How the fuck can you spot a Jew? They are such good chameleons at hiding their Jewishness

How the fuck can you spot a Jew? They are such good chameleons at hiding their Jewishness.

>pic related is a Jew

Yael Grobglas is pic related btw.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>not blue eyes
>surprised she’s a Jew

American education ladies and gentlemen.

I want to show her my oven.

That nose

>They are such good chameleons at hiding their Jewishness
Wrong. Israelis are recognizable from a 10-meter distance (do the conversion, sorry :^)) and more. American Jews less so, but still quite manageable.

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drop a penny near them

>the nose
>the lips
>the eye shape

it's pretty obvious really

>Skin bleach
Anyone can be white user or vice versa

>Yael Grobglas

the name might be a clue

I would invade Yael's Gaza strip, if you know what I mean.

you can tell from their bone structure, and their eyes

One of them is 99% Jew, the other is 2% Jew. Guess who is who.

Attached: 1.jpg (976x549, 62K)


How can you not see it goy boy ?

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>her name's Yael
>she's a Jew

What a surprise. Did you know that your attorney, Mr. Cohen, is a Jew as well?

It's easier to spot them by their name desu. Grobglas sounds Jewish af

This, but over time you get better at spotting them by sight.

Most jewesses are hoes

The chick for sure. Looks like a desert rat anyways. Easy

That one has rat ears, a uniquely jewish trait

He is certainly ashkenazi, but if she isn't jewish as well then she's some middle eastern random

Surprisingly she is not.

Don't forget the ears.

For fucks sake
This is young Barbara Streisand level
How much of a brainwashed goyim one must be to not see this ASAP.

Attached: 1F303B99-2EB2-4D1D-9697-9A179B462F16.jpg (958x1842, 1.11M)

sleepy eyes, bushy eyebrows
kinked nose
negro like lips

ye, Iraqi if i am not mistaken. But officially she is a Jew.

you're basically describing Courteney Cox before she became hideous

Attached: pricheski-kortni-koks_2.jpg (400x550, 114K)

There are Subbotniks who are basically judaized Russians. Orthodox jews look pretty stereotypical, no chameleons at all.

>Just a quarter Jew
>still that big ass nose and nasal ridge
>obvious Jew lips even after surgery
The saddest part is that Jews have to hold up "jew" half-breeds with mostly European genes to claim that jews are attractive.

Attached: file.png (1067x1600, 3.1M)

What’s up with the recent rise in anti Jewish sediment on here?

>bigass Nose
>obvious jew name

Yeah, how could you possibly spot them? Realistically though, if you encounter them a lot you will start to pick up on subtle differences, and if you don’t meet jews then who cares anyways

You consider those negro lips? Do you even have lips?

Pic related are actual jews

Attached: israeli women.jpg (1490x990, 189K)

They aren't as proeminent as stereotypical nigger lips, but the picture makes them look unusually thin too

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not really


Attached: apu (15).jpg (657x527, 40K)

They use words like "canard", "dog whistle" and "my fellow x"

This meme is older than the crust in your underwear

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Well, you can't always. You see, people forget that jews aren't only an ethnicity, it's also a relligious group you can get converted to and mix in with through marriage.

>tfw you can always tell a jew and are just flabbergasted when you hear someone ask how to spot a jew

It's as if someone is asking how they are supposed to see the sky is blue

Attached: wut.jpg (351x329, 16K)

She isn't actually Jewish afaik.

Religion is part of ethnicity. Race is biological, ethnicity is cultural and linguistic. Just and fyi. People confuse ethnicity with race.

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Also fuck, she was hot

You need a Jewdar upgrade OP


That's why I posted it, it doesn't really help identifying kikes. Jews tend to just look "wrong", I can't find any suitable words for it. has a good picture of wrong looking jews.

>such good chameleons

pic related is 100% israeli jew

they must be using forbidden techniques to pass as human

Attached: Alona_Tal.jpg (1977x3000, 720K)

She was one of the few that surprised me when I found out she was from the tribe.

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Culture is biologically determined. I would argue even language have a biological component, as language is necessarily related with deeper cognitive process that are biologically determined. Race and ethnicity are not really independent.

Why the eye shape? That's new to me

>Culture is biologically determined.
I agree, but I would call that kind of determination "soft determination".
>Race and ethnicity are not really independent.
Culture is slightly more independent because racial aliens can conceivably blend in to various degrees. Culture is definitely an "external phenotype", while physical appearance (ie, looking Jewish) would be an intrinsic phenotype. For example, migrating from Berlin to London might change your language and politics after a few generations, but it doesn't change your phenotype. A German can pass as a Brit after a generation as migrants, because they're the same phenotype racially; a Jew has to have children with a native to blend in. It takes multiple generations, because they're a different race.

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israeli girl starter kit
Do not you see the black roots?

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> Barbra Streisand
It's what I thought too.

Another example. And an example that came to mind because of Cox is Lisa Kudrow
> Kudrow was raised in a middle-class Jewish family and had a Bat Mitzvah ceremony.[6][7] Her ancestors emigrated from Belarus, Germany, Hungary and Poland,[8] and some of them lived in the village of Ilya, in the Minsk area. Kudrow's paternal grandparents were David Kudrow (born in Mogilev, Belarus) and Gertrude Farberman (born in Ilya, Belarus).[8] Her paternal great-grandmother, Mera Mordejovich, was murdered in Ilya during the Holocaust. Her paternal grandmother immigrated to Brooklyn, where her father grew up.

Now pay attention to this part:
>Kudrow attended Portola Middle School in Tarzana, California. In 1979, at the age of 16, she underwent rhinoplasty to reduce the size of her nose

Attached: ivanka.jpg (492x311, 40K)

>only jews have dark hair


White as a race but identify as a Jew. They dont have an ounce of jew in them but whites are cuck enough to call them Jew. Losers

There are anomaly's in all data sets.

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Jewish eyes, weird body shape, had rhinoplasty. Possible jewish teeth. Also looks "off"
And keep in mind Israel loves to use ethnically Slavic girls to use in propaganda, although a lot of them have at least one jewish feature due to some jewish blood

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So MUCH better before...

Of course not, but when you see a woman who wears colored contact lenses or dyes her hair with the appearance of looking Nordic, she is probably Jewish.
Surely it depends in part on the Berbers converted to Judaism described by Saint Augustine. Even so that tincture is seen kilometers away.

Eyes, nose, long face, small chin. Something about the lips too.

Gets me hard, want to breed these trad Jew bitches with my uncircumsized goy cock and make them raise my Nazi child on daddy's shekels.

Then I will have sleeper cells all over Israel.

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Actually a nazi fetish is quite common in Israel, they had to outlaw some nazi porn comics not long after the war

>pic related is 100% israeli jew
So you think. Keep digging. Her mom wasn't born in Israel. Most of Israel hasn't been "Israeli" for more than a few generations, most are migrants with significant admixture from some other geographic region.

Aight. Duly noted.

A lot of Jews look white. Yet Jews are the enemy of the European races. It is ironic.

>Light coloured hair but originally dark underneath
>Big nose
>Odd shaped lips
>General weird/off appearance
>Jewy name
>Jewy voice
>Supports Israel/politics...

I mostly spot them from the eye shape,
i spoted a university class mate that knew he was jewish but didn't tell anyone and was discussing why jews are completely white, They have wierd medial commissures

I came

>my uncircumsized goy cock
See flag
I'm confused.
Anyway, if you do that, the child will almost certainly play in favor of the Jewish side

Came here to post this

> that wide nostrils
> that lips

>Big nose
>General weird/off appearance

This is me.
Do family tree search.
Find jew ancestor six generations back.
Decided not to pass these abominable genes on.

I look like a Jew in the face. Like a half Jew. It is not really jewish blood you are looking for but neanderthal features.

Apparently lately there are enough Jews who want to be considered white, someone comes up with why?

>he was jewish but didn't tell anyone and was discussing why jews are completely white
This "hey fellow whites" game they play is hilarious

Attached: im not white im jewish.jpg (736x701, 118K)

Jews tend to have black, curly hair, beady eyes, a down-crooked nose, and a few other features. I honestly can't put my finger on it, but after seeing a lot of them, you learn to pick them out. You can generally describe them as ugly or ratlike.

The thing is, a lot of jews are more European in DNA than anything else, but still jews in culture and mindset. Not surprisingly, these are usually the best-looking ones that end up as their poster children.

Attached: jews at CNN.jpg (983x1895, 1.78M)

>surprised a religious cult doesnt have a strongly visible phenotype

It's really not that hard. When I watched Nazi sky with my girlfriend I instantly told her the one Dr was a Jew and she was like "wtf how did you know?" When it came out. Happens quite often when I'm watching movies with people but rather rarely in rl but that might be because there are few Jews on the streets here nowadays.
Idk I guess it's just something you have in your DNA as a defense mechanism

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But after 6 generations the blood must already be quite diluted, the semitic characteristics will surely go in the next generation.
Or mediterranean characteristics.

What is Jewish teeth?

>they must be using forbidden techniques to pass as human
youre all dumb as fuck
its called gene stealing
not every "ashkenazi" jew is some racially unique kike. most of them are simply yuro converts who wanted nepotism and converted to judaism. others have been mating with yuros for so long that yuro genes are predominant. many ethnically russians that went to israel pretending to be kikes. they look white so theyre called "ashkenazi", its the blanket term for stealing yuro genes.
pic related what an actual ashkenazi kike should look like

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the bottom lip is the most distinguishing physical feature, but it's stupid to jump to conclusions without knowing genealogical details unless their surname is completely blatant

Ashkenazi jews are genetically white, if not fully at least majority. It makes them really hard to notice, nonetheless a lot of jews have the merchant look which makes it easy. Crooked nose, wavy black or brown, or curly hair, narrow face, goofy eyes. The brow is greatly sloped and the whole head has a more angled approach.

Usually the chin and jaw are not strong. Nonetheless there are mixed jews which makes them really hard to notice just by face.

This is a good example, Ethan is ashkenazi and you can see he is mostly European, while Hila is middle-eastern jewish and can be easily noticed.

lel holy shit

Actually these are good examples. With bigger pictures would be great. Jsut look at more and more faces and you will easily notice after some time. Same for African tribes or types of Asians.

He is not fully Euro though.


>yuro converts who wanted nepotism and converted to judaism.
It would be strange if people tried to convert to Judaism in the past. Unless they are very recent converts.

care to expand on that point? What I notice about jewish eyes is that they usually have a distinct brand of brown or look rat like

He looks German desu. Except the rat ears

Crooked, such as in the merchant drawing. That can be corrected to some degree, but you can still notice traces of it in someone like Natalie Portman

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This is misinformation you're spreading. Neanderthals are native to Europe, jews are not.
One of the most distinct neanderthal features is the heavy brow ridge, and you can see it the most in slavic populations these days.

Wear a cross, and ask them if they're Christians. They will recoil like vampires when responding to you.

There are way better examples than this picture.
And don't forget the jewish strategy to hijack European genes was whoring their own women, essentially weaponized wombs. The same strategy can still be seen with Israeli propaganda.

To this day they still use their daughters to gain power in government and business

Well at least in Israel the Arab Jews are creca of 60% of the total Jewish population, they will lose the characteristics over time. But in diaspora if many are losing their identity, the problem is that their semitic characteristics can expand in white populations.
>Israeli propaganda.
I realized this, they practically offer their women to white men surely to eliminate their semitic characteristics.

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