As we all know at Jow Forums, a nigger and a black man are different. Nigger is just the way you behave...

As we all know at Jow Forums, a nigger and a black man are different. Nigger is just the way you behave. You can have a white nigger etc.

So... What are some more examples of based black guys?

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>nigger is just the way you behave
t. Nigger

Nigger means you’re not genetically human.
You’re a monkey.
Only Whites are humans.
Asians are half human, half monkey.
Niggers and nig skins are more monkeys who can talk.

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Wrong. A nigger is a black human. It is not defined by how you act.

Jordan is the black Albert Einstein. Tyler Perry is the black Elon Musk.

"I got word of a settlement that needs our help."

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