I just finished watching Falling Down. What else do you recommend Jow Forums?

I just finished watching Falling Down. What else do you recommend Jow Forums?

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They Live!

Look Who's Back.

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Thing (1982)

Back to the Future

Rocky IV


(This list got less political and more just the stuff I like over time)

Eyes Wide Shut

The Grifter.

Flight (2012)

Fuck you sicko

I recommend that you never watch another movie. You'll thank me later. seriously, fuck jews.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure

Go back to jackdurden.com desu

The Begotten

Already seen it multiple times. I love that movie.

is that even real?

Hot Fuzz

quick rundown on this /X/ meme

I quite liked freddy got fingered.
Its a comedy art piece which really reinvented stale romantic comedies, much like this is spinal tap or even rambo 3

Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

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>I just finished watching Falling Down

They live

I would recommend This is England

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Boondock Saints
Leon - The Professional
Seven Samurai
The Bridge over the River Kwai

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The grifter doesn't exist, it's really just 'A Serbian Film'. Something about a pornstar whos forced to fuck babies and family or something.

Solid list but why just Fellowship and not just recommend the trilogy?


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Rocket Man

Something not made by Jews or staring Jews. Mulhollad Dr is the only thing I can think that fits the bill

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I got the dvd

When do you graduate high school?

city of god

American Psycho of course!

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Taxi Driver
top tier taste

Taxi Driver

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They Live is a movie with a great concept but they butchered the execution of it.

D-FENS doesn't

No, no one is going to watch your kike propaganda CIAnigger.

King of Comedy

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Fellowship is my favorite.

Also I was still trying to be slightly political at that point and the visions of Hobbiton/The Shire prior to all of the action are like the precious, special part of white civilization we have to save. And Gandalf/Boromir have good scenes of sacrifice necessary for our mission.

Sorry to put this after the fact but your choice of opening movie made me think back to a movie I saw over a decade ago. It wasn't a huge movie of any sort and it took me some digging to even remember it.. but it's worth watching and it's become more relevant than ever.


Harry Brown, starring Michael Cain. It's a criminally underrated film and one worth watching. Trust me. Plus you get Michael "FUCKING" Cain. This is Gran Torino before Gran Torino to put it lightly.

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20 years come 2020. When do you become relevant?

I never told you to watch it faggot

GO BACK to ____with that edge lord shit!

>Hey guys did you know that America really isn't the best country in the world? No really let me suck my own dick off ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhh I'm so fricken enlightened
>Something something muh consumerism is bad
>See this shallow stereotypical rich spoiled girl? Yeah well we'er gonna burn her to death because shes so spoiled XD
>Killing people over talking in a movie theater.

To even compare that michael moore trash to falling down is a sin.

death wish the remake with bruce willis

it's basically pro-gun conservative propaganda

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Leaf Boomer

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thank you

Demolition man

>Rocky IV instead of Rocky 1

America fuck ya

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Get out of here summer fag

Gotcha. Towers is my favorite. King Theoden is such an awesome character and you get the most of him in number two. His battlefeed speech in Return of the King is fantastic

Redpill yourself on niggers

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Rocky is a better film.

But I enjoy Rocky IV more for the campiness and how it's an an encapsulation of everything that is the Eighties.

stay golden

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Little Big Man

The Ride of the Rohirrim at Pelennor Fields in the Return of the King sometimes makes me tear up, so I get what you mean. But Fellowship is still my favorite.

But then I also prefer the early content of Lord of the Rings Online: The Shadow of Angmar.

it definitely predicted shills and shilling


This character was written specifily for Leary

>a normal Documentary about Hitler except there is the cool movies music in it
stop this meme
