Attached: isitreallyarock.jpg (700x563, 65K)

It's not a rock, it's a stone faggit.

Looks more like a slab then a rock

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That stone looks jewish

Its a gem you bigot.

might be bread, i dunno, just asking questions

that looks like the driest fucking hashies i've ever seen.

0/10 would not smoke

Attached: 1402005804828.gif (320x240, 1.98M)

Finally, something we can agree on


fake and gay, I avoid arguments. Prove me wrong.

Looks more like compressed sand to me

Rock races are social constructs, also rock privilege

Fuck rocks.

Thats a stone idiot

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No. Its -half a stone, fuck you.

Fuck you

looks more like a slab to me.

That's a piece of concrete.

Looked like a slice of bread from the thumbnail.

I heard from a very reliable source that you can't in fact stop the rock, is this true?

ugly fucking rock

thats not a stone thats a rock

it's stale bread faggots!

Im sorry sweaty metamorphic rocks arent real rocks

>scissorfags being this butthurt
Nah, fuck you.

nice redd*t containment thread OP.

Half a stone is still a stone, twat

That's not a rock you retards, it's a load of bread

it is a dead bread

Looks like dried mud or a turd, hardly a rock

It’s clearly granite and should be labeled as such.
You can’t just call everything a rock the way you can’t call all races human.

this proves nothing

Sure does

>stale loaves of bread are rocks
day of the rake when?


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Did you just assume its identity? You fucking Steinphobe


It's the sphinx's missing jew nose.

Attached: a1a.png (600x450, 332K)

It's a half a stone faggot OP.

it's moldy bread OP is a faggot

Meh throw a Boveda 62 and that brick into a jar. Seal it. Pull it back out in a week.
Works well enough. Not the best option (good hash) but it'll do in said situation.

That rock's been cut already. I won't settle for a rock that's already had someone else's chisel in it.

dumb thread, you should have just posted the rock with a few facts about it, 50 replies later and you've got a evolution vs creationism flame war between christcucks and athiestchads.

Attached: 1509147294912.jpg (799x588, 182K)

That's not a rock, that's a loaf of rye bread

That is a picture

Why are you posting the original one, you dumb fucking goy?! DELET

fucking australian shitposters

As a transstonist, I must say that concrete (especially when reinforced with iron rebar) will exceed the inferior stone structure in every way. Dont resist change , achieve immortality by embracing a poured future!

Attached: 81zZeWoed8L._SL1500_.jpg (1500x864, 223K)

>Here is a rock
I just see a faggot extermination device.

>People are dumb enough to reply to this kind of post


Is this the original?

It might be a gem to you, but look closely - its a fucking crystal you mong.

it is fossilized negro turd

The principles that Christianity espouses are necessary for western civilization. Athiesm leads to nihilistic marerialism and hedonism which destroys culture and society.

This isn't funny guys; the civil liberties of the white race are being covertly shattered to pieces and you're literally being hoodwinked into reddit-tier onions-posting. Have any of you even sucked a titty? God, sheeple, the lot of ya'. You'd laugh all the way to the gas chamber, wouldn't you? I'm so fucking sick and tired of summerfags and their gay as shit antics. I remember a time when Jow Forums felt like a source of hope, now it's forever lost to edgy teenagers. I'm done, I'm out.

Red stars


>posting final farewell in a rock thread
glad you could be here for the summer

newspeak for shit i don't like

fucking new zealand shitposters

christkeks are israel cocksuckers.

A 40.000km^3 stone is still a stone or it's a mountain?

>ITT people who never ever have any fun

>This isn't funny guys
Should have invested in the rock market while you still had the chance, but nah - (((muh rock bubble)))! Fuck you, you deserve everything that's coming to you.

>the dane just called himself dumb


>he doesn't understand the political importance of geological nomenclature

hes right though, make sure to include a sage

I read something on /x/ outlining some pretty disturbing circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the other half of that "rock".



It was Iran, not Irock you dummy

you shouldn't talk about your people like that

I will mix my labor with this rock and make it my property
Anyone who then touches my rock without my permission is in violation of the NAP
fite me


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yeah i didn't even know skinwalkers could do that.

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Delet this

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God damnit, I meant onions not onions

>not politics
the problem is, if i report this i get a warning.
fuc kyou niggers

Compacted Sediment

Attached: A_map_showing_countries_where_public_stoning_is_judicial_or_extrajudicial_form_of_punishment.SVG.png (863x443, 95K)

There is literally nothing wrong with that rock.

"The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.""

>unable to grasp the vast geopolitical consequences of rockology
Time to let the adults talk, jimmy

yea half a rock....maybe

>it's Minerals!
Jesus Christ, Marie

Attached: cast_bb_800x600_hank-schrader.jpg (800x600, 27K)

Gee I wonder who’s behind this post

Jesus Christ they're minerals Marie.