Should tech companies hire less autismal virgin neckbeards who don't watch Game of Thrones and make women uncomfortable?

Should tech companies hire less autismal virgin neckbeards who don't watch Game of Thrones and make women uncomfortable?

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I can confirm that IT people in Ireland are fucking autismal retards. And we already know that tech competent indians are massive weirdos.

Where the hell would autismos work if SJWs pushed them out of the IT industry?

show bobs and vagin

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Nowhere, they should just die, to make room for us oppressed grrrrlllls.

>And we already know that tech competent indians are massive weirdos.
Tech competent indian is an oxymoron. These guys have no fucking idea what they're doing. Also the entire Indian race are massive weirdos.

IT autist here, I am utterly sad now ;__; IT is our last shelter, but normies are beginning to flock...

Hiring wammen instead of spergs in IT? Might as well burn money

Elizabeth the witch is tired of social outcasts?

What the fuck happened to liberals? Fuck... During the sixties and seventies the liberal counterculture thrived on supposedly being open to those on the out. The opposition would make fun of them for this, but as a rule, though old timers were disgusted by their behaviors, they would feed and help those outcasts in need and show Christian compassion.

The so-called oppressive Christians were more compassionate than these tranny freaks. They took advantage of this compassion and over two generations overturned our society. Now they are in charge their oppression and disdain for outcasts is ten times worse

that is a truly impressive level of delusion. the white incel demographic is basically the backbone of silicon valley

They are hired for their skills in tech, not for their ability to "party on the weekends", wtf is she talking about.

When a diversity hire tries to voice her disdain for people who fix her constant fuckups

>Elizabeth the witch is tired of social outcasts?

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she was hired to fill the "vaginal percentage" slot and thus only care about their ability to "party on the weekends" aka she is useless and hate that other people are actually good at their jobs.

You're the first post in the thread you fucking retard

Well, but he is not wrong.

lol yea djikstra was mainly focused on *partying* and *getting laid* im sure the books and the algorithms were just an afterthought

The IT guys at my office are all stoners, walked into their office the other day and it reeked of weed. trying to figure out how to convince them to smoke me out.

also lol at comparing to China which is full of literal ant people who act like robots. does she think chinese tech companies are full of blacks and women lmao

The fucking disdian she has for these people... If you fire these autismos not only your company is gonna go down in flames, you'll also deprive the disenfranchised robots of the only thing they can do in life successfully. And then roasties wonder why these people decide to shoot up schools

What the fuck os this world? Just fuck off and let people do their jobs

>get rid of people who built thing to see it
oh it'll boom allright

>get rid of them and see the industry boom

the IT industry? what?

Most of the creepy kiss tech virgins she's talking about are probably massive liberal faggots which makes this all even funnier.

lol. None of those people were normal you fat cunt.
Especially dijkstra.

>china is gaining ground
since shes a women I'm pretty sure she never bothered to check out the reasons why

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brilliant until it sinks in that the only reason these women would ever interact with them is because they are getting paid ridiculous wages

>And you are seeing the backfire already. China is gaining ground.

someone's got to meet this bitch with average Chinaman or at least ask Asian girls how are their man like.
But yes it explains why China is gaining ground, europe is not though

Is it actually that bad now?
My dad was in tech (mostly R&D petro sector) and started working with computers in the 60's and his department was full of normal people who had families ect, they actually threw a lot of events and had sports teams ect.
His entire department was literally full of people so nerdy that they missed out on the crazy parts of the 60's because they were too interested in math.
But they were not neckbeards, they were not outcasts or anything of the sort. Their baseball games ect had stands full of wives and kids.

She perhaps just starts to feel the heat of 'job automation'. She wants to join in or stop it or whatever. A lot of jobs can be automated. An interesting example is a psychologist. Most of their work is protocolised and can be done over the internet. A lot of women are working in that field, mostly as therapist. Their job can suddenly starts to disappear. .

Also, how exactly do you expect me to lose my virginity if women aren't interested in me?
You expect me to change? Fuck that.
I'd rather die a virgin than change myself to please some slut.

Waitresses, secretaries, baristas and other shit jobs that they do can also be automated relatively easily

I bet the Chinese Chads end up fucking them.

Oh they had weirdos then as now, but not nearly as many, and also there is a definite violent distain for weirdos and outcasts now that was not nearly as bad back then.

These progressives like in OP pic are the same ones who constantly look backwards as a black man comes near them on a sidewalk, and lock their doors in their gated communities. They are the nimbys, the dogooders that want to save the world, yet hate their own neighbor.

>But they were not neckbeards, they were not outcasts or anything of the sort.

back in a times when not all woman went for easy sex with badboys instead of being responsible

>the only reason these women would ever interact with them is because they are getting paid ridiculous wages
how is this different from how women usually are?
nursing school is bascially a how to meet doctors dating sheme

Most of the people on our office have families with more than two kids. Most are right leaning. Almost all are men.
So no, it is not that horrible.

because in the wild they at least make some sort of attempt to hide it

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pretty sure most of these guys don't care as long they get to talk to a girl

This is a corporate environment, not a startup env btw.


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so what was the reply to this?

If this doesn't red pill the guy on how much disdain liberal women have for people like him, nothing will

Fuck me. Progressives and their dumb buzzwords and terms.

Nothing will.

only contrarian hipsters hate got

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I used to be an egalitarian until I had the misfortune of working with women
and I used to think that it was unfortunate that Japanese companies didn't allow women to work as professionals in most fields and only hired them as office ladies.
But now I'm grateful for this situation and I wish my company would fire the rest of the female workers. There are literally two competent females at my company out of hundreds and hundreds of employees

One of these women will marry him at 35 after she rode a thousand dicks, then divorce rape his ass once he knocks her up

>Complain about incels in tech companies
>Only hire poojeets

What did they mean by this?

Okay, I don't feel sorry anymore

Never seen GOT but saw the outer limits episode written by Martin and it was fucking edgy bullshit, no desire to see anything else by the man

The show has sucked since season 5
The books are pretty great though

oh boy another slide thread

>The books are pretty great though
grrm is a hack

and even worse- a slow writing hack

>be too socially inept
>have too little sex
>get outcast from society and left to die

I dont even get angry at mass shooters anymore. A vast majority of these people deserve the Virgin's bullet.

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Arent your mass schooters activated mkultra victims?

>Instead of "creepy" unattractive white guys who mostly just keep their heads down and do their job, her office gets filled with poos who can't even program fizz/bang and are constantly asking her to show bob and vagene.
It's almost enough to make me hope this lady gets her wish

plenty of better fantasy authors out there

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it literally is. Communism is about uniting all of humanity, in order to control the means of production. dividing your comrades and shaming them, on arguably classist, (ridiculing them for not spending money on meaningless hedonistic pleasure that fuels capitalism), and racist terms (overtly downgrading someone because of their race), is the opposite of the goals of communism.

I'm sure it was idpol neoliberal toxicity. The only place for real left wing discussion are universities, and double chan /leftypol/

>real left wing discussion
aka this time it will work?

Communism is gay

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Retarded larping post from someone who has never been to Europe or China.

>t. Karlie Kloss
>HTML is koding
Women need some serious correcting.

Don't worry. Big corporate is the only place these cunts can get in. Their mere presence is cancer to clean, functioning, reusable code. This will only create more opportunities for autists in the small business world, where cunts and shitskins need not apply.

Where was this posted where it managed to get 106 points?

Just ask.


Neckbeards must reconquer the tech sector. All marketers and advertisers must be slayed. The halls of google must reek of cum once more.

Shaming and bullying is why these males end up like that. In the past if you were interested in "nerdy" stuff that didnt mean anything, you were another person.

Kids these days are seen as creepy if they dont drink and party and it all comes down to shaming from women.

If you want a programming project done right, you hire an incel.

If you want water cooler conversations and buzzfeed articles and bagels and maternity leave, hire women.

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I bet she is so salty at them cuz she only get hired cuz a women but actually sucks at job so this is her vent cuz she knows she will get laid off.

Ceos dont give a fuck, you can come in slippers,you can not shower, you can do anything but as long as you produce good code you are awarded with heavy $$

Yes. Displaces them even further.

no, he's not wrong, it's almost like these shill posts aren't hard to spot.

>[Dijkstra had] a remarkably modest lifestyle, to the point of being spartan. His and his wife's house in Nuenen was simple, small and unassuming. He did not own a TV, a VCR or a mobile telephone, and did not go to the movies. In contrast, he played the piano well and, while in Austin, liked to go to concerts. An enthusiastic listener of classical music, Dijkstra's favorite composer was Mozart.
'sides, I don't think the man would approve of her career choice:

I get made fun of at work for being a virgin almost daily, and can't complain to my manager because he's in on the joke. The worst part is that I never even told them I was a virgin, they literally just guessed based on my looks.

And they were absolutely correct on their assumption.

>party on the weekends
>if we fire all the stem graduates then women will flock towards the companies

Where do dumb bitches like this come from anyway?

>30 pages
>I can't even get past the first

Literally what the fuck is this, it's just her talking about dumb bullshit.

>more people who will be able to tell them they suck
Wow, working with women sounds great!

Quota hires. She is most likely posting that during work as well while the team she is on finishes up the project

Nerds definitely got bullied in the past, the difference was that it was expected the bookworm would probably excel in the world of desk jobs and tech. Nowadays shitskins and sluts look at the success of nerds and demand that they should be given all that success without being able to actually do the work themselves.

It's by Dijkstra, not the lady in the OP
I'm a computer science student and I feel like there's a lot going over my head reading this

>you think all these minds were incels
>no they got laid
Uh not an incel but Isaac Newton much? Nikoli Tesla much?

there are women out there demanding 60K+ wages for coding HTML, no I´m not joking.

they want to invade every space created by men and shit on it just because.


>Should tech companies hire less autismal virgin neckbeards who don't watch Game of Thrones and make women uncomfortable?
Name one tech company that has achieved success *without* unfuckable autistic virgins
protip: you can't. (((Diversity))) inevitably leads to disaster.

Facebook. Zuckerberg was getting laid long before he got rich and the others who started that company were basically frat boys. The napster guy was literally Chad.

they are full of women. unlike caucasoids and negroids, east asians and amerindians (and also australoids, who they are closely related to) have relatively little difference in intelligence between males and females

>China doesn't have autistic neckbeards with poor hygiene

China is a NATION of autistic neckbeards with poor hygiene, you daft bimbo.

Have you seen Zuck's wife? No way he fucked a woman before.

>dumb bullshit
>hard to understand

It's a philosophy treatise about computers. Besides falling into the trap of Renaissance era memery it is pretty straight forward and interesting

Based off the fact she has a cunt, she can get a job out of pity anywhere. Yet she chooses to work with people she hates. Her own fucking fault, stupid cunt.

So is the left just declaring war on autistic people or what?

The "mental health is important" party shitting on mentally impaired people. How... par for the course behavior for them.

1 post by this id

>chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends

wtf do any of those things have to do with the workplace? Is this why women suck at work, they focus on making it a social event?
If I were running these companies I'd just create a division called Project:Jabberwocky and staff it with the exact number of women I'd need to meet whatever government mandated quotas exist and then I'd have them all be in charge of each other in a vicious loop, make sure that they get dozens of randomly generated emails about sub-projects every week(usually involving something to do with rendering engines) and then accept any and every excuse they provide me with and promise them that I'll reassign the job to someone else, have one guy running the entire thing from oversight.

this is fucking genius

>the stereotype of the nerd vigin loser doesn't exist in china or europe

Is this bitch serious lmao