Tfw you realize white people were doomed the moment they adopted Christianity

Abandoning traditional religion to adopt a Jewish cult, abandoning our heroes to respect (((Jesus))) and (((Abraham))). Why the fuck did we do this?

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>somehow all the Christian nations in Europe are less degenerate than all the Western nations which abolished Christianity

Take of that flag JIDF agent before I slit your neck and show you some Abrahamic way of beheading the jewish rat head

fucking based

based croat, il start using that as insult against those dirty kikes

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You show em, Ante

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They were doomed once they lost WW2

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

I'm ex-Catholic

The first requirement to destroying a civilization is to have it abandon its moral standards. Fuck off you nosing faggot.

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Nice try JIDF. You want white people to believe in this Jewish cult.

He said show your flag, yid.

The historically illiterate LARPer strikes again

No. It's mainly because their comfort levels are higher.
Comfort breeds degeneracy and weakness. Eastern Europe would be just as degenerate as the West, if the living conditions were the same.

Christians are fucking stupid cucks believing in a fucking Jewish man in the sky and his Jewish son. The ultimate form of Jewish control.

The west is being destroyed because it has got the notion that to be "raycissst" is bad.

Umm.. it is bad. You don't judge a person just by the color of their skin..period.

The banking system inculcated racist ideas into the nineteenth century european popultaions because they couldn't create empires with nigger-hugging whiteys.

Around niggers never relax. Niggers have failed the character test.

yup. you're proof that niggers come in all colors

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Why did they add memeflags to this board in the first place? Was it planned all along to conceal jews and shills?


You should come live in this shithole then
We have a hell of respect for religion, traditional values and Abraham

This is literally what happened to Persia

>"Abandon Jesus, goy!"

Savage/10 based Christbro Croat. That threat conveys so much so perfectly.


Christ directly opposed the jewish cult. He was basically a goy

do you have the other pic of that chick? i know theres another

Actually I can judge a person by the colour of their skin. Even if I can’t verbally express it because of Orwellian laws I can make damn sure when a nigger or shitskin is around me they know exactly where I stand. Try and stop me
Protip: you can’t

Funny how that "moment" we were doomed took 1900 years to really "doom" us. Quit blackpilling or shilling.

I'm ex-Christian. Christianity unironically originated in the Middle East, not Europe. Very soon the majority of Christians will be Africans and South Americans. The entire system is predicated on a zero-evidence policy of blind faith, not just in the existence of your deity, but also that you know its will on how you should live your life. The deity is very clearly a simple projection of its human creators, except those creators were Arab, and Whites took the sloppy seconds. As for the amazing morality it teaches, it preaches meekness, humility, and shame. It talks frequently about "submitting to God or Jesus." This entire theme of dominance and submission seems very common in the Middle East. It encourages forming community based on religion, rather than race, and, as such, promotes proselytizing in other countries to bring other peoples into the fold. You say it's a defense against Islam? Sure, but not if they just convert; then they're welcomed. It frequently tells people to "turn the other cheek" or something about "giving a man your coat as well" if he takes something else of yours, because even if you act like a schmuck in this life, you get riches in some afterlife you have zero evidence for, but you believe in it anyway because you're definitely not a schmuck. For this same reason it frequently stigmatizes material wealth and success as an obstacle to faith, so our people get financially dominated by the more (((base))) people of the world, but it's okay because heavenly riches.

And don't give me this shit about how Christianity is the reason our countries are successful. Christianity isn't going to help the Africans or the mongrelized South Americans form great civilizations. Demographics is destiny. Romans and Greeks were Pagans and built great civilizations. Christianity on the other hand has fought science tooth and nail, killing and torturing people who speak out against the "sacred bullshit." Even today we have Christians who reject the basic science of evolution. We have succeeded IN SPITE of Christianity, and I nor my family will ever be subservient to some goatfucker's diary. We'll find a higher morality.

idiot. I'd say that you are an ex faux Christian.

It's not good to be arrogant; it's also known as hubris.

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A Jew on Christianity

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Deus vult

I just want more of pic related

"Jesus" and Abraham are fine. Paul is the problem. Christians worship Paul, Christianity = Pauls religion.

That girl would have been sent home for that outfit at the high school I attended.

No wonder you use the end-times beast's flag, apostate.

>that pic
Fucking lold

what a cutie, got anymore?

Anyone know OP's girl. is she instagram thot?

Anyway I have collected hottest bobs in last fews hours. roll.

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assblasted christnigger
go move to israel with your semitic friends

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Nice shitpost

>Abandoning traditional religion to adopt a Jewish cult, abandoning our heroes to respect (((Jesus))) and (((Abraham))). Why the fuck did we do this?
Jesus wasn't such a bad guy but this is all arab niggerness i agree

underage b8

Keep licking goatfucker feet, potato. I will never follow a doctrine that doesn't originate in Europe or that requires blind faith. In my head at least, we ethnic Europeans are better than that.