You always read the same things from people here:

>I came to troll you guys, and now I can’t leave.
>Pol ruined my life.
>If people find out I visit pol, my life will be ruined.
>It’s illegal in my country to visit pol, but I can’t help myself.
>Pol turned me racist.
>Pol taught me about the JQ.
>I hate being red-pilled, the world is dark now.
>I used to be happy before coming to Pol.
>Pol is an echo chamber.
>Pol can influence elections.
>Pol has meme magic powers.
>Pol worships Kek.
>Pol made me hate women.
>Pol turned me gay.
>Pol told me to put up “Its Ok To Be White” posters, and now I got kicked out of my school
>Pol told me school is for suckers
>Pol tells me who to worship on YouTube
>Pol gives me the news
>Pol made me love Hitler
>Pol is where the Happenings are!

Just think about it.
Pol is a fucking cult.
You’re all brainwashed, and you know deep down, you can’t leave, even if you wanted to.

How can we help people quit Pol, and inform newbies of the dangers of the Cult of Pol?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>How can we help people quit Pol,

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how did Jow Forums turn you gay?

Jow Forums turned me into a penguin

I cant stop

Pol is a place where people speak their mind without shame, it will always have its value for that.
I still come here and ctrl + f for Christ threads because just once in a while, maybe once every 2 months, there's a quality Christian thread with meaningful discussion. The rest of pol, like the rest of the world, is just banting about pointless junk.

Who has a better cock stare the thot or the dog?

he was a closet fag all along

How do you brainwash someone with the truth? Explain how that works.

get out newfag

>post yfw this "cult" helped get a president elected

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