LiveChat with the police that arrested Tommy

The corrupt police force that arrested Tommy, making him a political prisoner for reporting on rape gangs have a livechat. Ask them why they protect pedophiles and arrest political dissidents.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Top kek

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When do we hang this traitor?

That feel when ol' Angus realizes he fought on the wrong side of the war

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This scumbag got paid for his treason with freshly drugged children.

bumping for more fun

Fellow brits, show no fear.

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Did the bongbros pussy out because of that cuntstable comment?
Come on.

He deded

I can't sceenshot for some fufk8n reason


You have to be joking right?

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He doesn't have his screenshot license idiot


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Tor isn't working for me. reeeeeee.

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What is stopping you from prt sc+ pasting into paint?

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Any bongs posting hate speech in this thread will be reported directly to the police. You've been warned :^)

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Fucking do it!

Phone posting

Oi, you better send your best.
I'm armed with a spork.

Fuck they are shutting it down pretty quickly, booted within seconds

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Nobody cares mate. VPN not required. You live in the land of the free. You can do this.

>calls others idiot
>can't even spell "loicense" correctly

No one cares fag.

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Prepare the pasta then unload it all.

>Any bongs posting hate speech in this thread will be reported directly to the police. You've been warned :^)
Americans and others in non-commie nations need not worry

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He's going to be killed in there.

Can we start sending guns to the UK?

They need a full scale civil war.

Ghost Guns, 3D printed guns, and some way to make bullets discreetly.

How can patriots around the world start arming British ppl?

Attached: TommyLiveChat3.png (577x510, 33K)

fucking rofl


Yea didn't have my screen grab on the ready unfortunately.

>stabbed to death like the bacon on the mosque guy
[Citation Needed]

Traitors get the rope. You've been warned.

What do you need?

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MI5 is so pathetic these days. Your disinformation has no power here. Even if this were true (and I highly doubt it) the symbolism over his wrongthink arrest is more important than his background you utter moron.

all americans are traitors by definition

Someone post an Ascii merchant


that's the furthest I've gotten so far, is mentioning the ADL t-shirt!

God those fucking memes were right!

The UK is completely fucked!

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Pretend to be muslim and ask if its already legal to rape girls becouse lots of brothers of faith dont get punished for that.

You're defending a corrupt police force and government that would arrest you and lock you up just for posting here you pathetic bootlicking faggot


Okay point taken, I would make that deal though.

A few jews make some shekels so british children aren't groomed and raped?

Cool dude, where do I sign?

Tommy should write mein kampf part two while he's in there.

Good suggestions lol

>The UK is completely fucked!
Fucking tell me about it!
I literally just want to neck myself

Oh I think we need to find out what this hunk of fucking meat knows.

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Right below the part where you sell your soul.

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He's essentially a centrist though so most of us wouldn't care about his dumbfuck political opinions.

Just because he dares point out that Islam is a filthy religion doesn't make him a man of the right, pro-white or even a conservative.

Was this arrest wrong? Absolutely, but don't confuse the injustice of his arrest with him actually being on our side in any meaningful way.

Swamp weed is best weed.

God am I the only one that hates the term grooming in relation to these subjects?

Make love to girl

don't just do outright rape that's obvious, talk like a fucking kebab dammit

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fukken kek m8

Oh no you didn't...

FUCK LOL literally crying

There you go


Anyone else notice they're getting really slow to respond?

Probably tracking our IP addresses.

Well, VPN bitch ass UK fucks!

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>"I'd like to see if you know of him."

Fucking kek.

>day of the pike m8
Very very nice



>I don't speak English
>Chat written in English
Kek, this will confuse them

That was a great read!

How did he end up arrested, sentenced and in prison in the space of a day? Im out of the loop so i havent followed. Did he get time to make a defence? Etc

> I don't speak english
fukken kek m8s

This is like the best medicine to my depression...
Please continue!

This one is golden mate.

Underrated post

>But I don't speak English
Clear American language and terminology. They must be confused by now.

>can you throw him in prison so my m8s can stab him for saying that?

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Very nice Schlomo

best one yet fuck me dude lmao

Someone should send one in saying that they are worried about their mate who is missing, when asked name say he is Stephen Lennon (Tommy’s real name) and you don’t know where he is and that he is possibly in police custody


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I couldn't care less honestly. I'm at a hotel with like 1000 other people in it.

Well known fact that lots of judges are pedophiles, best thing how you can win a case is just get some evidence about him. I think many pedophiles dont get sentences becouse they have lots evidence about pedophilic judges actions.


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Are you me?

cried a bit



Google translate bro lmao


Come and get me

Loving the shitposts but remember to remind them that they're traitorous pedophile protectors as well. I probably won't be able to bake the next bread so keep the ball rolling and make sure someone bakes when this one bumplimits.

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>day of the potato fungus

>My friend said only 5,999,999 Jews died in the holocaust. Please throw him in prison so he can get stabbed.

Yeah I reckon we need to find out what he's up to. I've also been thinking about applying for some clerical work in a Barrister's chambers...

>Fucking do it!
I did, but they said that they needed me to translate, so I kept saying.
After a few they just ended the chat, and I couldn't screen cap it.

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This one is good

I'm serious though

Is there any way to smuggle guns into the UK?

Oh wait, I bet Muslims are already doing that

I kinda think the UK just has to fall to wake up people in America

It's like the ultimate Sacrifice

I want to see the Queen being gang raped by rapefugees on live TV

Then put her head on a pike, like olden times

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Spit out my drink. top Kek m8

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KEK epic

2018-05-27 21:39:15 INFO: Has joined the conversation. Welcome to the West Yorkshire Police 101 Live Chat.
2018-05-27 21:39:51 GeorgeFeynmeyer: Hello?
2018-05-27 21:42:17 GeorgeFeynmeyer: Hello?
2018-05-27 21:42:18 Operator: Hello, welcome to the West Yorkshire Police 101 Live Chat, How can I help?
2018-05-27 21:43:14 GeorgeFeynmeyer: I have a question about 'breach of the peace'. Are the public court cases of child abusers allowed to be publicized? These aren't closed or secret hearings.
2018-05-27 21:43:36 GeorgeFeynmeyer: A dear friend of mine was recently imprisoned for sharing publicly available information via YouTube.
2018-05-27 21:43:46 GeorgeFeynmeyer: How can I know if my activities constitute a crime?


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Release the bantz please Ausbros. Would but I live in a 1984 police state and they will fuck me over with some shit.


Very well thought out


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