Black people aren't sma-

>black people aren't sma-

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>Black Geniuses don't exi-

What happens to those bullets tho

>Shill don't exi-

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>long term planning or forethought
who cares nigga, ain't my problem no mo.

The real smart ones shoot into the ground.

Who wants to live in neighbourhood filled with niggers?

And that's why Tyrone is in jail on charges of unlawful discharge of a firearm, brandishing and about 12 others.

The Ghetto Capitalist

the niggers will calculate the trajectory before they fire, obviously

If they are lucky it will hit another nigger depending on the wind speed.

bretty funny

Kek based nig

But seriously - can those bullets hurt/kill someone when they fall to earth? Always wondered this

yes, there are numerous cases of bullets being randomly fired in the air and killing people miles away

They can and do hurt people.

I don't get it.

>niggerology: 100

It is said that 20 europeans die per year, because of bullets fired in america!

I'm fairly certain there's a Mythbusters episode dedicated to this if you're interested enough to hunt it down.

The short answer is yes though.


A bullet in freefall is moving slower than one fired from (mosts) guns. While it can still be fatal, it is much less likely to kill. Imagine dropping a coin off of a tall building. You're probably gonna do some damage but it certainly could be worse.

Basic physics and assuming more or less conservation of energy, the bullets will come down with about the same speed as they were fired (or in the ballpark thereof), so yeah.

>terminal velocity

if it's not fired straight up into the fucking air it's not in freefall though, if it's at like a 45 degree angle then it's still got plenty of speed

Pretty damned good.

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who cares nigga lmao :100: :joy: :joy:

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yeah this is main consideration. if there's any arc at all, youve still got lateral momentum. i doubt anyone who fires into the air makes sure its completely perpendicular to the ground

In the 90's I kept doing this to make my neighborhood seem cooler.

When someone speaks about firing a gun into the air, I always assume its at at least a sixty degree angle (two-thirds of the way "up"). In such a scenario, it will bleed a large amount of its horizontal momentum/velocity due to air friction. Again, reducing the lethality of the bullet, at least in comparison to one fired directly at a target.

This is a concept developed by the NAACP, not in this literal sense per say... But they tend to fight developments that raise land values and ordinances that intend to lower the overall crime of the area.

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No one would pay a lot of money for a shootout neighborhood.
So crime ridden hood. Low value hood= low rent

>assuming more or less conservation of energy, the bullets will come down with about the same speed as they were fired (or in the ballpark thereof), so yeah.
Stay in school kid
The bullets will come down at freefall speed. The speed at whch they were fired is irrelevant except to determine how high the bullet makes it before starting to fall

>implying the property value wouldn't be kept low from just being a nigger
Toppest of keks

That actually is smart.

>what is drag?

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Niggers have been learning from the Jews

Is this ment to be impressive or something? It is how it's done ffs.

If fired straight in the air they will come down slow enough that being struck would just sting a little.

If they are fired at an angle it is possible they could still have enough velocity to injure or kill someone.

checks out

>I built this

Terminal velocity of a bullet is much higher than terminal velocity of a penny. They're designed to be aerodynamic, and their terminal velocity is higher than the speed of sound. A bullet falls at only slightly lower a speed than it goes up, losing under 1% of its initial velocity throughout its trajectory.

Yes but it is entirely dependant on the angle that it is fired and what type of round it is. A round fired straight up is likely to loose all momentum and fall at free fall speed towards the earth while tumbling resulting in a far less likely chance of causing death. A bullet fired at 45° or less will still maintain a lot of original momentum resulting in a bullet that it's still way more lethal than one fired straight up.

A long slender round like a rifle bullet is less likely to tumble in either situation so it will maintain more lethality given nothing else changes.

t. Mc Donald's French fry engineer

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Gravity is an acceleration, not a velocity. The higher the bullet starts falling, the faster it will go when it returns to the same height it was fired from, again losing less than 1% of its kinetic energy to drag.

That just looks damaging. How strong are those supposed to be?

It's still rare to actually kill someone with it though. Terminal velocity and such, angle.... blah blah blah. Still extremely dumb to do

>Between the years 1985 and 1992, doctors at the King/Drew Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, treated some 118 people for random falling-bullet injuries. Thirty-eight of them died.[6]

it hopefully lands on the landlord

It’s extremely unlikely, they do that celebritory gunfire shit in Iraq, and it sounds like rain hitting the roof. It looses most of its velocity during free fall.


If the terminal velocity of a bullet was less than its velocity on leaving the muzzle of the gun, it would go flying off in a random direction until it shed its excess velocity, making it impossible to aim the bullet.

Think what happens when you try to throw a balloon. It flips, flutters, and doesn't follow any kind of particular trajectory unless you throw it very very slowly, because balloons have a terminal velocity much lower than the velocity even a child can throw them.

if you live in a shithole numerous people go inside the house at 12:00 to avoid bullets landing in their heads.

Not nearly enough desu

i do something similar. walk around on acid covered in paint every couple months doing my best scary lunatic bit. neighbors leave me alone and nobody's trying to put a froyo place across the street from me

Pretty funny tweet t b h

> 30 caliber rounds reach terminal velocities of 90 m/s (300 feet per second or 186 miles per hour)
> A bullet traveling at only 61 m/s (200 feet per second) to 100 m/s (330 feet per second) can penetrate human skin.
> Solved

>every other couple of weeks
Why doesn't he just say every month?

It's extra super illegal pretty much anywhere in the first world to fire into the air

pet peeve of mine too. i'll be reading a recipe someone wrote and they'll say "approximately 8 plum tomatoes" or some other dumb shit like that and it makes me want to shake them and scream

I shoot my gun in residential areas


>Gravity is an acceleration, not a velocity
Yes, but this isn't happening in a vacuum. There will come a point in the bullet's descent where the air resistance will balance the force of gravity, and the bullet will travel at a constant terminal speed.
>The higher the bullet starts falling, the faster it will go when it returns to the same height it was fired from
This is only true up until a certain height, as explained above. I think it's safe to assume that a bullet fired, at any speed, would reach terminal velocity on its way down, which makes the initial speed pretty irrelevant - excet for this reason

>their terminal velocity is higher than the speed of sound
That's way off. Bullets have a terminal velocity of around 100m/s. Speed of sound is around 330m/s.

>also retarded
checks out again
or just check the first 10 google links.

How can you even think that the terminal velocity is not less than the muzzle velocity? Are you shooting in a vacuum?

And your balon example is equally retarded. "A ballon has lower terminal velocity than starting (muzzle) velocity. Therefore it is exactly the opposite for bullets."

>Not shooting the landlord instead

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This guy doesn't realize he's already keeping the rent low just by living there.

Yes and no.
If it's fired directly up, it will likely lose all momentum then air resistance and wind currents will buffet it around while also reaching terminal velocity. If it hit you it would still hurt, and would still have penitrative power if it hit in a less protected area like the eyes.

Bullets fired on an angle however do not have this problem, as it will still have momentum in the direction that it is fired when it reaches the peak of it's trajectory. Thus will accelerate from that point as it returns to earth and will still be very much lethal if it hits someone.

Just imagine the Chinese army fires into the air

Well this is very reassuring for when we war with EU. Apparently you fags are retarded, too.

>basic physics
obviously not basic enough. The bullet can still kill someone though.

> penetrate human skin
A bee sting penetrates human skin, a mosquito penetrates human skin, a bb can penetrate human skin, a rock thrown hard enough can penetrate human skin, a thorn penetrates human skin. Just because something penetrates the skin doesn't necessarily equate to it being lethal.

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>How can you even think that the terminal velocity is not less than the muzzle velocity? Are you shooting in a vacuum?
Terminal velocity and muzzle velocity are not related. Terminal velocity depends on the mass of the bullet while muzzle velocity depends on the gun and bullet. Whether the bullet reaches terminal velocity on the other hand definitely does depend on the muzzle velocity.

>the bullets will come down with about the same speed as they were fired
>about the same speed
>same speed
Youre fucking stupid user


I watched that episode and I remember their answer being no. Problem I had with it though is that they shot them straight up. I bet they have more velocity upon hitting the ground if they are shot at an angle. I doubt a pistol round would kill someone that way though, maybe a rifle.

The muzzle velocity of a bullet leaving the barrel is far greater than terminal velocity the bullet will reach falling back down to the surface.

It would hurt but probably not kill you unless maybe as somebody else said it went straight through somewhere soft like your eyeball.

And who owns the property and collects the rent?

You know (((who))). The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I know. My point was, that energy is lost due to friction. Your muzzle velocity is X and you lose Y energy due to friction.

Where do you get the energy needed to have a terminal velocity of at least X? Some complex gravitational slingshot maneuver?

This is a perfect example of black people wanting to live in a ghetto atmosphere.
I've often said that from my experiences with them I believe they don't want to find a way out.
Violence is a way of life for them.
It is by choice and will claim victimhood when it suits there need.
If you gave them all a million dollars they would stay right where they are and Park their Cadillacs and Lexus' with 30 inch wheels in their front yards.

Othrr niggers

Initial speed is absolutely relevant. If the bullet doesn't have enough initial speed then it won't reach the height it needs to hit terminal velocity on the way down. Unless you're arguing the same way the user you're replying to was, in which case you made the same retarded generalization he did.

i was always wondering this too.
>Jow Forums isnt educativ-

beats living next to ghetto whites who will tie you up in their basement and do degenerate sexual things to you

at least with niggers I'll just get shot and It'll be a quick death.

Yeah they showed shooting them straight up wouldn't kill, but angling them at all will.

>they don't want to find a way out.
of course not. behaving like a responsible adult is half way to being employed.

a bullet fired straight up comes down at terminal velocity, it will likely not kill.
A bullet fired at an angle may carry enough force to kill.


Theoretically yes, as the bullet will accelerate downward at 9.8m/s/s so by the time it reaches the Earth it will be travelling hundreds of feet per second

There's a video on Youtube of some guys firing a 50 cal into the air, they actually gtfo out of there pretty fast after pulling the trigger

>trusting kikebusters on anything

It's an entertainment show. Basic physics and common sense dictate a bullet falling down towards Earth will still be lethal.

They become lodged in your children playing at parks. The bullet dindunuffin doe

The answer was closer to maybe. I remember the episode, and the terminal velocity of the bullet did not generate enough force the penetrate the skull, but it did go through the ballistic dummy's leg.

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Yes it happens all the time.

I'm pretty sure almost every single bullet fired has enough initial speed for the bullet to get high enough to reach terminal velocity when hitting the ground

thanks rabbi, but who is raising those rates who are those slum lords I wonder?

No worries at your race distracting rabbi we know who the one race is that is our enemy.

That's the generalization I was referring to. Of course almost any gun would, but he shat on the other user for making a similar generalization that a bullet in freefall would have a BALLPARK similar speed to when it was shot.