Hey /pol,

Non-orthadox Jew here. I'm here to answer any questions you may have about what Jews are like and clear up any misconceptions. I'm an open-minded person and I hope that some of you are too!

Ask away.

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Why does your post number end in 9/11?

Lol funny coincidence I guess

What do you think about the Na Nach guys?

I had to look that up. It looks like they're having fun, so good for them I guess. Is there some kind of controversy about them?

No more questions? No one is curious about the New?

Eat shit kike

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Yes. Why are some jews trying to whitewash the jews? Can a turd be polished?

What color of crayola chalk is the best to use for summoning demons?

Why isn't Woody Allen funny anymore?

Although I already know, I want to ask anyway: why do you hate whites?

How do i convice a jewish girl to let me suck on her big khazar milkers giving me her tasty jewish milk?

how do i find jewish girls that are into nazi larping sex play?

Why the don't Jews celebrate Christmas. Is it because you killed Jesus?

Why do you smell like stale humus and dried up 4skin?

Well I talked to another jew here on Jow Forums and he kept ranting about muh evil hedonism and that they are annoying him every other day when he gets stuck in traffic thanks to their little events.

Personally I like that attitude of having fun and trying to spread fun to others, and they also "perform" for the Israeli military to boost morale. So why not.

How to save money?

Dude we have this thread every fucking day can you stop already

That's what they all say.

Why are jewmerimutts liberal faggots, brother ?

What's the deal with the beards and those odd hats

prove that ur a jew

>Does 911
>total coincidence
IDK, but I believe OP.
Anyway, you don't speak for all Jews. Jews are a shiftless formless mass of host country subversion, a parasitic Jewmoeba if you will. Chances are you have no fucking idea what's going on because your perception is programmed by your rabbi.


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Look at this picture, we will most probably kill you all.

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Why don't jews end/protest circumcision and the mohel sucking on baby dicks tradition

I don't. You think we hate you because of the Holocaust?

Why are you a Jew?
Is it race or religion?

How do nonorthodox ethically rationalize all of the passages in the talmud and torah describing how to rule over the nations and the rules of conduct regarding keeping slaves from the nations after the shofar and messiah comes? Like in Sanhedrin and Deuteronomy for example.

I've just finished reading The Curse of Canaan by Eustice Mullins and Blood Passover by Arial Toaff. Are you familiar with the books. Thoughts?

Holocaust never happened. You hate all races of man because your religion tells you Jews are superior.

Why do you think Jews are disliked?

Can you come up with any answer beyond "muh anti-semitism"?

Can you consider that it may have been the behavior of fellow Jews that led to it?

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that goes way back to the destruction of salomons temple
the elite use regular jewish people as a shield

>Non-orthadox Jew here. I'm here to answer any questions you may have about what Jews are like and clear up any misconceptions. I'm an open-minded person and I hope that some of you are too!
Why are Jewish tits the best tits?

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Kek. Also vote for Little if you're in Cali.

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probably the sole reason of success for the maternal bloodline.

I don't know, going to Israel for work this summer. Been there many times, based country and people

>tfw there was a big tittied Jewish blonde chick in high school who I could've fucked but bailed cause too beta

It still HURTS bros

Do Jews only post on pol for the ego trip?

What's the number tattooed on your forearm?

>It still HURTS bros
Dude, that's regret you're going to take to your grave. You can never get that moment back. The only real option is much fapping.

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do you believe the holocaust happened, specifically that 6 million jews were murdered?

Hey gang, I might have to cut the this AMA short because I'm on my phone and I'm having trouble getting the replies to work with copying over individual numbers.

I want to say that the theory that maternal Jew bloodline being the reason for large Jewish breasts makes no sense, because women inherit their father's complete x chromosome, but the x chromosome from their mother gets scrambled.

Yes I do :(



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what proof do you have to back those numbers up?

I have no idea why Jews are so disliked. I don't know why people are racist at all. If you were an unpopular kid in school and a popular kid asked you this, what would you say?

You believe in God?
What denomination do you belong to?

I know mate

>at one point she literally texted me saying she wants to fuck

I'm gonna try my hardest to delete years 16-18 from my mind, forever

It's possible if the allele is recessive to the corresponding allele on the Y chromosome, so you'd need two Xs with a recessive allele each for the phenotype to be expressed

Idk I was pretty popular at school but I can tell the unpopular kid why he s like this

Hey we have a genetically genius over here

Those tits look saggy.

What do you do if the goyim know

You shut it down

Oh God, they really look awesome. And she looks so classy, petit and cute. Look at her fine, elegant silhouette. Abigail....

Why did you reject IESUS REX IUDAEORUM ?

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mumu Jew AMA....
>JIDF thread

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She is beautiful isn't she, so sad she is taken... Have some more

Also I hope op isn't gone :(

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dude, there are many jews here. we just don’t brag about it. grow the fuck up

>I don't know, going to Israel for work this summer.
Why go to work in a country like Israel?
No other destinations?

Why the fuck are you using a memeflag

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I'm still here. Can someone point out the specific religious material about how to rule nations and whatnot that's not also in the OT of the Christian Bible?

It's only a student summer placement. 4 months, June till start of October or so. Main reason is biotechnology (I'm a genetics student), and Israel has quite a few labs that allow student work over summer due to their burgeoning biotech industry. It's pretty great. I've been there before and it's pretty great in the summer, very hot and hectic.

Though I'm not gonna lie, I did start sorting it out too late to apply locally. But still, I'm really looking forward to it.

The blood sucking bit is only done by Haredi nutcases. Everyone knows they're crazy.

Abigail is still cute though... And her midget brother is beta enough, despite his media shit, to never be a problem.

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Holy Shit, Mossad behind 9/11 confirmed. Jews hoisted by their own petard.

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answer this question before you quote the talmud, juden

You are a teacher?
When you were a practicing Jew, did it cost you to get a job? Is it one of the most Christian areas in the United States?


EW, Jesus Christ

But you have already been there.
Would not it be better to go to another country that you did not know to work?

When you say Non-orthodox do you mean the jews that sacrifice goats or not. I apologize this has always bugged me and I'm trying to figure out if its the main branch or a cult under the judiasm umbrella like the Samaritans

No, we think you have hated all other races since the dawn of time and just play the holohoax card to divert from how insufferable you all are

If this is not a slide thread I must say Jews are cool people.

Holocaust: the scholars agree that millions of people died and the burden of proof is on you to say it didn't happen.

>It's pretty great
I remember reading that the IDF murdered an Englishman who volunteered to help Palestinians. They fired even when they showed the posters that indicated them as volunteers.


I'm honestly pissed off now

THIS is the rampant, extreme antisemitism of pol? Dude whatever. I'm not Jewish, I'm someone you'll all hate way more, a normal fucking white girl.

burden of proof is on the accuser, jew

Cos everybody with a slight sense of duty went to Israel to build the State.
Only internationalists remained.

What is your quest?

Send vegana door maderchod

Everybody go to bed.

This is accurate

Well, I haven't been in ages, and I do like it very much. To be honest, I've been to lots of countries already and loved them (France, CZ, Germany, Russia, Portugal, etc.) but Israel I do want to visit again.

And like I said, it has quite a growing industry with research into aging and whatnot, which I am excited to get hands on experience with, so why not?

>IDF murdered Englishman

I haven't heard this one and Google doesn't show much, but even if that happened I can 100% guarantee that the guy who did it got court-martialled. International relations are serious business, I can see that guy getting punished pretty heavily, especially for killing a foreign national.

About to, it's 1:35 over here in the am

But you have not answered any of mine :(

Common slide thread created by JIDF. No real answers will be had.

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Why do you subvert every country you go to?

>clear up any misconceptions.

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Dude I Don't know about the pol memes but have a quick rundown
Ancient time, you're a roman district and you decide to rebel because you want more shekels
You get btfo
The diaspora starts
Everywhere you go you are seen as strangers, and you all came at the same time in the same groups
Coupled with the fact that the people who made your ur religion weren't complete brainlets, they put in a lot of ceremonies and the querks to reinforce group cohesion
You life in small communities, but really solidar ones, it would be common in the Middle Ages for a Jew to know every single other one in his town/village
>extreme nepotism
Still you re not exactly thriving yet
You live in a society where morals are extremely strongly against seeking profit
You're not Christian so you don't give a fuck
Then some communities start to
Do banking
They pioneer a lot of new stuff, for example the first rothschild pioneered interest loans. (One of the greatest evils in the world to this day)
Then you start to become really wealthy, and your high cohesion high coordination societies start to try new ways to advance their positions
You target the media heavily
then comes germany who got really tired of this shit
Then the bad stuff happens, in any such cases both parties lie, the victim and the accusee
Both lie, the victim exaggerates and invents things, the perpetrator deny, rightfully or not
We have only ever herd one of the version so there is no need for me to pronounce myself on that
From what I understand all j3ws were jailed as a threat to national security, if an order was given to massacre them it was only towards the end as the realization of the future destruction of Europe was fully accepted, as an act of revenge against the future we live in now
English and American j3ws had a huge influence in starting the war and in the many atrocities committed against Europeans
After the war their power run unopposed, the powerful ones take over the reigns of the countries they brok

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>Non-orthadox Jew here.
Straight into the oven you go.

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>got court-martialled.
n fact no. The family was compensated thousands of euros.
I remember seeing a video of the mother crying that this was the only justice she got.
Curious as you want to go to enlarge a country that kills your countrymen, very curious.

Tits of GTFO

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Gas yourself.

How many Anglo Slaves do you have (personally)?

Also why aren't you guys getting /flyover/ ass, I was in Kansas and I swear every 2 cars had a jerUSAlem bumperstickers, go get some BRO!

>t.Chilean Fascist on holiday

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I don't really see how they kill my countrymen. Could you please provide a link to this event?

By the way, the guy did not take him prisoner, because was declared as friendly fire an accident.

Almost all lower class j3ws has it pretty terrible after the war, they were also hit hard by the efforts to destroy families and communities
Then rothy kickstarted isral, creating a complete mess
Today the j3ws are nothing but a disunited complete mess, with several factions, European diaspora, israelites looking for their own intrests, diaspora who got fully integrated with the rest of the Europeans, extra religious etc

stop the circumcision

In conclusion they have done a disproportionate amount of fucked yo stuff but the same laws apply to them as any other, there isn't such a thing as jewish exceptionalism, in anything but their history

Even though I don't agree with your beliefs, I still wish you a safe and healthy day.
Jesus Christ loves you.