^this. so much this.
Hes right you know
Carter Garcia
Owen Taylor
Can we start stringing these faggots up lampposts now please?
Dylan Howard
>baasedbooy face
I want to exterminate his ass
Nathaniel Turner
Is he a Jew?
Caleb Sanders
Is he a jew? Really?
Ian Anderson
>White people are the most violent and dangerous people on earth
>Let's threaten them
What are they trying to achieve ?
Connor Harris
gr8 b8 m8. i rel8 str8 appreci8 nd congratul8. i r8 dis b8 an 8/8. plz no h8, i'm str8 ir8. cr8 more cant w8
Nicholas Roberts
How many countries were white folks kicked out of again?
Ethan Cruz
Gavin Price
I agree. That's why Israel should open its borders for Africa.