Refugees finally redpilling themselves?

Refugees finally redpilling themselves?

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Silly. They didn't go to integrate. They went to change the west into an Islamic society.

>"We've tried to integrate more than once but to be honest they're cold and they don't even try to accept us."
When you barge into someone's home unannounced and uninvited don't expect them to welcome you at the dinner table.

> cowards fleeing from war, or (most of them) economic migrants seeking gibs in europe
> make no attempt to integrate
> cling to their shit religion
> eternal victims as ever
> massive criminal rates

wonder why people don't like them so much

It's almost like forcibly importing millions of foreigners without any actual plan was a bad idea.

There is only one way to solve the issue lets bring more immigrants in Germany.

>Broadcast by the BBC

The BBC can go fuck itself. Would love to know where this guy was staying so I can celebrate that place as "based as fuck".
Nice job pretending this is the norm, British Broadcasting Cucks, if that were the case the issue would be solving itself, would'nt it.
We had an AfD demonstration in Berlin today and there were massive pro-refugee counter-protests like there always are and a talk-show where germans quite honestly (for once) were allowed to express and discuss the problems they have been dealing with concerning refugees and now I am supposed to feel sorry for this guy deciding to leave again.

Each and every one of you can eat a dick

No shit. Why should we accept anyone who isn't of our tribe?
No one truly wants them here. Even if they are virtue signaling cunts that pretend they do.
In practise we'll always prefer our own, that's just nature.

it sort of makes sense if you have a family, obviously you don't want them to survive. But you should send them by themselves and stay and fight for your homeland. These people are pussies and deserters, why would any country want them?

*you want them to survive

Syrians had/have a decent homeland. It makes sense that they'd want to return to it.

You said it Germany, fuck those british cuckolds

>our Tribe

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They will loose houses and land if they don't go back.

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>he didn't read the soros pamphlets
Europe is overflowing with milk and honey and the European people are desperate to share their excess wealth, its too much for them to bear such luxuries alone.

you will find out that leftist virtue signalers in Britain are middle class whites who live in 90%+ white communities

it's the poor and low educated on council estates that are least racist out of necessity, because they've had to live with them for decades

Weren't their houses destroyed though? I don't think many of them will care to go back for that.
Or maybe it's an attempt to lure them back.

Even if the house is totally destroyed, the land is still here, rebuild is easy.

"Easy" is relative when proxy wars are being fought in your town.

Go to see those fucks fucking off.
Welfare leeches.

yfw the Krauts were so degenerate that they redpilled the Syrians into leaving

>implying the migrants in europe are from syria
Wew lad

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I hate the BBC too germ-bro.

He probably won't since he's already at a better country...but the thought entertains me.

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mo welfare pl0x

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he feels like an outsider...while speaking arabic

I thought Germany was paying them to leave. Syria is safe now so they can all go back.

They aren't even *smuggling themselves home*. They just want to enter and work in Turkey illegally. Which is great news, except they'll probably keep returning to Europe periodically for gibs.


this vid is just self victimization and propaganda to feel sory for them

>muh intergration is unssuccessful because muh germs ae cold vile nazis

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you know, thats ur fault and ur jewish masters

>and uninvited
A welfare state acts as a very strong invitation to leeches.
You can't exactly blame them for coming in when you're advertising free money and slutty women

>I feel like an outsider here
>There is no integration into society
It's like how I feel about my own country except I'm white and was born here.

Billions are being poured into rebuilding syria from Russia, China and Germany.
As soon as areas are liberated, the true syrians begin rebuilding. The cowards in the west could easily go back and help rebuild.
But they dont.
Because theyre cowards.

Hans, I will send you money and ammo if you go out with a bang. Please take out as many kike and kike/Islam loving politicians as you possibly can. We will send money and weapons to your location and take care of your families after you’ve help save your countries

It’s the only chance you have now at avoiding total annihilation at the hands of an Islamic takeover.

>tried to integrate on both Monday and Thursday this week
>cold asshole Germans wouldn't let me
>will try again tomorrow
>if still doesn't work I will go join Isis in SW Turkey instead
>but first I will make sure the BBC knows about this

And expunge as many male refugees and faggot refugee supporters as you possibly can. We’re at that point now. Or are you gonna be a Tommy Robinson and get thrown in the slammer

what does he even mean in your pic? did he put on a soccer jersey 3 times then cry foul?

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how did they try to integrate is also not mentioned with a single world
all I saw was a man laying on the bed, given by state, playing with his free smartphone, given by state
I wish I was there so I could punch every last one in the face before sending them off

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>"I feel like an outsider here."
Who on the god damned planet other that Angela "God Damn The Future Of Europe" Merkel did not realize god damned 3rd world vagabonds from the Middle East and Africa would not integrate?! Whoever you are you need to god damn KYS right god damn now!!!

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An "outsider" feels like an outsider

No shit, Sherlock

haha this, you can't win with these apes. they were born to fail and self-destruct and taking everything around them into the fire

>approach random dude on the street
> 'scuse me/ may I integrate
I tried it. dey racis

He's doing it wrong

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They are not refugees and non-Westerners can’t integrate into Germanic society. A nation is a biological body first and foremost

Oh no shitlibs don't really care about you and only wanted to virtue signal for some good feels and the entire rest doesn't wanzed you in the first place who would have guessed

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I feel the same way. I have lived here for 10 yrs, I am from Austria. I have adopted the German dialect generally prevailent in Germany.But even though all Germans think I, a blonde blue eyed athletic guy, am a true German, I do not feel integrated. I cannot get over the German love affair with rules... all Germans feel like robots. How could I ever be a robot?

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Listen to this

>No one truly wants them here
Despite the impending automation of the workforce in modern countries, governments want more people to tax, banks want more people to take debt

1 sole jewish syrian turned out not to have deserted..

What the heck Jow Forums? You told me I could escape to germany? Was it all a trick? I just want free housing, food, wives, entertainment allowance, travel allowance, medical care, secondary education, and a interest free loan to start a business.

Are you telling me I'll never be able to go to the land of wheat and honey?

>They are cold
Are we?

>I have adopted the German dialect generally prevailent in Germany.
There is no prevalent dialect in germany, maybe that's the reason people hate you, asshat.

>Would love to know where this guy was staying so I can celebrate that place as "based as fuck".

The film opens in Karlsruhe. It has gotten SO much better in the last 2 years. There are still way too many, but many of them are disabled, so they just cost a lot, but are not dangerous.

>bye...we'we weawy going you sure you WEAWY want us to go?

>They will loose houses and land if they don't go back.
>1 sole jewish syrian turned out not to have deserted..

>interest free loan
Moving to Germany won't magically turn you into a Jew overnight. Silly roach.

Integration is a meme.

It is this thing your TV people on ARD and ZDF speak when reading the news. They have this extreme Northern German dialect. “Tschuess” is part of it, als “Tuete” and “Heute werden wir wieder mal so richtig arbeiten.”

>only niggers can be tribal
Someone is asking to be impaled

there's a distinct yiddish dialect

Exactly this, a load of them are AFRICANS, and the fucking church helps bring them over because they are "brothers under christ"

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Habt ihr Schluchtenscheißer kein ü auf der Tastatur, oder was?

good god that flag is beautiful
what are you doing nigger?
get dat shit back

The leftists already blamed Germans and German culture for it.

No it was a (((good idea))). This was not on accident or because of lack of foresight. This was planned for decades if not longer

>truck driver jobs in germany

No, the ü is a Prussian invention.

Also, compare the homosexual German you have all adopted to the German of the past. It is as if you all are speaking Dutch...

Fuck this integration bullshit, they shouldnt get integrated. there is always a deadline of their day of leaving. If someone comes here for work they should get send back the day their contract ends. no tax money for non germans. no gibs and no money for the failed education of shitskins of any age.

HAHA... you cracy? You are being replaced and you love it. I have seen so many interracial kids in the past two days, it felt like Murrica all over again.

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>Pictures of goats in HD
>Grenade for sale
>Truck driver jobs in Germany

Germans are hard to live with and sometimes don't seem human. Go live in a Mediterrenean country, at least the weather and the people are warm there.

its the jewish endlösung of the white problem. the jews won the second world war and have exacted their revenge ever since.

"you can open borders or a welfare state but you cannot have both" - Milton Friedman

Can anyone tell me why so many foreigners are on Jow Forums? You guys were gone for awhile and now you're back

you can *have* open borders…

>be Europe
>tell europeans to not have kids
>europeans listen like good law abiding citizens
>allow mass immigration
>pay immigrants to have kids
>europeans no longer can afford to have kids
>europeans pay taxes like good law abiding citizens and do nothing
this is why everyone is laughing europe

yeah that's a weird kind of redpill right there

>germans are evul racists who think we're terrorists

i doubt that's true. but at least they're leaving


It's like how I feel about my own country except I'm white and was born here.
fucking THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

i know. its an odd feel. are there arabic/syrian/immigrant communities for them in germany? I thought there would be because you know, there's loads of them. The muslims here have no desire to leave because they have their community which they never leave.

This. We need a good blood and soul purification in the West
Half of said mongrels are spawned by the Poles and some other trash from down south.

Each race has its own mentally deficient degenerates. It’s not like you lose anything of value either. Those who have a potential to mix shall not stay on European soil.
>be USA
>subhuman nation that elected a nigger twice
>occupy Germany to this day
>force degeneracy into every single European nation

>be yank
>wake up
>eat some monsanto made shit
>drive his ass from matrix tier suburb to a nigger central for a job
>get back home

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a former 'conservative' swedish prime minister actually clearly stated that "the only way to destroy the welfare system is to overload it" clearly showing that they know exactly what they are doing.

what do you do all day if it's not a 9-5?

>be random brit ugly tea drinking bong fuck on Jow Forums
>see post about my shithole
>i get really mad like a retard faggot

Were they uninvited though?

>I feel like a foreigner in a foreign country


It gets better

>I haven't achieved anything here, not one percent

We knew that you wouldn't.

you literally live in a 30% White country ruled by some mongrels and Jews that hate the real White Americans and their guts. Hollywood produces the nastiest shit there is, your media forces the worst social ideas imaginable upon every single European state. And every nation on earth for that matter. You wonder why Britain is so shit this day? Check out what the US did in Suez in 1958

i know right isnt freedom the best, it weeds out the weak so we know who to alienate

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when was the last time you used your Second Amendmant right, daft 3/5?


It ain’t happening.

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