Jow Forums don't you want to date a girl like them?

This hashtag is a gold mine.

Attached: girlslikeus.png (605x1149, 772K)

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Would rather remain a virgin desu

Good thing about half these monsters end up killing themselves.

I'm not a big enough masochist to personally explore. Post more?

Attached: girlslikeus2.png (604x1325, 707K)

because dirty drunk mexicans have been all over them

They created a hashtag to induce vomiting. Thanks, trannies! You finally made yourselves useful!

Attached: trannywtf.jpg (639x774, 120K)

God some of those trannies are ugly, some come close to passable

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Are trannies just men who realize they have inferior genes, and thereby decide that they should be women?

Attached: girlslikeus3.png (584x1106, 647K)