I’m addicted to xanax, lormetazepam and oxycontin

I’m addicted to xanax, lormetazepam and oxycontin
i went to the doctor with mild anxiety and slight back pain and this is what was pushed on me
i have part of the blame for not reasearching the shit inwas taking but wtf
is it normal for doctor to just give out drugs like this?

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Fun drug, worst one to get addicted to, will literally cause seizures during withdrawl.

Step down and get off asap.

yes for you are a lazy fuck and you're lost in life and your doctor doesnt even cares about u, please kill yourself is what the doctor is trying to say.

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2 posts so far
i’ve been trying to taper bro but reducing the dose even slightly is pure hell
ive even talked to my (((doctor))) about it
she said it would be best to continue tretment as regular

Kratom can unironically help you kick that stuff

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I have the same headphones

i have a job that i enjoy (signage and vinyl car decoration)
i pay rent
i have hobbies

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these new fags

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Doctors are state sactioned drug dealer.
Today, medical academia has been utterly subverted by social parasites who use it as a means of doping and subduing the masses.

kratom does help with the oxy withdrawal but the benzo withdrawal is pure torture
i dont know if youve ever experienced a ‘brain zap’ but it feel like death
ATH is goat, you produce music?

Now stop taking drugs

no, normally they just give you anti depressants and say its all in your head until you're nearly fucking dead and then they try to prescribe you these shitty drugs which will practically finish you off

alcohol will literally cause seizures during withdrawal too dumbfuck

ya tio, deberia haberlo hecho pero es demasiado tarde

Nope, I just heard good things about it.
Very satisfied.

I have, when I came off SNRI anti-depressants. I used weed to help me power through it, for what that's worth.

Let me just give you a little scenario
Young man goes to doctor for anxiety, depression, etc
Doc can either
A) recommend diet and exercise which doesn’t gain profits
B) hook him on drugs that will keep him coming back for life
Which is more likely in the healthcare industry

Too late

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>now stop taking drugs

oxy is pretty easy to kick
but trying to get off benzos is life threatening and my doctor wont help me with it

Yup, you where probably a legitimate case of what they give those pills for and he wanted to fill the order to justify why those pills are prescribed. I got 80 of the dam pills before and would never take a dam one once I could bare to stand up with out hunching over.

weed makes me paranoid as fuck
but the thing is, drugs are subsidized here in spain
i get my montlhy doses for under 5 €
although taxes pay for rest

Yeah nigga. You a chicken head dope fiend now.

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Try CBDs. They're sold in N.Ireland so they might be legal for you to acquire in Spen

Yea, bitch now go buy some illegal weed to try and take off the edge of quitting the harder drugs.

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>she said it would be best to continue tretment as regular
Find outside help. You always can get a second opinion. If your situation changed where you don't feel anxiety, or you learned to cope with life on life's terms you shouldn't need the crutch of pills. There are people out there who have done the same thing. My wife was on pills for years and quit 3 years ago and has honestly felt much better mentally and physically. She is certainly more "reality" based.

I think you are right to understand that pills are not permanent. Find a second opinion. Perhaps slowly reducing your intake over time is not a bad idea either.

also the lormetazepam was prescribed for ‘sleep disorder’ but ever since i started taking it i get sleep paralisys like 3-4 times a week
not fun times

Are you implying taxes aren’t your, or someone else’s, money?

Withdrawal isn't easy, you'll just have to grit and bear it. The alternative is to become a lifelong junkie.

I went to a quack doc for anxiety when I was 14 and he gave me the max legal dose of two different benzos without me knowing wtf they were. Struggled with that shit for about a decade.

thanks for the input man
trying to change doctors here is complicated being that it’s all socialised

i’ve tried coming up with a taper plan of my own but every time i try to lower the dosage i feel like necking myself

Get away while you can.

I was taking 1mg Klonopin daily for 7 years because I was feeling anxious on Adderall.

He prescribed me something then proscribed me 2 more things to resolve the problems the first prescription created. Of course he was a Jew.

Taper down slowly. Quit your job and lock yourself inside for a month if you have to. It took me a couple months to feel normal again. When you're taking benzos, it's easy to forget what normal even is.

Buy some knock out pills from the Jewish info wars site. They got you in the system.

no, im just saying that we (as in the spanish people) pay for the rest by force

i cold turkey’d opiates a couple of times because i would wake up at night realizing i have not been breathing and yeah, it was rough but manageable but trying to quit benzos like that can kill you
i get the feeling that most doctors have no idea wtf they are doing
my doctor literally oppened up a ledger to look up my symptoms and made a couple of phone calls to get reccomendations as to what pills to give me

Did 10 years on lexapro and klonopin. Klonopin was easy to get off but lexapro was a real bitch.
I remember resisting taking them for as long as I could but the therapist wore me down. She just kept saying “it’ll never change unless you take this” every session, over and over. I just needed somebody to talk to.
Good luck bro. Hope you get off it.

are those any good

Benzos and sedative hypnotics in general are one of the LAST DRUGS YOU WANT TO BE HOOKED ON. The withdrawal is VERY dangerous. You need to taper the fuck off of it starting NOW. DON"T quit cold turkey, unless you haven't been doing them that long. Research the fuck out of how to taper off benzos. You prob want to be in a rehab facility with medical staff if possible.


it suck
but like i said tapering is hard because the benzos i take are in capsule form
i’ve tried getting a micro scale and diving the capsules but it didnt quite work

im glad you got over your shit man

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Maybe suggest it to him that you want to get off. He'll help.

im addicted to weed and porn and im also depressed can someone help me

i know all of this
i’ve been doing research like crazy
unfortunately i cnt really go into a rehab facility because that would mean i would be out of a job (in this day and age in fucking Spain) which would leave me homeless


"One post by this id"
You are the second post user.

"nothing is my fault"

>shut the fuck up commie and man up

I hope you get better user

You probably figured this out by now but it is your responsibility to look after yourself -- because nobody else will.

Yes thats what you say to get the right pills, back pain and mild anxiety.

>i have part of the blame for not reasearching the shit inwas taking
im sorry you cant read user
thank you man
im teally trying, dont even know why i made this thread to be honest but i’ve recieved more encouragement from here than i ever did from my friends or family
i know, i learned that the hard way when my father passed

dexedrine probably causes fewer side effects than adderall. it still causes anxiety though. note i have no experience with adderall.

Start shaving the pills, get a scale and weigh them smaller each week. Doctors rarely help anything.

>but like i said tapering is hard because the benzos i take are in capsule form
You can start tomorrow. Doesn't need to be an exact measurement, just less than what's in a full capsule.

Try removing half of the contents for a week and push yourself through it. That half will become the new normal. Repeat by reducing half until you're off them completely. This is what I did, waiting each time long enough until I felt normal before reducing further. Benzos tend to have a longer lasting effect - takes 4 days for me to feel the effects of the reduction. It wasn't easy but a lifetime of Jew slave pills isn't easy either.

Keep some on you just in case you reduced too much and absolutely need them. I'm not a doctor but neither are these fucks prescribing you poisons.

i was expecting some anti-inflamatory gel or spray and maybe a cat scan to check for scoliosis or herniated disk
and xanax is waaaaay to hard of a benzo especially at 1mg/day (my starting dose) for mild anxiety

Just like there are incompetent people in every profession, doctors are not any different. Did he have you tested by himself or a psychologist beforehand?

Did you see family doctor for anxiety? Or was a psychiatrist treating your back pain?

thank you for the advice
i see other anons in this thread managed to go through it so i will give it my all to rid myself of this shit

question for people who went through this:
are there any long lasting effects?
right now i’m suffering from severe memory loss and palpitations (if i lower the dose)
what about social interctions?
will i sperg out more than usual?

what a shitty therapist.

I was prescribed xanax and then klonopin, fucked my life up pretty good on those things. Haven't had any in almost a year and I don't miss them one bit!

the way things work here is that any problem you have you go to the family doctor and they refer you to a specialist (therapist, orthopedist, dermatologist or whatever) but the bitch did none of that, just took out a ledger like i said, made a couple of phone calls and took out the prescription pad.

any lasting side effects user?
it’s what worries me the most

Discontinue using those meds and ask your doc to put you on a corticosteroid

Never been through benzos. Something changes in one's life to fix what was causing the anxiety in the first place, or it doesn't. That anxiety is the cause of many addictions. Some never get over it, some take a very long time.
When quitting works it often comes as the perception that the substance is a useless bother, then tapering works. If those life circumstances are not changed, quitting can be a long battle and the focus of existence.

>what about social interctions?
>will i sperg out more than usual?
In my case, as I was tapering off, anxiety was much higher than any anxiety I had before taking them. Part of withdrawal I assume.

I isolated myself for a month, quit my job, stayed away from other people because that makes me anxious.

A couple months later, I was back to my normal self and now try to tell others to stay away from these poisons.

Keep in mind I was taking them daily for 7 years , but at 1mg, a lower than average dose. Just challenge yourself to push through. Set alarms for yourself when your next dose is and stay disciplined. Keep trying even if you fail a bunch of times. You'll know what to expect and what your limitations are more each time around until you get off completely. Push yourself, my friend. You can do it.

taper off both.
it's possible you just gotta shift into a more active lifestyle

never go see doctors, they get kickback for pushing those drugs

persevere, user.

>quit my job

You have shit healthcare in Spain. US doctors will hardly give you benzos or opioids even if they might help.

tu ere maricon

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>>quit my job
It was either that or nursing an addition that could turn into something far worse.

I made the right decision. This was over a year ago and I'll never look back.

>US doctors will hardly give you benzos or opioids even if they might help.
Have you been living under a rock for the past 12 years?

Thanks faggot. I have anxiety and need xanax but because of scumbags like you they won't prescribe it anymore.

my best advice is to join a gym tomorrow and be very active physically (cardio) while you reduce the dosage and also clean up your diet completely at the same time. Go for an hour walk after each meal

I quit cold turkey which was a bit hardcore but after some days vomitting and a few weeks feeling like absolte shit I started to reactivate, joined a boxing gym, ate better, etc

you may have some side effects for some time, maybe not, I used to get 'electric jolts' down my spine when I would move my neck, lots of sweating, a bit of shakes, some strange sexual issues, etc... all this lasted a few weeks and the body slowly readjusted

start today

When you say one post by this iD , what does that mean. I thought every time you got on 4 chan you had a new iD/random string of letters and numbers with a unique color, generated ?

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>need xanax
How did any us survive before xanax?

It's not necessary. Wake up.

>went to the doctor with mild anxiety HAHAHAHAHA you deserve everything you got you fucking faggot.

No, I work at a hospital though.

He'ss wrong, click on the op id

the addiction makes them think they need it.

the only drug I do now is weed

sometimes ill get a bit of blow but it always makes me feel like a complete turd after and for the next day

i never really wanted to, was pushed into it by family because ‘i wasnt acting like myself’
glad you got through it
i cant really isolate myself because i really really need my job
the advice you gave is very helpful, thanks a lot
my days are full
i work from 9 to 19:00, i have hobbies and i go out
i’m struggling to taper off both
i will user

Are you aware why there has been an explosion in opiate use in America?

>taking the benzo jew
rest in rip

go see chiro, they'll fix your back physically.

literally prescribed by a jew

Chlonidine .3 mg when you ditch the benzos, have to get off now or eventually they will have effects on memory and cognitive reasoning. Trazadone 100mg to sleep it will be 6 bad days but do it

Yes. And now it's very, very difficult to prescribe them with the prescription drug monitoring program. I can't have the anesthesiologist sign off Xanax without it going into the state database first, and if I dole out more than the "average" I get threatening letters from a nigger at the state health department.

I say benzos but really it includes ketamine, tramadol, fucking gabapentin even is entered.

Haha you fuck yourself for going to a female therapist

I drank a liter daily and mixed it with benzos for 6 years and I have permanent brain damage

btw what dosages are you taking right now?

damn bro cold turkey is pretty fucked up
glad you made it
i try to stat active (i jog home from work sometimes) but i dont have time for gym
ive been workin on my diet too its slowly improving
thanks for the advice
no you faggot, the life threatening withdrawals make me think i need it
im not some substance seeking junkie you fuck
i was pressured into going to the doctor by my family and the xanax was all but put in my pocket

anons saying that Spanish healthcare is shit are right
most people i know are hooked on some farmaceutical
my mother is on a maximum dose of tramadol for example but she is a fucking soldier and almost tapered off completely now in spite of doctors telling her not to

Try a strain specifically grown to help with anxiety and pain from the darknet thats what I did. I was in the exact same situation as you but I was taking far too many a day and would have been dead if I didn't go cold turkey opiates and taper benzos while using weed for my chronic pain issue (permanent nerve damage). It is a superior replacement and even if you do get a bit paranoid is it really worth it to stay on opiates when as you said they're easy to kick? Do what you can right now and just get off opiates then worry about the benzos. That's what I did and now I'm taking 0 medication down from about 14 pills a day every day for 4 year. I'll answer any questions if you want for about 30 minutes.

>being this new
Can you newfags fuck off

well at least you live somewhere where they aren't just pushing SSRI sugar pills on you for everything.

are you snorting benzos, you fucking retard?

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Sure he snorts all his meds now, that is what Jew doctors do to you.

fuck off

That looks like crushed European style oxy that isn't abuse resistant.

You should kill yourself now instead of going to rehab 1000 times before dying of overdose or getting shot while attempting to burglarize the wrong place.