Samurai Nobito is back with a response to The Cucked Man Yutas video about Nobitas BURACK people is dangerous for Japan video
Samurai Nobito is back with a response to The Cucked Man Yutas video about Nobitas BURACK people is dangerous for Japan video
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I never expected Nobita to be the based one.
Yeah, not that long ago he said he was scared to go to America because he might get shot by a Trump supporter lmfao.
yuta honestly btfo'd him, except for his equation of skin tone to race / race denialism
yeah, yuta btfo him by saying race isn't real lmao
Damn even Japs have cucked "one race, human race" retards?
yuta is a stupid and ugly KEKOLD
I like watching Yuta's videos. "Do Japanese Women Constantly Crave Gaijin Cock?" and "Here Are Three Old People Regurgitating Innocuous Globalist Opinions" were highly informative.
>Samurai Nobito
>Cucked Man Yuta
I'm watching just for that, good shit OP.
Yuta is a fucking moron. Part of his argument was "It's wrong for Nobito to generalize all blacks by the performance of a small percentage of American blacks, who are a small percentage of the global black population"
OK retard, for one thing, 1 in 3 blacks will serve time in jail at some point in their life. 60% of black children today grow up without an active father. So clearly it's not a "small percentage of American blacks" who act like this.
Secondly, American blacks (shockingly) are the wealthiest and most educated group of blacks in the world. Does this faggot really think that Africans make better travelers to Japan than American blacks? Has he ever been to fucking Kinshasa or Johannesburg? These people have no fucking place in modern society.
As soon as he said that shit I just turned off his faggy "response." It's amazing that so many people upvoted his bullshit video, it just proves how desperate people are to find any reason not to see the world the way it is.