A slightly overlooke feature of the GDPR is age verification. The GDPR says an internet service has to make “reasonable efforts” to check whether a user is above 16 (or a lower age down to 13, if an EU state has lowered the age) - if a user is below the age of digital consent, parental consent is required in writing with a verification of parenthood. As the GDPR doesn’t specify what reasonable efforts means, authorities and courts will have to determine it... what is clear is that simply stating “this service is not for users 15 or younger” and asking users to verify the statement will not be sufficient - even though this is the most common solution for web services such as Facebook, whatsapp etc.
The UK is introducing porn license cards that can be purchased at newsstands to make age verification possible for the porn age verification. It stands to reason similar rules may be introduced everywhere in the EU to be used everywhere on the internet. Anonymity will gone... and with th extraterritoriality of the GDPR every large company will have to comply, from Facebook to Instagram to Whatsapp to Snapchat... and even Jow Forums.
Face it, they won, we lost, We enjoyed decades of anonymous unregulated internet... but they finally ended that. And normies love it.
There's a good goy. Making a demoralization thread here when a good proportion of bongs already know how to circumvent these pathetic measures. Lurk moar then try again
Thomas Ward
I'm willing to sacrifice a sliver of my privacy or income to see the death of the underageb& poster.
Justin Bailey
Do you have any left?
Carson Turner
First bong best bong
Hudson Rodriguez
wet those pants
Zachary Murphy
This only applies to Information Service Societies (ISS) stop stirring the pot.
Levi Bailey
Information Society Services* close 'nuff
Adrian Harris
Ryan Rogers
>what is a VPN
Logan Fisher
thank God for tor and vpn
Hunter Hughes
The government will catch up with you porn license circumventers. You’ll all have to be screened for masturbations every few days in public.
Evan Torres
What? Nope. It applies to every single processor of personal data. That is literally every single website that isn’t just static.
Lucas Flores
This is countered by the data minimization principle though.
And the strengthening of consent and rights to erasure/withdrawal.
Hunter Robinson
Ahmmm, dude, the government will require you to be age verified for a VPN. And due to the extraterritoriality of GDPR, it doesn’t help you anyway. Internet companies will either block VPNs... or implememt age verification and identity verification worldwide.
The era of Anonymous is over. The only way to stop all this shit is to march on the EU and demand the bureaucrats stop shitting on us.
No, it is not. You really want a world in which the government can track your every move on the internet?
Michael Clark
It's not going to apply to Jow Forums, Jow Forums doesn't really ask for any personal data that may be a big risk for children to provide because it doesn't target children as a market
It's really a clever and devious move. The neoliberal/leftist elite are preying on Christian desires to ban porn in order to further control speech in general.
Their main goal is to actually weed-out and arrest political dissidents.
John Jackson
Pretty incredible no one here is talking about this, lmao. Sites are blocking EU visitors and shit because it's too much of a pain in the ass to comply. So EU is cucking themselves in more ways than one as many people would rather block them out of the most valuable parts of the internet rather than waste time and money playing along with this retardation.
Chase Myers
>the UK is introducing porn license cards that can be purchased at newsstands
So what stops a person from buying all the cards and selling them anonymously over the internet?
Dominic Cook
>Their main goal is to actually weed-out and arrest political dissidents.
Im just counting the days until the tax-hunters (cops) knock on my door for all the "rayycisss" shit I've said here and on other websites. But sure, go ahead, make me build an army...
Easton Jackson
Total Wars have been fought for less. What's stopping EU gents now from taking back what belongs to them?