Question about IQ

So as we can see clearly the mega continent of Eurasia has the highest IQ populations. Everywhere is substantially lower. Don’t mind the Turks as they are not native to the region and are inbreed beyond belief. Now let’s move to the Middle East the Middle Easterners IQs are very low about the same as Latin America and that’s says a lot. India Pakistan Afghanistan might as well be included in the Middle East. Next we move on to Africa now this is where it gets interesting, africa is almost non human. So what’s the reason for this? Is it environmentally affected or genetically?

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In all seriousness, what is so *fucking* complicated about this? Both sides: What is so *fucking* complicated?

What if I told you IQ doesn't matter, education does. Seriously, talk to some 150 IQ genius who never went to school, you'll want to kill yourself.
Memorizing shit doesn't require you to be intelligent, but it's 1000x more important.
You can be as intelligent as you want, if no one ever teaches you math or another language, all your potential is wasted.

> building associations in your brain doesn't require you to be intelligent

Where does math and sience come from retard? It comes from intelligent people who have high IQs. They are the ones who discover these things and teach it to the world. All these advancements come from high IQ people. I don’t recall hearing about Africans contributing to science ever in history.


It's genetic, but this is importanto too:

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School does fuck all. Income and IQ correlate more than college education. It’s like joining a basketball team thinking it will make you taller, rather than realizing it’s the tall ones who exceed. Same with school: you either have what it takes from the start or you don’t

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In a world with 7'000'000'000 people you don't make discoveries, you just fucking don't. You try to understand what others did, you learn from history. And now name a genius who didn't go to school and invented something revolutionary.

> my IQ is so low I can't envision how mental abstraction works or why it's useful

And despite being granted special privileges, minorities still perform lower than whites.

>Is it environmentally affected or genetically?
>Implying genes don't adapt to their surroundings.
It's genetic BECAUSE of the environment.


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Turks ARE native to Anatolia. Thats like saying amerindians in south america aren't natives because they speak spanish now. Turks are still genetically Anatolian, thats why most of them don't have that hapa look to them like central asian turks do. Their language became extinct cause of the greeks invading, then the turks invaded and turkified them.

Somewhat more detailed map, with data sources.

Attached: Global_IQ_Scores.png (1272x800, 80K)

>Is it environmentally affected or genetically?
Entirely genetic. There are hundreds of genes which influence intelligence. The average European has 54% of them, average NE asian has 60% of them, average African has 38% of them.

Sexual selection has a lot to do with it. African societies are heavily polygamist, which has caused the survival rate of men to drop and those with the biggest capacity for violence to survive. Over time this has had very real effects on IQ. Look at everyplace that has low IQ and is violent, they tend to be polygamist. Doesn't matter at this point though. It would take another 50,000 years to correct.

Hey du Niggerschwanzlutscher.

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Dr Nog

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>Coco Chanel
Nice science for sure, are you fucking retarded Manfred?

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Turks are not native to Anatolia, you fucking retard. The Byzantine Empire was overrun by Ottoman arabs ... what do you think they did?
Same with Greece ......
Alexander the Great was blonde just like Achilles .... now look at them, they look like your local kebab seller.

It is like fucking saying that the ottoman tatars are native to Crimea ..... they are not, they are invasive.

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My guess is your a roach. Turks are not native lol are you stupid? Turks are a very mixed people Arabs Central Asians Africans Caucasians and Greeks. I wouldn’t call that native dumbass.

The mongol Turks are not Anatolian you dumb fuck. Anatolian is an extinct people lol Turks are a mixed breed of mongols Arabs and god knows what else. The natives of the region live in the caucuses and Greece.

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Read again what I wrote, you CIA nigger faggot.

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the only map that matters

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Oops wrong person I meant to reply to the roach

>the mega continent of Eurasia has the highest IQ populations
Is that how you spin the fact that the East Asians have the highest IQ populations in the world?

So you are telling us that race mixing is totally ok just like the white genocide?
Are you fucking retarded, Hans?

You don't need a college degree to be successful.
But a nigger needs at least a college degree to be even able to follow simple instructions.

This were the last few seconds I wasted on you far left extremist jew boot licker.


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