criminal charges.

That was body armor. The rightwing propaganda machine has every gun toting redneck in the country so wound up with “Killary” hatred that I’m a little surprised no one has taken a shota her yet.

>I’m a little surprised no one has taken a shota her yet.
Maybe because rightwingers are mentally stable unlike leftists who ACTUALLY shot at republican congress members? Not to mention the antifa terrorists.


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OMFG I’m with her again.

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ur an idiot. double idiot. never post here again.

excuses excuses

because loser trump is a democrat and the usa is full of niggers.

because that's was a trump's tactic to win the election

i don't think he cares whether she is in jail or not

Pull the top of of a weed and it grows back in a week.

Kill the roots and it stays dead.

Why isn't the manchild trumpanzee in jail? Ah, yes, Mueller. He will be. He Will Be.

I'm even more surprised it hasn't happened to Trump, which is way more likely, given that most right-wingers wouldn't want to give lefties another reason to ban guns. Kek protect Trump.

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While you aren't as smart as you think you are, you can't be this stupid.

too many yahoodi on the Trump train, its destination is the Wailing Wall

the justice department is full of Trump appointees

this makes trump sound like a fuck up.

I mean he is a fuck up but I've never heard one of his dick suckers admit it

cause shes too powerful

Daily reminder that Trump was just LARPING.

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"sound like"

Ted Cruz has become the suckiest Trump dick sucker of them all.

>Maybe because rightwingers are mentally stable.

>mfw all the school shooters this year have been right wingers...

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Answers, answers...why don't you get that not all questions HAVE answers. Not that I have any support for that idiot.

Because it takes time to take down a cabal. You start at the bottom and squeeze. Then you work through the ranks, rinse and repeat.