

How are the Yakuza any different than any other minority streetgang in the US?

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he cute

They're not

the video is only 4 seconds long because at the 5th second a gun was pressed against the head of the person recording

I don't know do they kill you for just being japanese?

the yakuza have allot more honor then the average nig or spic gangster in the US for a start

Of course he had to have a hot slut next to him. Seems women of all races are attracted to thugs.

>w are the Yakuza any different than any other minority streetgang in the US?
they cause a lot less problems + their presence also helps to stop petty crime

not any better

There's always a bigger fish

Higher IQ

The Yamaguchi-gumi offered their helicopters to render aid to Fukushima, and some yakuza groups went so far as to force their indebted to go into the area for clean up detail. How many spic pieces of shit have done anything similar? Huh, faggot? Fuck up about my culture bitch, no one likes you.

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With sufficient power over society, crime is no longer illegal.

Also support from the CIA.

>How are the Yakuza any different than any other minority streetgang in the US?
For the longest time they weren't actually. It's only due to the fact that their power had declined significantly and they've made deals with the government that the bloodshed has ended.

They're not, Yakuza gene pool is isolates from the rest of Japan. They're mostly Korean, with Burakumin mixed in. Burakumin were cast out of Japan's normal gene pool for being too shit.

The yakuza date back to the fuckin' feudal era you autist, and they existed as their own clans semi-independent of the shogunate and government at large, faggot. That didn't change until the 2000s with the anti organized crime initiatives. You don't know shit.

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The construction companies that cleaned up had no connections to the yakuza. They did not profit at all, stupid goyijim

I doubt the validity of this. The Yakuza have been around since the 17th century. They rose to prominence by filling the power vacuums left behind by the default imperialist regime post-WW2 during the MacArthur shogunate.

>tfw no hot yakuza bf
my otomes lied to me

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>they're robber barons not petty street criminals

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Fuck up faggot you're not even Japanese bitch. Fuck you and fuck your gay ass race.

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Screaming and whining because you don't know jack shit about history is a bad look user.

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Don't know anything about this, but those two in OP surely look korean af.

i dont see how this murder has anything to do with yakuza

> I've read about zainichi and burakumin so now I'm an expert in Japanese history
t. non-Japanese shitskin piece of faggot ass filth who doesn't know shit about my culture

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This. In the post-WW2 conversion of Japan from feudal-devolved fascism into capitalist democracy, the Yakuza were the only Japanese organization experienced with a non-command economy. They also seized a lot of the defunct Imperial government's wartime supplies and assets.

A lot of Koreans brought over as slave labor turned to organized crime, and they quickly outnumbered much of the old-guard in the 50s and 60s.

t. weaboo fatty

these two look like japanese chavs rather than yakuza

It shows that they're still capable of brutal action. What do you want me to say?

What google code do I have to enter to unlock the "made up like a whore" Japanese women?

they are the Tribe of DN

Only nips can know about the truths of the JID... YAKUZA, it is a culture of peace and honour! Don't speak about them you filthy pig, you don't understand my excuses.

Why are angry autists screaming at me for pointing to an instance where Yakusa involvement resulted in the death of someone? Why am I being corrected when there are people spouting far more egregious historical inaccuracies ITT?

You've already been proven wrong by me and u52fJudA, BITCH. FUCK you.

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much like everything else about japan, the yakuza are often exoticised to foreigners
they are not a noble band of conscientious samurai and reports of their humanitarian efforts are grossly exaggerated by limited western media outlets who still view japanese as the eternal other.
they are thugs and criminals and a disruption to the harmony of existence

they have strict codes they live by, like Bushido, basically modern Samurai. US street gangs are low iq niggers, more akin to tribe of niggers in africa

1 they arent called yakuza any more because china had some problem with people larping as them in china and 2 they are a criminal syndicate

criminal syndicates dont wear "colors" and operate like a buisness across many nations. the itallian,russian and irish mob aswell as the triad and mexican cartels can be thought of like this. a street gang goes to jail. syndicate members rarely will . judges paid off and witnesses threatened

a e s t h e t i c

also, yakuza have a strict code of honor

Probably because you're an autistic faggot who nobody likes? Lmao.

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b-but I watched nip movies about Yakuza, they are honorable warriors

>teleports behind cameraman
psh, nothin' personnel kid

t. shitskin who will never be Japanese

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>tfw no yakuza gf

Shitskiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. You'll never be Japanese like meeeeeeeeeee, biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch. You and your 36%.

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The fuck is your obsession with the guy in image?

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>they are thugs and criminals and a disruption to the harmony of existence
Organized crime will always exist trust me the talks a are much better than the cartels , American street gangs or european mafias

>the talks
The yakuza

Like you fucking would know.

I do I watch a lot of gangland

And you would, shitskin? Lmao.

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*teleports behind you*
“[delete this in Japanese]”

>And you would, shitskin? Lmao.
A little bit, and it's not like gangland (maybe for the niggers it is).

They're actually civilized. The last major yakuza war saw 11 dead, all yaks. No civilians, or even law enforcement. 11 gangsters died, the transition of power was complete, and they went straight back to running gambling and prostitution.

They're all-out mob wars see less carnage than a typical weekend in Chicago.

I'm disappointed user. That style of shitposting you employed earlier ITT struck a nice balance between factual and vitriolic. Nobody could tell if you were fucking around or genuinely upset, which made me want to leave a reply and keep autistically arguing, but now look at you, calling people niggers blindly with no hook to draw them in.

Shame. I expected greater things.

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Based Wild Arms


Pajamas and drinks! I like them already. Those tats.... more like the YUKuza.

based lil peep poster

sure is TRS up in this thread

They're not. Stop romanticizing gangs.

You don't know shit about Japanese culture, pussy, FUCK you. ESPECIALLY criminal culture, FAGGOT. PERIOD.

Ohh please, bitch, you thought a chinpira murder from the '80s was condoned or accepted by yakuza society, and the kids who did that were in fuckin' high school, meaning they were hardly even affiliated with any groups. Fuckin' high school tough guys who couldn't control their mental incapacitation, end of story.

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Very different culture. During the Fukishima meltdown and the subsequent devastation, a few Yakuza sects were among the first responders.

are you sure they're yakuza and not just /fa/ as fuck?

The have little to no competition and are actually intertwined with the Japanese government. Making them 10x smarter than crips and bloods. Also they're nips so its hard to be intimidated by them.

Don't use Majima's glorious mug for your shitposts, fatty.

Ay mang, me an my homies you know we pick up the tecate on the beach cuz, dont shit on us cuz we fuck you up good cuz

>The have little to no competition
You know that there are many yakuza families right?it isn't just one group,they compete among each others

They're like most mafias, the street level grunts are your gangbangers with their shitty attitude and crime. Smaller units that can run without higher input should the leaders get off'd or locked up.

Higher up you go, it's more organised and deal with bigger, less noticable crime. Internal conflicts are dealt through the families with punishments if caught harming one another(if it ever happens) and it's not just the person or group that did it, it can be their real family and friends that also pay the price. Mafias deal with almost everything that can be profitable both legal and illegal: money launder, smuggling/trafficking, casinos, construction, you name it. They will even police their own territory if someone else starts hitting their bottom line.

American gangs like crips, bloods, and neighborhood gangs aren't as structured and vie to become the top dog constantly with infighting. They target each other directly if they have enough beef within their own groups. They really only deal with drugs, human trafficking, robbery/burglary, and weapons sales.

I might be wrong, but compared to the US and central america, its not even close. Way too many deviations/variations of gangs in the US, each that hold a very small territory in a very large country.

Idk. Just type yakuza women.

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There are only 4 big syndicates but all these syndicates are split into hundreds of clans

I technically worked for a yakuza member when I tutored English in Hokkaido, Japan. Didn't know it at first, just some business man, wife and a kid who I did 1 on 1 conversational English for 2hr after school every day plus proof-reading his homework an hr after that. Paid me well, wife was quiet, never really talks and just hands me my money every week. The boy was polite, very smart and well-behaved.

Found out one day when he randomly texted me to meet him at this downtown izakaya place on a weekend. Good greasy bbq, strong drinks, but there were some warning signs. The "Japanese Only" sign out front that he told me to ignore, the fact that I was the only gaijin there and everyone was staring. When his associates showed up, pretty much confirmed it. A few were classic oldskool yakuza types in business casual showing sleeve and neck tats while the rest are what I describe as Asian chavs (tracksuit and chains). Was still sober enough to notice that they all looked kinda angry and were all eyeing me up. Started panicking and thinking what did I do to fuck it all up. I remember my conclusion was that I was gonna get accused of sleeping with his wife and end up murdered. After bragging about how I was the reason why his son was doing so well in school, apparently, he had a business request. Had something to do with purchasing property in the US owned by some Russians in Japan and wanted me to look at the contract to make sure it's legit. Did not trust the Russian interpreter they used so he wanted me to look at it and compare it with his notes. Everything seemed legit, did some digging on google for local real estate prices and noted that the asking price is about 30k over. Beyond that, did not ask any more questions or try to dig up more background info, was handed ¥50,000 (did not even expect to get paid) and went on my merry way. Next week, business as usual, never brought it up again.

They're far less violent to non-criminals

The Yakuza has written entrance exams and they expect a basic level of education from even their newest members.

They also keep street crime down rather than cause it like US street gangs do. They actually keep their promise when they collect protection money.

They do not engage in random, pointless violence. When they use violence it is directed at the places where it will have the most benefit for them and it serves a clear purpose.

And finally the Yakuza will come the the aid of the communities they are part of. Their sense of honor and duty demands that they actually protect the people they collect protection money from.

They are violent criminals , but they are civilized criminals unlike the thugs in the USA's gangs.

>and some yakuza groups went so far as to force their indebted to go into the area for clean up detail
alright this is genius

People who get involved with the Yakuza do so of their own choice. They gamble in their parlors and rack up debt, they take out loans, they look for drugs guns or whores. The Yakuza demand respect from people but don't go around acting like dicks to random people. Go to any fucking inner city in America and show me a gang who doesn't fuck up their own neighborhoods.

Yakuza are all subversive Korean's now. They're incredibly westernised and western oriented and hate Japanese culture and Japanese tradition. They don't bow, don't pray at shinto, they're degenerate scum and becoming more of a problem as of late as they're the ones importing niggers into Tokyo as bodyguards and bouncers and shit in Roppongi and other areas.

Yakuza, the young ones (under 40) at least are enemies of Japan and everything it stands for.

They are more like the mafia than a street gang so everything they do is more controlled and calculated, they still deserve a bullet though.

Women aren't yakuza.
Women aren't soldiers.
Women aren't truck drivers, nor bankers, nor engineers, nor farmers, nor executives, nor factory workers, nor anything else.

Women are ONLY attention whores or devoted wives. There is no grey area for cunts.
>but user, look at this cherry picked example over here
That's an attention whore that chose a particular method for getting attention.
It's like the saying of "there are no women on the internet"-- a cunt that you've fucking heard of is a cunt that's getting attention. She's in it primarily for the attention.

If you heard of a politician that was unequivocally in it primarily for the corrupt money but also built a bunch of homeless shelters what would you say? He's got such a fucking heart of gold doesn't he?

If you hear of a cunt that seems cool or productive... she's still corrupted by her attention whoring.

Take this pic here for example: So she's got a tattoo on her back... so fucking what? Nobody gives a fuck... oh wait did you say she's got her shirt off and you can see some side boobie?! Holy shit, yakuza chicks are so cool amirite?! She's not showing off her tattoo. She's trying to get attention. Why is her hair done up? What's that got to do with her tattoo? Why is she wearing makeup and showing her face? It turns her shoulders and ruins the view of her tattoo. Why is she making a sexy expression on her face? What's that got to do with her tattoo? Why is the pic black and white? Because it equalizes the vividness of the tattoo and the shape and sexyness of her body. SHE'S AN ATTENTION WHORE, NOT A YAKUZA. She's getting pics taken instead of hustling on the street to bring in some money.

Never forget.
ALL cunts are whores.
ALL cunts are attention seeking narcissists.
ALL cunts are utterly incapable of actually doing anything productive.
ALL cunts are incapable of making decisions or handling responsability.
ALL cunts actually crave to be the slave of a strong male.

found the weeb

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They have more honor and don't kill as quickly.

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The only thing France has to offer, other than David Cage and the guys that made Life is Strange.

they solve all of their problems in house. anybody who causes too much trouble disappears.
they may pay off politicians, but they aren't stupid enough to push those limits

They are minority street gangs of Koreans.

Retard his flag is Japanese.
I am going to assume he is Japanese

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I have a really high opinion of the Japanese, especially their violent and noble past. As an ignorant American, I imagine the yakuza having the strongest link to this world.
But fundamentally, mafias are like municipal governments, aren't they?

Do you see where the flaw is? You're comparing "gang members" to organized criminals. Now tell me how "street gangs" act in japan. They probably act like asshats, because they are trying to make a name for themselves.

he's living out his life's dream

this is a link, that gets thrown around pol, almost weekly.
>he had yakuza connections
yeah, what fucking criminal doesnt? seriously, i dont know why pol is so obsessed with this specific case. of course, it is terrible, but i have no doubt, thereis a whole range of cases that make this look tame. its not about how severe the case is, but the fact its constantly spammed here.
for what purpose is it repeatedly spammed? reading it is really sad, to hear so many people were aware, and allowed this to happen to a girl. its a 30 year old murder, in japan. what kind of fags obsess over this shit?

Show us where the spic ass fucked you user.

just skimmed through this docu that was in the feed of ops videos
>honor before life
somehow that stuck with me

forgot link

haha nip

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>asking such an dumb question
the difference between spics, niggers and nips is that nipons have respect, decency and honour. having said that, these ones look degenerate.

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The "idea" takes precedence over personal or public safety, much like any other asian population.

personally i approve but there is a lot of room for error for instance communism or the reason behind the opium wars

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Yeah but do you cut faces off innocent people while they are alive lol?

Women love bad boys until they're beaten and abused and expect nice guys to clean up the mess. More or less they run to cucks.