Can't refute. You tried to fix a headache with a lobotomy. Never seen such a hive of misogyny and casual bastardy

Can't refute. You tried to fix a headache with a lobotomy. Never seen such a hive of misogyny and casual bastardy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The more the left talks the more I begin to believe that certain people dont deserve rights



Yeah...I fucking wish

420k died to stop bill clinton?

Trump doesn't speak Japanese? What? And didn't you nuke the fuck out of that particular tyrant in the end? Silly analogy.

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All people deserve rights
Fortunately, communists aren't people

In a sense, I agree. I dont think women should have nearly the rights they do.

Can: we voted, putting our freedoms which they fought and died to preserve into action. You're using their image for political purposes because you don't like how it turned out. KYS, faggot.

do you honestly think that if the average allied ww2 soldier saw what became of the west 70 years later that he wouldnt have just fucking switched sides? fucking idiot.

This could all be solved by raising the voting age to 25.

my grandfather fought against the Nazis in ww2, but he also hated niggers and jews sooo

93% of WW2 soldiers said they would rather lose the war than have America become less white

420k of you guys died because your government betrayed you, showed you falsified informations, and forced a war upon europe
420k of them died unknowingly fighting against, freedom, fighting for their children to live in slavery, for their homenation to become nonewhite, for the criminalization of freespeech, for half of europe to get forced into socialism tyranny

>leftists unironically think that millions of white men across America and Europe died so that their grandsons could cut their dicks off and call themselves women and their granddaughters could get fucked by niggers and pop out mongrel goblin babies



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I have yet to see how Trump is like Hitler, though, beyond mass expulsions of people who shouldn't even be here to begin with.

We got to 14 million before they conquered us

they wouldn't, remember they were all clipped on the genitals before embarking over seas and the propaganda was in full force... recall they starved hundreds of thousands of german wymen and children to death post war, the rare few who agitated against it were shot or sent to the gulags. the allies knew what bed they were crawling into, and the huns bed arguably was worse

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>implying US got involved because it was good vs evil
>mfw people still believe this

how does one "talk like Hitler" anyway? i don't understand. do they mean with charisma and enthusiam or do they mean talk about stuff that people care about?

Similarities to Hitler
For starters, both rose to power with minority support. The Nazi party received just 3 percent of the vote in the 1924 parliamentary election; in the 1933 election, the party won 33 percent of the votes. At his peak, Hitler managed to muster just 39 percent. (Contrary to myth, he never won a popular election outright.)
Trump took over the Republican Party with a similar style of demagoguery and dumb luck, ultimately winning the presidency with 3 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton due to the arcane Electoral College process.Likewise, both Hitler and Trump used decrees as a tool for consolidating authoritarian powers and disorienting the opposition. Trump’s continual issuance of executive orders, starting from the first days of his presidency, has served to not only subvert the normal legislative process, but to destabilize opposition by scattering the efforts of the left. By comparison, Hitler issued more than 400 decrees against Jews over a six-year period, in a constant and brutal decimation of rights, and ultimately, lives. Trump’s recent move to try to compel the Department of Justice to seize 1.3 million IP addresses on a Trump protest site’s visitor logs is just the most recent nibble at the rights of his opposition. The department was forced to back off that request under pressure, but more efforts will follow. Both Hitler and Trump have used bullying and threats to keep government officials in line. Nazi supporters intimidated, beat, and assassinated some of their opponents. Trump is no Hitler — not yet — but he’s turned his Twitter account into an intimidation tool and managed to keep the majority of his party in line with him, even with neo-Nazis chanting “Heil Trump” in the streets.
Where Hitler manipulated weak top officials by joining the conservatives to win the majority in parliament, Trump has co-opted GOP leaders by allowing some to call the shots on their favored foreign and domestic policies.

You havent accounted for women and coloreds

Hitler was a national socialist. Trump is at best a civic nationalist Capitalist.

The left really can't meme.
You'd think that they would have enough experience making all their protest signs to at least make the formatting look neat.
You couldn't have made that pic worse if you tried. Comic sans would be an improvement

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Hitler rose to power because he literally marched to the capitol with an MP and MG wielding army intimidating other parties and politicians sending SA squads to beat up their families and friends.

how is that even remotely similar to Trump lol.

if Trump was like Hitler you wouldn't be able to shitpost on Jow Forums because you would be on your way into the camp

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Hitler was easily the greatest hero of the last 100, possibly 200 years. Rarely does a man of such caliber and grit, a veteran of trench warfare and author read by millions, exist. Comparing an average president who marries off his daughter to filthy kike to a man who single handedly prevented a second Holodomor in Germany to a guy who can't even get a wall built is insulting.

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Trumps’ Rise to Power
What were the conditions
First, Republicans systematically weakened the labor class and their unions with a relentless dismantling of many of their hard-fought rights, beginning in the 1980s during the Reagan administration. Second, the Democratic Party took labor for granted. During the Clinton administration the ill-conceived North American Free Trade Agreement was signed in 1993, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) was formed in 1995. While both garnered support as a means for more U.S. jobs, the reality was a loss of jobs or a decline in wages for many, causing hourly labor wages to decline from $40-50 to $10-15 an hour in some sectors.

Democrats continued on the same path during the Obama administration, pushing new and even more ambitious trade pacts like the Trans Pacific Partnership.The result of this decades-long assault? Millions have moved from the middle class to lower middle class and into poverty, while upper corporate executives and stockholders reap the rewards. Is it any wonder that disaffected Democrats moved away from their party? In his 2004 campaign for president, candidate Howard Dean (full disclosure: one of us privately worked for his campaign in Maryland) recognized the rising anger among the poor and lower-middle class at forces beyond their reach. Dean described his approach in 2003 by saying that he wants to be a candidate for the “guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.” The corporate media widely panned his description, and yet Dean’s remark predicted Trump’s rise in this last election. Later, Barack Obama pointed out that same group of Americans at a private campaign fundraiser in California in 2008, albeit in more disparaging terms. “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,” Obama suggested, seemingly embodying the exact sort of condescension these voters suspected top Democrats of harboring for them. Recognized but not addressed, these groups fled the Democrats who failed to acknowledge the degradation of jobs and lives for a large swath of America. Many ran right into the arms of a demagogue.


hitler rallied the unions and communists behind him. pic related is KPD (Walter Ulbricht) and NSDAP (Joseph Göbbels) together at the transport workers strike in 1932.

when did Trump rally the unions and the communists behind him. you talk crap

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>Trump used a coup to get in power
nigger you have no fucking idea what you are talking about
go be a useful idiots somewhere else

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A whole lot more than 420k people died trying to stop Stalin, retard.

Fuck' em if the 420 can't take a joke.

My great-grandfather fought in WWII and voted for Trump though.

His wife was also a Holocaust survivor (RIP Nana).

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Died fighting a brother war to save the filthy rat Jew. You’re time is up Jew.

Screw nana

Your nana was a kike?

> pol/ is nazi and retarded

wow. just wow.

>I hate white males
>excpet when they were fighting those evil nazis
>implying the soldiers knew what the war was about

Cringe as fuck
Liberals are fucking faggots

Did grams get to ride the Holocoaster?

Rarely does a man of such girth ascend, is what you meant to type. gumpists...fuck you're dumb

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just like trump did berniecrats and labor unions then turn around and betrayed them.
Hitler also courted the likes of Rohm who was a known pedofag, Trump did the same thing with his LGBTQ promise and love affair with breitbarts Milo Yiannopoulos. And just like Hitler betrayed them all.
Hitler was not as restricted in power as Trump is here in the US. There are cultural, political and legal barriers that Trump has that Hitler never had. If given the opportunity, Trump would do the same thing as Hitler.

>comparing hitler to a mouthbreathing retard with autism

>stopping a man who spoke like Trump
That was the beef with Hitler? The way he spoke?

We didn't go to war with hitler because he was racist. We were just as racist during the time period. In 1945, blacks didn't have the right to vote in the US.

Why don't you just be good, like Castro?

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He’s no Hitler you are correct, but the alternative was that spirit cooking witch. Trump could be a path to our Hitler. Perhaps mike Pence could be the one to put the shitlibs in Camps.

Who made this? A child using MS Word? What a bunch of fags. 420k of them died and they let women in the fucking workforce.

Imagine being this wrong about something

>Contrary to myth, he never won a popular election outright
What myth are you talking about, any educated person knows that's not true

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>what the war was about
people instigating wars are usually tens of thousand of miles away from the battlefield
its why every army has a chain of command
the poor fuckers in the trench usually just fight to survive, on both sides

You're mean.

Uhhh.... Duh?

No she was woke enough to realize anyone who reported for transports was going to get the da gas so she went into hiding instead.

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Youre just pushing the problem back a few years, brainlet.

stop responding to copypastas boomer retard

It's correct. WW2 allies literally fought for niggers raping their granddaughters, Jews ruling the West, Muslims fucking up their countrymen etc.
This is unironically and literally fact.

Go rape a child Muhammad

Riiiight. Unfortunately for you, Constitution still applies. Not even the gumpest trumpanzees will ever vote to suspend it since it protects them too.

Who's behind the attention seeker in chief?

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>people voted in US election
>US political system is based on elctoral college votes
>lifetime politicians ran on the left, yet did not recognize the importance of swing states and electoral votes

sounds to me that the left had it rigged, but somehow still failed

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If politicians would just openly say that they are going to rid us of the filthy kikes, the lines at the poles would be filled with more than just the busses of immigrants and niggers the kikes bus from pole site to pole site.

and his promise of tariffs made him the darling of certain unions of dying trades.
You really are an idiot if you cant see the similarities of manipulation and pandering, not to mention unhinged loss of mental faculties

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itt: they took the bait

Were they? I thought the mutilations in america (((cohencidentally))) started after the war in 50's or so.

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>waaah the electoral college isnt fair when it works against us
>waaah executive orders arent fair when they make laws we dont agree with
>waaah we dont like big government when its doing something we dont like
Funny how none of these things were a problem when obreezy had the power to attempt to change them.

Who is cutting onions here ?

>implying leftist Marxist baristas have anything in common with real white men.

source plz

Don't pretend that if the 420k knew how things would turn out they wouldn't have switched sides.

They betrayed us by spawning the boomers, fuck them.

>Trump: loves the kikes
>Hitler: gassed the kikes
Hmm... really makes your almonds activate

This. If I was alive back then fighting in the war and knew that this is the future we were fighting for, I'd have switched sides.

You're a dumbass.

I hate to break this to you, but Hitler was a war hero in WWI, (as a runner to the front line), then declared a traitor and did 5 years in prison where he wrote mein kampf. He was far from a political novice or any stranger to the ills of war. Do some research. I learned much about hitler in a class entitled 'Hitler' at UCONN. Yes there's a class all about hitler, and one day there will be one about Trump, too. Deal with it, sorry the rest of us americans didn't feel like just handing over the rest of what was left of our country.
pic related, just two months after election the CGI was shuttered, now that screams pay to play

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They didn't go to war because a man said mean words, you stupid nigger

hahaha holy fuck... Trump is hitler huh. Trump is jewish as fuck.

and i thought this was about nips bombing ships in Pearl

long before that, sadly

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I am loathe to reveal this to you, but Pootie Poot doesn't wish to help you "recover 'your' country" from self-induced insanity. I learned about Kompromat in the Order of the Arrow. They have a class about Pootie. One day there will be one about Billary as well. Deal with it, sorry the majority of us don't give a fuck what regressive backwards-ass nigging you prefer. Whitey is dying, and gum only reinforces the anti-breeding trend; responsible white souls have literally no wish en masse to breed because childlessness is one avenue to relative prosperity in gumperica.

Raising the voting age has permanent effects. Older people _always_ vote harder right for starters.

Why does the left keep using these WW2 memes and yet shit on the veterans who fought that war by making shit like Battlefield 5?

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Kill yourself niggertoucher

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Is this the best AI can do? If so, we are in better shape then previously thought.

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420k died mostly because of Pearl Harbor. FDR was the one who had a hate-boner for Hitler. Japan provided the excuse. Nice rare Boomer meme though.

sorry but you cant call someone a dictator if they dont murder and disappear their own citizens. British libtard government more dictator then trump. Tony robison imprisoned for nothing.

I like how leftists are only pro-military when it's propping up the people who fought Hitler against their will and would probably vote Trump if they were still alive

>did not recognize the importance of swing states and electoral votes
lifelong carrier politician lost against a businessman who picked politics up as a hobby a couple of months before the election
this pretty much tells you all you need to know about politics in the western world

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>tfw Jow Forums opened my eyes and turned my edgy contrarian admiration of Hitler into a genuine realization that he was the greatest man of the 20th century and the only one to stand for his people and lead a fight against the internationalist menace
der kostbarste besitz auf dieser welt aber ist das eigene volk

the sleeping giant has once again awoken, and though his tactics are informal and crude, Trump is getting the job done and exposing the career politicians and their ilk for what they really are: conscienceless, narcisistic sociopaths for whom having all the money and power in the world would still not be enough.

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