lmfao Tranny Chelsea Manning tweets about committing suicide ,then deletes tweet.
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lmfao Tranny Chelsea Manning tweets about committing suicide ,then deletes tweet.
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Do a flip!
I thought this shit was Grand Theft Auto 2.
Please do it, tranny.
Did >she do it?
What an attention whoring faggot.
it seems unlikely that >she would delete the tweet after killing >herself
Twitter could have removed it.
As she was falling duh
doesnt have the balls
Stable and brave. Definitely not a mental illness thats been fed instead of treated.
It craved attention and this is what it came up with.
>I’m sorry
No he isn’t
do it faggot and make it a funny jump
In any case, it seems a little early for Christmas doesn't it?
sorry for what?
our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks
What’s more sad, some one wanting to commit suicide?; the approval of this; or, the political usurpation of suicide?
if my numbers align, he jumps
Feminism is a viral bio weapon
Femin Virus
>tranny wants to commit suicide
And bees want to drink nectar
So close!
damn, I thought s/he/it had a senate race in the sack.
whatever happened to not feeding the troll
remember that?
not feeding the trolls
people who threaten to commit suicide want attention and it's shit like this that they love
twitter should ban her permanently for posting that but that will never happen
So real
> in the sack
ah there's the problem
Daily reminder that statistically speaking tranny's will try multiple times to an hero until another attempt is no longer needed.
I really, really want this faggot fucking traitor to kill himself. Join the 40% you freak. Just do it.
Audible kek
Someone tell him to spray down the sidewalk with Pam first, it really helps with cleanup.
good. i hope he does it.
Thanks bender
This makes me happy tbqhfam
>tranny tweeting about thier "suicide attempt"
Is this the peak of attention whoring?
Lol, I've already been blocked by someone. Some of these comments are gold.
ah so it was trying to win an argument by using fake threats of suicide, how typical
That's even more fitting!
Yeah, it basically breaks down to:
>Oh my god, someone is criticizing me?
>ME? I'm supposed to be untouchable!
>I'm so fragile and brave and delicate, how can they criticize me?!?!
>I know, if I just shatter and threaten suicide, everyone will rush to my aid and defend me.
>That'll teach people not to criticize me!
>Everyone will forget what I did wrong and be forced to make histrionic pleas for my well being!
>Here goes!
gotta paint my nails first, hun.
Very typical male behavior desu. Threatening self harm when denied the attention of the opposite sex.
I legitimately feel sorry for this dude, he was probably raped.
That's not cool man. Bradley's an MK Ultra brainjob. Not your run of the mill degenerate.
We got this?
>Donny Lumpkin
Probably the most pathetic thing is all the neocon retards tweeting "pls don't do it praying 4 u" like fucking weaklings. This mkultra skinwalker literally wants us dead and when its brain schizos out for a moment they all act like its life matters.
this is who sent him over the edge
Ok, that little shit got a chuckle out of me. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming he's trolling it.
Will Shapiro propose to Ms. Manning? Find out on the next episode of ‘Fatal Attractions’
someone PLEASE photoshop this in. make it subtle so it gets spread around unwittingly. this is the only chance we have before the real version is spread everywhere for the news tomorrow
>posts it on social media for attention
what a faggot
Attention whore.
Based donny
Seconding this. Shop and spread.
Donny is a hero if Manning an heroes.
Threatening to kill yourself when you have no intention of doing it for sympathy and attention when things aren't going your way is very female. Maybe the transitioning is actually working?
All he needs now is ovaries and a womb.
Manning turned on us after we got him out of prison. Now he's an establishment cuck.
How do we know he wasn't apologizing for parking his red hatchback hanging out into the street a bit? That's my takeaway from the pic. He probably deleted it after realizing it might be misinterpreted.
Then again maybe he converted to Islam, and wanted to throw himself off the roof
These comments are gold.
>call someone a man
>"don't dehumanize her!"
How do you tweet that, with you standing on a ledge, and not kill yourself, without every single person posting on your Twitter making for your being a MASSIVE attention/pity whore?
If he dabs on the way down I'll consider using his pronoun of choice
Oh.. hey! That's really offensive or something. We're human right?
kek I hope you get shot in the next weekly shooting user
Mexico with the bantz! Hey-oooh!
The best part is that his friends are now obligated to get him locked up in a mental hospital now, at least for a few days. When someone does this, they need to be put under observation to "stabilize."
(((civic nationalism)))
ok that shit almost made me rage
Who is that? I wanna do some research on it. I suspect it just got famous.
Where is a Muslim when you need one?
Nah they just hold you in the psych ward until a doctor clears you. This time of night that means about noon "she" will be let go.
Does she hear their voices? The Afghans who helped US soldiers and who she got tortured to death?
I guess big words are white now
Underrated you vulture.
Did he convert to Islam?
Its too easy to do this. Politics aside the shit he/she went through would crack most of us. Get well chelsea and retire from the public eye.
Thank god that dude stopped that Moron
He's saving that for next Memorial Day.