All this talk of "antisemitism" makes me wonder what the origin of this word is. What does semitic mean?

All this talk of "antisemitism" makes me wonder what the origin of this word is. What does semitic mean?

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Idk but the thumbnail made it look like she was holding a Popsicle

semites from the levant/me region...yes palestians are also semites but they dont want to let that information out.


Refers to the race of levantines who the kikes stole Israel from. Palestinians are also a Semetic people for example.

They use it to immediate divert criticism, usually at the most leveled at cultural or religious level, onto a baseless racial level. Which is hilarious considering the vast majority of Jews are fucking slav/central asian Khazars with no trace of semite in their blood.

It has no meaning that relates to antisemitism. Antisemitism is a political term referring to the hatred of Jews, while Semites are what said, with the distinction that it is a widely known fact to anyone with a high school level education. Generally, Semites are Arabs and Jews.


It's a meaningless kike attack word. Semitic refers to the followers of the semitic religions, which are the Abrahamic religions. Technically anyone attacking Christianity or Muslims is also being "anti-semitic" but you'll never hear one of these hooknose oven-dodgers use the phrase to describe one of their Christ-killers in such a way.

Sandniggers, Bible-humpers, and kikes all worship the same god. Their books are all based on translations of the same texts.

You could just Google it but you're even too retarded for that.

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Jews were originally black. Jew"ish" people are the synagog of Satan.

As in shemitic, referring to Shem, one of Noah's sons in the bible that was on the ark with him.

semite means everyone else other then
back in the old days
watch this

Semetic refers to language groups. Mostly arabic dialects,but also include Aramaic and Hebrew.

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It was made up by Jews to counter valid criticism of Jews. Just like “racism” was literally made up by communists in the early 1900s to counter valid criticism of their globalist ideology.

Semitic means Christian, Jew, hebrew etc..

See guys, even the Jew says it's a trick. was right again about the Jews.

Cmon man, do you really think "Jews" would be that color living and evolving in the Middle East? Ashkenazi Jews are a symptom of Viking-niggerism, which is exactly why the Jewish people changed their books from saying a Jew can only come from a Jewish man... to saying any Jewish woman gives birth to a Jewish child? Do you think it's odd Jews and black have funny noses?

>Jews were originally black
Sure they were.
Genesis 9:25 - "he said, "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers."

It's a "how dare you" guilt tripping tactic word to justify any of the forever victim's actions.

The beast of fields and vices.

It's funny God's disguises his people amongst his hated. Easy test is to look at eye color vs. hair color.

Noah had three sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth.
Ham is basically all the darker races and he and his ancestors were cursed forever.
Japheth got the gift of technology and I is basically whites
Shem is all what we call middle easterners today, semites.

Noah had 3 sons to represent the Holy Trinity...

It basically means against Semitism. Dislike of Semitic cultures. Arabic, Jewish, etc

The Holy Trinity is nothing but the 3D you live in, all God wants is faith people. Will you believe in God, and Jesus as his son?

The real holy trinity. Father + Mother + Holy spirit. WITHIN.

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Even the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles are metaphors.

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So you yourself are God, how will Judge yourself?

There sitting at the table or right and wrong. Do you think assigning star signs is right, or wrong?

God is in everything and everyone.

there=they are

Right or wrong? Black and White? That represents a dualistic mindset which is the very essence of the matrix.

I don't mean to get philosophical, but does it really?

Everything is always black and white.

If Hell didn't exist, neither could Heaven.... you get it?

Hahahahahaahahahaahahahahahaha, no. Why do you think the masons use a black and white checkered floor with a ladder in the middle? It's to raise your consciousness past a dualistic mindset.


7th heaven = 7th chakra = the top sephirot

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its something jews dont call themself, thats why you gotta use and come up with a Word to counter their Word.

call them anti-non semites for hating non jews.

its simple, works.

>thinking that esoteric knowledge is only correlated to astrology.

Operating in the gray area... is above your perception.

So, it's ok to be a nigger and shoot an kill people, because you have a baby to take care of, right?

This is why nothing is black and white. What you described is heaven and hell being complementary, almost to the point of being a single unit. Almost everything is. Things rely on each other in order to exist themselves. This is the opposite of the dualistic, and it is antithetical to the idea that anything can be mutually exclusive. If you see a duality you must understand that you are simply looking at a coin one side at a time.

you could be a bum doped out on flaka....

Chakras are a meme derived from the Truth of God, user.

Christian etc..


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If you are anti semitic that means you hate semitic culture, religion, race etc... Such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism and you hate Christians.

>eye witness testimony

The outcome is of God, and born of you YOU, or Justice.

Everything is Black and White, right or wrong if you look to the Son of God to tell what is correct, what is always wrong.

Do you really think God would talk to directly, Jew?

You just know she let him give her a facial after the soccer game behind teh bleachers.

>bleached behind bleachers

One step further, Ashkenazi kikes - the evil kikes who comprise 74% of all kikes in Israel - are Khazarian and not even semitic. They're the evil kikes who got forced to convert to any Abrahamic religion by some Russian king because he was like literally "y'all need Jesus or something because damn", only to have them choose Judaism because it was the most evil religion by comparison, then say "oh hey we also have a new holy book called the Talmud that we're going to use in place of that fuddy duddy "bible" and anyone who says it's our old evil bible with a new binding and title is an anti-semite. Fast forward a few hundred years and here we are.

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Peace user., is the greatest hope I could wish for you to hope to wish on me. That's all C'kr-memes are.

Frankly I'm surprised they speak the same language we do. Glad they don't have to deal with Jews, aussies are too pure for that nonsense

not much to it really, jewish magic.

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>What is privatio boni

relating to or constituting a subfamily of afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrews,Aramaic,Arabic and Amharic. straight from the dictionary

What is that picture from?

You are also the son of God, and so am I.
Everything has some kind of answer, perhaps, and that is also a wild assumption, but it is not a given that everything can be put into human language. It is not a given that everything is revealed, it is not a given that our logic is sound or that there is anything beyond the limits of your own skull. Our notion of an absolute answer despite these uncertainties is not the same as black and white or yes or no. It is simply an opinion.
We have an instinct of looking at the most measurable traits of a thing but in reality, almost everything relies on everything else. How can that be black and white? How can those things even be separate?
Of course he will, and to you too, we are his children. Why would he not? Is this some kind of a special honor to have a conversation with your own father?

It's the absence of good. Like when Jews use trickle down academics to trick everyone into hating Whites so they are slaughtered world wide

It doesn't imply duality anyhow. And even if your theological opinion is correct the lack of good is still arguably required for the definition of good.

Shit happens, some call it stars, other call it an act of God. You can talk to God, but he's here to do nothing more than let you experience and be good.

We are not his Children, Christ is His child, and we can only try to be decent.

How was it that your people discovered the one true God?

You are the son of satan and we are going to kill you all for your crimes against humanity. We know your dirtiest secrets and the only thing keeping you from your approaching deaths is your tenuous grasp on the methods by which we communicate.
pol are the new Jews and we are going to purge you evil pretenders from our flock. Anyone who says otherwise is antisemitic

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Trump is a Semite, if that helps.

You're not real Jews though.

I am the Son of God because I choose to be the that.

I bet I could find the Uranus chakra.

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>he's here to do nothing more than let you experience and be good
Correct in my view.
>We are not his Children, [Only] Christ is His child
I doubt even Christ would agree. What a cruel notion.
They are sinners and heretics.
But you don't even know me user. You don't even know if I'm actually in Israel right now.
That is also correct. But that means that everybody may choose this. Or rather, accept this fact and his love and what westerners like to call grace and rapture.

What do you even know about yourself user? Enough to argue?

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lets stay on topic people

what is a zion? is that like in the matrix?

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I don't, most probably, but it really depends on the argument.
Why, do you? And btw, how can one know the answer to such a question? Additionally is argument not the engine of understanding what one thinks? Please explain.
But I do know that I am a son of God with a soul(or rather a soul which is a child of God), and as a consequence suspect that the earth is something that is more similar to a play or a game, albeit not trivial, rather than a reality.

its this bullet shaped thing you put in your butt when you are sick

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Good, my nose is not curved, the goyim will never know. Will you post a Rabbi molesting a baby next? I'm not Jewish.

>how can one know the answer to such a question?

Certainties are an extreme by nature.

>Why, do you? And btw, how can one know the answer to such a question?
I only know what I am not.

Do you act like you have a soul?

>american education

Anybody wanna know how filthy the kikes are should watch this video

Semite - descendant of Shem, son of Noah.

Out of kike mouths, however - anyone who dares criticize the Self-Chosenite Master Race for any reason.


>I only know what I am not.
Good outlook. A good way to understand what it is to first know what is not. And I am not soulless, nor is anybody I've ever seen.
The way I act is the way a soul acts. I am in my essence a soul and not a bag of flesh, and I can't act "like" I'm me, I am me because of how I act.
I may have been irresponsible regarding my spiritual well being but am increasingly more responsible, but truly everything that has happened to me has led me to accept the divine today, so perhaps I haven't been as irresponsible as I've thought.

To be more precise I do not see the difference between 'Do you act like you have a soul?' and 'Do you act like you are human?'. I do by definition.

Arabs are the real semites, the “Jews” in Israel come from Erurope, Bibi is from Poland. These “Jews” come from Europe and have zero connection to the land of Palestine. If you combine all the Israelis in Israel the won’t add up to be as “Semitic” as one single Palestinian.

So, you're/your preconception of irresponsibility isn't a sole reflection of you? What are these defaults, why are you speaking in English?

people are mostly bad or mostly good?

> Rabbi molesting a baby

Nah but close

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They may be a sole reflection of "me", but that would mean that they are the sole reflection of my soul, which is from God. I do not know.
I am speaking English because this is an English speaking site. So politeness and communication. I speak a language however because I have not yet learned how to "think" without words, and how to "know" without concepts. This is the responsibility I take. I cannot see any other way in which I may be able to hear God and understand him, or for that matter myself or anything at all.
They are mostly good. Some are bad - most are by mistake. But what does this matter whether actors play the villain or the hero when a play ends?

define perfection

I can't. But I want to say the universe, whatever that is.

To clarify - it is an abstract that requires language and thus also can't necessarily be defined beyond a shallow technical definition. This is what I mean when I say that words cannot express existence.

you're perfect.



Perhaps, this is also a suspicion I have about humans. Are you as perfect as the great villains and heroes of history? As Jesus?
Sometimes. Is this imperfect?

>Perhaps, this is also a suspicion I have about humans. Are you as perfect as the great villains and heroes of history? As Jesus?
May history remember me.

>aboot humangz

yea, the epitome of imperfection.

Yes, about humans, us. I'm sorry if the semantics make you uncomfy. You did not answer my question - and what is written in history books is not history.
If it is imperfect that humans sometimes are inflicted by the seven sins, how can one be perfect?
By the way, what if we are what we call God, and we have forgotten that this is just make-believe? What if the lingering suspicion in the back of the mind is simply correct, and soon we will wake up and laugh and laugh and go back to dreaming? Would what we do still be a deadly sin? Would you like that?

>I'm sorry if the semantics make you uncomfy.
yo what?

>what is written in history books is not history.
Lolocaust didn't happen

>how can one be perfect?
post on 4hang, your actions only have results.

intentions user.

>What does semitic mean?
It doesn't mean anything it's weaponized language. And the kicker is, jews aren't even semites!

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You're not a semite lying kike. You're not even a real jew. Not in the biblical sense anyway.

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>Semetic refers to language groups. Mostly arabic dialects,but also include Aramaic and Hebrew.
What this user says. Just remember that Hebrew does not = jew... jews are not semites.

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Definitely not in the biblical sense, and I believe that most European Jews today are no different than a standard Euro mutt. That is a controversial opinion though, we are seen as one race by both the right and the left and definitely as non-whites.
The lines are so blurry user. What and where is the line between an intention, an action, and a consequence. I don't even know if the past creates the future or vice versa or none of those options. I will never know, not like I wanted to when I was a kid.

Lmao what is this retarded mystic shit

why do the pharisee think they deserve israel?