>racemixing is bad
Racemixing is bad
Other urls found in this thread:
>black girls are ugly
>some slightly fuckable mutt justifies mixing the inferior with the superior
>thanks captain obvious
Are you the finnish guy that is pro race mixing and is an oil driller or the one that bait people and go 180 on race mixing?
>slightly fuckable
Why are you people like this?
i'm not any Jow Forumstard
but yes I'm pro race mixing
she's a cute black girl but an ugly white girl
because this is infinitely superior to those shit girls
So you are the Finnish oil driller after all
it unironically is
She is absolutely stunning in every way.
Hmm? Some slut with her tits out is your pick? Why don't you call me a kike next, white trash faggot.
>Sheboon has to be caked with makeup to be attractive
I'm not talking about racemixing as in turning into Brazil or the USA.
I'm talking about not judging mutt kids or hating interracial couples just because they are interracial.
yeah so turning into USA or Brazil.
shit my idiot ass replied to the wrong people I meant those
White girls use way more make up on average than black girls.
You people are honestly worthless brainlets.
there is just no contest
you're posting 5/10s i'm posting 10/10s
>white trash
i'm educated you cuck
fuck off shekelstein
Am i the only one who wants to kick her smug face with steelcap boots?
it is
t. mutt
All blacks in America are mixed. They have about 25% white or Jewish ancestry. The slave owners mixed with them a lot.
bet your racemixing cuck ass listens to (c)rap too
Americans are just mad that Europeans are getting red pilled on black qts too and therefore importing them pronto!
>shunned and antagonised by both races
>lack a sense of heritage or belonging
>only considered attractive because of white physical traits
>more likely to suffer from mental illness
>will never be able to give you offspring that look like you
Beastiality is wrong and your sexual perversions are not politics.
What the fuck is pro race mixing?
Are you being this retarded on purpose?
Do you mean you're not against race-mixing?
No matter the answer, you're a fucking retard either way.
Yes it is and your point is?
Is that monkey wandering around without a leash and muzzle? It might bite a small child..
>Black women are hawt
Other countries don't have as diverse populations.
xDDd le epic everyone who posts anything i don't like is a jew meme
Smug? Your brain is rotten
Saw that pic on Jow Forums a couple years ago I think when I was still one of you
Cool. You are so smart, I bet you read all the best literature bro I bet you've got like 10 phd's dude
Another genius here bro look at this xDDD black people are apes dude xDDD
You're attracted to fucking monkeys, you shouldn't be insulting other people, you're mentally ill.
That's correct. Thanks for reminding me. Your images prove your point very well. Those women are hideous.
I can cherrypick too
"Another genius here bro look at this xDDD black people are apes dude xDDD"
> Teenager detected
yes you are a fuckin jew what do you mean you aint, jews hate getting called jews, right? and you are jew right? you fuckin jew
Just to point out something, the features that make them attractive are 'white' features. The bone structure, the lighter tone. They are not typically found on africans.
Jow Forumstards: YOU LIVE IN A BUBBLE.
I used to also live in that bubble and as soon as I left it I realized how silly and cringy I was. Leave Jow Forums and other racist sites for a few weeks and see how your life improves. You honestly don't need this kind of bullshit in your lives.
Fucking disgusting whore
yeah bro totally
Nappy as shit
>Just to point out something, the features that make them attractive are 'white' features. The bone structure, the lighter tone. They are not typically found on africans.
You mean facial symmetry
how could I life inmprove when I start to believe every shit the mass media says like every other fuckin normie, you jew? huh? mass media doesnt stop saying how racemixing is good and shieet cuz you pay them to do it, right jew? fuck you shekelstein
>sage this shit thread
All the women posted so far are 6/10 at best
Just popped into this thread to say you have absolutely shit taste in white women. It's pretty obvious that once you see a chick with fat tits you instantly lose all mental faculty. Quite literally baby-tier taste.
That rat nest hair is far from stunning.
She is a solid 6 with tits
>Posts pimple covered, landwhale, "gamergurl"
>im posting 10/10s
damn, she is a cute.
>if you aren't a cumskin, you're a monkey
Hmm? Who told you to believe mass media? I'm not telling you to believe what Professor Steinberg says, I'm telling you to take a break from all this hate and see what happens. Try to laugh at all this, make fun of yourself. Relax.
larping as a jew this hard
aww man god damn all the shekel hungry fags are in this thread shilling their asses off for some more shekels
Worlds most beautiful Abos!
>implying you wouldn't
This is Jow Forums
The majority of you are as dumb as the niggers you hate so much.
fuck off with your jew ass out of here
I wont stop hate niggers.
this guy actually gets it
Posts a few good looking black girls with coincidentally very white features. Ignores the fact that most black women are either fat and/or butt ugly.
Who are you going to believe? Some cucked Finn who only knows blacks from TVor someone who has no choice but to live with this filth.
Shhhh don't let the dumbasses know.
More pussy for us based fin.
because I aitn selfhating and white guilted faggot like you all shilling here
damn you for real try to prove a point showing what (((((((scientists))))))) say
I've seen this stupid mutt all over Instagram, they are shilling her as if racemixing is beautiful
probably some subversive Jew account
too much make up
i'm actually a mutt. i can do what i want.
i mostly just come here for /sg/
I agree I want a qt asian girl to make many babies with.
too bleached hair
I'm not telling you to stop, I'm asking you to take a break.
I just want these brainlets to stop shitting up all the other boards
Ah yes science is only good when it suits our narrative
People, please. I'm not telling you to stop hating niggers, I'm not telling you to stop hating kikes, I'm asking you to take a break for a few weeks. I'm asking you to not be so serious, learn to laugh at yourselves.
I'm trying to help you because I used to be like you.
>What is your opinion on this? Are you racist, homophobic, conservative or against them?
Oy vey, goy! Better not think outside our carefully constructed kafkabox or else you're a rural retard!
the absolute state of Jow Forums
mutts coming here shilling too until they dont get exposed
As if any male on this board wouldn't fuck at least one of the mixed chicks if they had the chance in real life.
She is really cute,but a diamond in the rough,is not worth the complete annihilation of a race,what you are suggesting is absolute insanity,i see its consequences everyday i walk on the streets,you dont know what you are asking for m8,turn back now
>take a break
who do you think is funding those (((((((scientists)))))))
>Im trying to help you because I used to be like you
no you werent like me because I never was a jew
i just told you i'm a mutt.
not even shilling, just appreciating a cute chick.
>Yeah let's have our kids grievance monger against us on a racial basis
next thread
No shit Sherlock
Slide thread, sage
Yes and your picture proves it!
Eat shit, Jose.
I know but you are dammed if you argue with them outside of Jow Forums and you are dammed if you do nothing. I'm pretty much certain that most of them are legit brainlets, shills, stormniggers, or (((Neo-Nazis))).
Also the fact that they are now mostly redditor who can't even make good arguments like the Nazis back in the old time. It's just autism folder dumping.
That wasn't my point, my point is that the majority of you are retards. Many intelligent people are racist, homophobic and conservative however they are overshadowed by the masses of retards as you can see in this thread.
I'm not suggesting to annihilate the white race. What I am suggesting is acceptance of mixed raced couples and children.
The consequences in Brazil are due to diversity mixed with racemixing. If the country is not diverse, miscegenation is not a problem. As for diverse countries like in the Americas, they are already lost. Good riddance.
What is the harm in taking a break for a few weeks? LEAVE YOUR BUBBLE. Be brave. Did you see Varg's new video about whether he believes in the gods or not? Watch it and listen to the story he tells. Leave the cave, just for a while.
Their autism is seriously annoying. They are too stubborn to listen to reason or to open their minds even a little. If you disagree with them at all they will instantly call you a jew. They pretend to be smart but most of them haven't read a book since they were kids.
Med no mix
Med mix with moor,black,gypsies...
>open their minds even a little
You mean sub species breeding? So...will you have kids with a potato? Why not?
>When your entire argument is pretty faces and muh dik
sauce pls
assmad darkie btfo
Only betas racemix