poltard meme: "Niggers never invented anything"

\poltard meme: "Niggers never invented anything".

Umm...ahem...where geographically has been found the earliest evidence for the use of fire as a tool by humans? Fire was the best tool to use for complete ecosystem conversion. Better than horses and wheels for certain.

Reality did not originate among the Indo-Europeans. They simply invented better languages for nuanced debate about Reality. Fire was first controlled in Africa. Can't refute.

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so niggers invented volcanoes


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I hate niggers

NO, they invented the means predictably and reliably--and SAFELY--to make fire.


You can't invent something that exists in nature

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They only needed fire to burn down their neighbors' huts when a fellow cavenigger was killed by a paleskin

fire came from the sky, nigger never invented shit al they do is use or copy, to this day even

NO, but one can invent the means predictably and reliably--and SAFELY--to make fire. And this didn't happen among Whitey.

so they followed lightning storms around because nigger dont do shit.

Fire is per-existing. You cannot invent it.


And lightnjng hiting never wet trees.

Yo negro,when to expect the wheel from you

>Fire was first controlled in Africa.
"Yay we make boom boom with our fire sticks! Can I haz welfare now? I added to human experience too!"

Sure they did. Because they had inexhaustible supplies of calories from.....??? Whitey BTFO

It was in the archives in their spaceships before the spaceship technology was stolen thus causing the spaceships to no longer exist.

Unlikely scenario is unlikely res ipsa loquitur.


kys newfag

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The niggers that made tools and fire are the ones that would later migrate to Europe and Asia and evolve into actual humans. The niggers that stayed in (subsaharan) Africa haven't done shit.

Sorry sweetie but humans originated from Europe, not shithole Africa.


They invented makeup

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butthurt nigger detected

HEHEHE.....welcome back, cunter! Reality is a harsh mistress.

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So tell me if everyone is part nigger how do people come back 100% European or Asian?

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Let me know when Africans surpass bird technology.

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I never claimed any of us is part anyone. I intoned that technologically utilitarian fire was invented in Africa. You compare apples to train tracks.

About 1.1 million years ago, not to put too fine a point on it.

>The niggers that made tools and fire are the ones that would later migrate to Europe and Asia and evolve into actual humans. The niggers that stayed in (subsaharan) Africa haven't done shit.
Americans still believe in Out Of Africa?


Next step: understanding water displacement.

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Apes can use fire, niggers didn't invent it

And you're not even going to go into the details on how they "invented" fire???

>Other groups of researchers armed with remains from Africa, Asia and Europe have also claimed that human fire control originated very early—up to 1.5 million years ago. These studies, however, rely on evidence from open-air sites where wildfires could have blazed, Berna said. And while scorched objects were found and analyzed, the deposits surrounding them were not, meaning the burning could have taken place elsewhere, he added.

You realize fire occurs naturally right?

>all people post 05 not being cancerous faggots

First the emus, now this. Seems like dinosaurs in Australia decided to take back their soil.


>But archaeologists dispute whether this was manmade or natural fire
>Further complicating Wrangham’s hypothesis is evidence that hominids may not have brought fire with them when H. erectus moved out of Africa into Europe around a million years ago. If fire was as transformative and beneficial as Wrangham said it was, you’d think our ancestors would have brought it with them when they moved to colder climes—or died out if they were unable to do so. If H. erectus didn’t bring fire mastery to Europe, who did?

Clever girl.

Oh, yeah? Then why is this piece of shit right there still desert?

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>Roebroeks and Villa think Sandgathe’s reasoning is flawed: After all, there isn’t evidence of fire at every modern human campsite, either, when you look at sites from the Upper Paleolithic period, which concluded about 10,000 years ago. “However, nobody would argue that Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherers were not habitual users of fire,” they wrote in a response to Sandgathe et al.’s criticism of their work

When did I ever refer to natural combustion? I'm talking about the systematic cultural means of making fire on demand in safe and predictable ways without running around looking for natural ones. Those are very different things. If you can't keep up with the conversation, better not try.

nobody invented fire retard

>And even if there is clear evidence of hominid fire use—a hearth at a formerly inhabited cave, for instance—it’s almost impossible to tell whether it was created by people from scratch or merely stolen from a natural fire and then transported to a hearth, where it was kept alive as long as possible. Scientists call this kind of fire use opportunistic.

Read what I'm posting you dumb nigger lover.

Out of Africa theory. Prove the inventors of fire are the current inhabitants of Africa and not the smarter people who left the dark continent.

Even if niggers did invent how to make fire, they didn't get further than that, so what's your point, mutt??

Ummm, the East African Rift system, the closing of the Tethys Sea, and a complete conversion of atmospheric and oceanic motion relative to the Sahara? Plus people burned all the trees for firewood over time? Dumbass germanigger


Moran, I never made that claim.

Reminder that nigs didn't have a bronze age. They learned iron working from direct contact with the Egyptians.

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>earliest evidence for the use of fire as a tool

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Voltaire laughs at you.

Reminder that nigs didn't have a bronze age. They learned iron working from direct contact with the Hittites. FIFY

The black Nubians learned iron working from the actual Egyptian northern Nile people.

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Absolute state of nigger pride.

They burnt everything down with da fire.

And everyone learned the predictable means of ironworking from the actual Hittites, who were the whitest badass mofos west of the Dnieper. Stop nigging and gumping.

Africa is such a good looking continent. It's sad that niggers are so damn useless.

So niggers found a way to burn shit before anyone else? yeah I can go along with that