Is he going to do it

Deleted tweets from Chelsea

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Other urls found in this thread:

i hope

Apparently not

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who is this and why should i care?

>Chelsea is safe
We were so close bros

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Some tranny that leaked classified documents


This dude named Bradley manning was a patriot and did the right thing. They abducted him and MK Ultra'd him into a tranny statist and SJW posterboy. Looks like we are seeing the shelf life of chemical mind control

It will attempt it again. They always do.

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Suicidal trannies
Nothing new under the CURRENT YEAR sun

Doesn't matter. He committed political suicide, so he's irrelevant again.

Psych-op for when she gets taken out Wordwood style


A former IT clerk in the military who was all to happy to claim responsibility for leaking classified documents for the efame until they tortured him into thinking he was a girl.

One can only hope.

Take it easy on her guys! Let's not push her over the edge

Malfunctioning MK Ultra robot.

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Looks like a trip to the psych ward for mr. Manning.
48 hour observation is the usual for this type of thing

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>thanks everyone for your co CERN
What did breaking 911 mean by this?

Suicidal people don't make a public spectacle of it. He was just feeling a little down and wanted attention.

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For a second I was excited that Chelsea Clinton had attempted suicide. Who cares about dumb tranny scum.

>released classified docs exposing U.S govt crimes
>Get arrested then mind controlled into tranny thus losing all credibility

Sorry bro. I excitedly posted this without fully typing out his name

>It will seek attention again

Not wrong. If he'd have jumped he'd be dead

Ben Stiller told her to do it.

Attached: ben_stiller.png (1200x912, 865K)

If not today or tomorrow he will definitely kill himself after his dick is mutilated and turned outside in.

He was a national hero who leaked politically unfriendly information. It was such a violation of NDA's and whatnot and a threat to the establishment that they had to make an example of him. Thus, any other grunt even thinking of doing the right thing for a change would think of Bradley "Chelsea" Manning. They broke him so bad in military prison in ways that we'll never know that his psychological state collapsed into that of a tranny.

Some good news though

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Holy shit, CERN reversed time to save him because they found out that with his death the thread of the prophecy was severed

Twitters thought police algorithm is the greatest thing to come out of their draconian hug box. You can report anyone, once, and they get banned. It's beautiful because these blue check marked faggot literally live on twitter. To deprive them of it is physically painful for them

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Needs to be longer than 12 hours for those faggits

>Transgenderism isn't a mental illne-

ic, if only he had a healthy hobby like anime



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Yeah, I don't think dilation clinics can improve your sense of sanity

jump jump jump...

he hasn't cut off his dick yet?

It’s Memorial Day. Selling out your country and getting people killed must burden heavily the mind of even a leftist freak on a day of solemn remembrance.


We should be thanking him for the meme material

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Trump curse is knocking at xer door.
The long night closes in.

Strongly recommend people listen to interviews with Manning.

There's this picture of manning as either
>libertarian fucking over the big bad government
>Traitor leftist who got OUR GUYs killed
The reality is more pathetic than that. He basically got really flustered when he was in the army, had a nervous breakdown, and dumped a shit ton of documents. All of this ideological justification is entirely ex post facto.


What the fuck did they mean by that???

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fuck off kike

Uh you're in the wrong neighborhood, we're all Jews here.


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chinks are basically jews and your women belong to the big italian cock

>He was just feeling a little down and wanted attention.

Tweeting your own suicide is gayer than a man becoming a womyn.

Well at least that is her career down the toilet. One down.

ooO fascist flag, dont ahve that one yet.

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saved based Argie bro. buen suprecho.

Did someone at least reply "do a flip" before it was deleted


This. He's an attention seeking faggot.

Nice shop

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more like "it". it did chop off the pork and beans, right?

We live in a society that applauds the destruction of a mans mind through CIA torture that changed him into a suicidal tranny. It would be a complete taboo to even assume that he was subject to psychological manipulation and torture.

based WHHIIRRRR poster

More so when you're also suffering from a mental illness that can't be treated effectively due to political reasons.

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I wish he jumped. That’s not even close to a high enough ledge to kill yourself with, he would have suffered quite a bit.

Does that actually say am free or am I imagining it?


I hate this attention whoring. Manning committed literal treason and got the biggest break ever being pardoned. Do something with your new life instead of being obsessed over yourself/fame/image.

I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,
You could cut ties with all the lies, that you've been living in,
And if you do not want to see me again, I would understand.
I would understand,
The angry boy, a bit too insane,
Icing over a secret pain,
You know you don't belong,
You're the first to fight, You're way too loud,
You're the flash of light, On a burial shroud,
I know something's wrong,
Well everyone I know has got a reason, To say, put the past away,
I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend,
You could cut ties with all the lies, That you've been living in,
And if you do not want to see me again, I would understand,
I would understand.
Well he's on the table, And he's gone to code,
And I do not think anyone knows,
What they…

face looks like it could take a punch

how come people don't call trannies she-he's anymore, or whatever they called them that sound like that.