The "Foreigner" effect?

Ok so here is a kind of interesting idea to put forwards.
Everybody seems to aknowlege some kind of "foreigner effect" that influences the dating game, where some people become intensely interested in a person if they discover they are from another country.
So here's the idea:
>people from anglo-saxon nations all move around to each others nations.
this exchange might increase the fertillity rate of anglo-saxon people.
This method is intended to satisfy peoples deeper passions for meeting someone from a mysterious land while maintaining the basic gene pool in a productive way.


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>people become intensely interested in a person if they discover they are from another country
wrong. blacks are hideous and women are not attracted to them

white males are only good for the cuck shed m8. the cat is out of the bag that white dicklets are nothing but frauds

Wut m8?

but its true. people find out some chick is latin they are all like "ooo eerrm spicy latina passion" or a french guy its all "le sexy accent romantic french luvver". its a meme which is recognisable and exploitable.
pic related for you

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Yeah, except no one wants to move to your dystopic orwellian hell hole.

niggers have been mathmatically proven time and time again to be the least desired by every race save nigrises, and even then not by that much.

then move back to america with your wife, meathead

We will call it Reeeeeconquista. It should be a meme on here for young single men to go out and colonise other countries. its what we did with the social outcasts of the previous era, and that built america.

Why The fuck would I want to move out of the USA to some European shit stain of a country

bro, you can just get a work visa for a few months or something. no pressure to stop showering or stop eating canned cheese sauce

Well people born in different enviroments are interesting, being poor and dating a rich and stuff like that, it's also a recipe for problems.

Some people have culturally and biologically implanted characteristics.

Nah, fuck that. I'll just go culturally enrich the rural southend USA, it should have the same affect.

America being an anglo country is a meme perpetuated by anglos in denial. Germans are by far the biggest ancestry group. Theres even more Irish here than anglos which is pretty embarrassing for them desu

Also this

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anglos and germans are basically the same, so it doesnt make much sense to split hairs. also your germans will have mutted with angles so you will likely be partially anglo saxon anyway.

also its not that bad. its just the media like everywhere else in the west.

yeah thats why i said anglo saxons/ r1b europeans. this way it does not alter the stock in any big way.

how about this

you stop breeding because nobody likes you?

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>whatever the hell you are is better regarded than Europeans

>Everybody seems to aknowlege some kind of "foreigner effect" that influences the dating game, where some people become intensely interested in a person if they discover they are from another country.
Doesn't work here. Foreigners have to rape to get some. This includes Americans, btw.

maybe on average, but a yank marrying a germ has to be healthier than some somalian muslim forcing her to convert?