Ok seriously who the fuck is he
Who the fuck is he
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That's Jim.
A fag who would go away if you stopped paying attention to him. He’d probably kill himself.
Don’t you have a protest to attend Sargon?
Its Jim, I think he is in a wheelchair. Funny guy, has a way of breaking things down in a comedic way.
Probably a nazi
A cripple who spouts Jow Forums shit and talks about internet retards in a funny way
Jim is Tinder Sally from Sacramento?
Don't really care, he's entertaining and that's all Youtube and Twitter are meant to be.
Why waste time waiting for a reply from people unhinged from reality, when you can just do a google search or search on encyclopedia dramatica?
He's a great guy but he isn't a nazi. I am a jewish zionist fan of his and he was friendly with me on twitter.
He's basically LeafyIsHere
Isn't his real name James Triston?
This is true.
His voice is comfy and relaxing.
Billy the Anti-Bully
t. 'J'ewww
To each his own I guess. Elon pretended to name the Jew yesterday. Your tribe was falling over themselves calling him anti semetic, I think *they* messed up.
The Scout from tf2
a shitposter that infuriates redditniggers by never showing his face like all their attention whore ecelebs
He's actually Mundane Matt's alter ego.
"Jim" is schizophrenic.
That's Jim.
He's talking to Vee right now.
Because Sargon is too much of a bitch to speak to him directly. Again.
Shitposter, 10/10 at his profession but if you take moral lessons or anything he says seriously you are a retard.
Fuck off Carl
Do your own dirty work
You retards still think he’s crippled?
Wait.. you're telling me that people make money on twitch and youtube while keeping their identity anonymous?
Some gay nigger who gets pegged by a taiwanese hooker and has rectal cancer
Fuck thats scary
this is the cringiest shit ever.
This is how you can detect his rabid fanboys, they perpetuate these forced memes he comes up.
Why are you posting this in every thread you stupid fucking bong, are you trying to activate your local police or what
Very entertaining.
He think's he is chaos but once someone fucks with him he cries and hides off the internet for a year
i've met him IRL. His mic is ok, that's just what his real voice sounds like.
He has his own IRL issues, but like, mine are worse arm. so it's nothing worrying.
but yeah he's the coolest kid on the internet. best way to peg him. doesn't take a stance just moves flighty
scout from tf2
>that's just what his real voice sounds like
Everyone knows Jim's real voice sounds like Dr. Murdoch from Murdoch Murdoch
i've met them too. murdoch chan is fat.
it's kidna sad really
and nah. the two guys are close but the girl is...
she prettied up her wojak
if you're reading this, chan
lose some goddamm weight. i'm sick of fat white people. that's some nigger ass shit.
Better question: what the fuck is "metokur" and how huge of a newfag am I got not knowing. I know who him is o watch his vids but I don't understand his latest alias.
You must know all the ecelebs.
Tell me what Sargon is like IRL.
Does he smell as bad as his beard looks?
Metokur was a website that made fun of bad art on DeviantArt
Nigger I don't even know who the fuck this e celeb is anyway. I just play a lot of tf2.
Yeah God forbid anyone like anything am I right
so he killed that asian chick didnt he
I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
hi jim
he's a cunt. i talked with him briefly. debated on punching him in the face but decided he wasn't worth it.
Loomer is crazy af but a good girl. that Southern pic of her with a diaper is true, i felt it when i grabbed her ass.
braving ruin is a midget, aydin hates me because of ass grabbing
Jim recited the monkey story to me in person. it was epic to listen to it.
Guru larry was cool. AVGN was cool.
Doug walker was relatable but ultimately i could see him strained. felt kinda bad.
I met him, he was an arrogant faggot who got butthurt when I mentioned Richard Spencer,
How was spoony?
Another photo.
Vee paid me 5 bucks to suck my cock, then he told me that those 5 bucks could have fed an entire Romanian village
Met reddit, he taught me how to reddit space like this
ran into Mundane Matt the other day, the rumors about him being a hologram are true
TotalBiscuit is still alive in Argentina
ok this is pretty true. even sargon made a video laughing at jim many months ago because he got trolled by amos
eh, weird? wasn't a fan
when i meet an eceleb i normally grill them on politics. it's my hobby
fuck me that reminds me. sargon is anti antifa. we talked about that.
Oh and richard spencer has a sense of humor and is otherwise cool headed. very much an optics faggot kind of guy. not sure what his deal is.
I told him he looks like a fucking pineapple with that hair. that's why he put "tropical plant" in that one twitter servey he did
Jow Forums is more popular then you all know, btw. A lot of politicians browse.
how do you meet all these e celebs ? i mean they're scattered all over the world and a lot of them are user
Some fag that needs to die off, along with his autistic fanbase.
Those people were just as stupid as the pol people saying he went 1488.
Both sides thought he was talking about Jews when it was far more likely he was talking about sjws or liberals or something like that.
Who's that?
i'm jewish too. she wouldn't go out with me because she was in her "jewish aryan babies" mode.
i just space this for narrative grouping. i talk kinda disjointed and express myself through language in this text only format with odd styling.
i've never been a redditor, though a photo of me was on the top of the donald for a bit.
not sure if i should be proud or depressed that i conned them so.
Who knows. Who really does know...
not true
I met
yesterday and
I met Hitler
cool guy
same way i've met politicans and people way above my fucking level, random chance. shit happens when you do delivery. I have a good memory for voices and faces, but i suck horribly at names.
I called obama a nigger and he isn't even the only world leader i've given such treatment too. though he is the most dishonerable of any i've called nigger.
King of sandniggerabia is pretty cool, and i'm jewish so that says something. if he saw this message he would know who i am, and i would say this.
You have killed the poison from your house, now you can move forward to conquer land in earnest, now that you offer prosperity and freedom rather then US-fed wahabbist sandniggery
and your son needs to take up martial arts. hold a striking tournament too, not just grappling. grappling is for faggots.
I wanna sniff Brat ass
How about you leave this fucking board and don't come back, nobody wants you here. Pretty much everyone on this board would gas you if they came to power. Anyway, which politicians browse Jow Forums?
mr. redikur
He used to be called the internet aristocrat. He makes sarcastic videos about stuff he disapproves of.
doesnt matter what he meant it matters how normies perceive it so if both the SJW's and Alt Right are pushing the narrative he was secretly talking about jews thats what normies will think. This is great for the alt right since if the normies think a tech billionaire is woke on the JQ it will give them plenty of discourse room
you're that latvian who put trademarks on his memeballs aren't you
let me tell you plainly.
either i am a lair, and my life is hollow
or i have simply made happenstance company with world and thought leaders, that my life is so outrageous, that the truth is litterally unbelieveable.
also just sayng fight me if you so doubt me
A politician who would be rather disappointed that you are so antisemetic.
and quite frankly, i don't care what you think of me, tripfaggot.
i just told a guy free tommy robinson. match me faggot
god damn liberalists are fucking pissed at him
constantly making threads trying to find who he is
saying the same stupid insults over and over
>muh redikur
>same way i've met politicans and people way above my fucking level, random chance. shit happens when you do delivery.
wtf do you deliver their sex slaves ? most UPS guys cant say they intimately know the king saudi isrealia
a guy who just reads a repeats what is on Jow Forums verbatim. I mean his entire series on tgwtg was basically just a video form of /tv/ posts about tgwtg
when you put it that way, it is odd
who cares?
he's funny.
SFO should kill himself
Hi jim
Some e-celeb drama queen.
A politician who would be rather disappointed that you are so antisemetic.
Tell me who, you fucking Jew. I swear to God, if I met you I would fucking shoot you. Also, fuck Tommy Robinson, he is a Zionist and a spy for Hope Not Hate, literally controlled opposition.
I don't know and I don't care. Some call of doody homo turned political e-celeb
and sage
jim is so pissed at this random guy for having a folder named "maybe doxx" on his pic. lmao. he must be scared
oh fuck i haven't laughed out loud in a while
good shit user
Leave Jim alone. He dindu nuffin
i will end with this
the most popular person i've met, US presidents excluded, got his start on /v/.
that spark of creativity that this site brings is something not unlike what the nazis call aryan blood- a innate quality that makes us simply better.
we call it jewish blood. i suppose some would call it genius. it can only be found in the depression and darkness that we call Jow Forums. so i am here while i consider my death.
the coolest president i met outside of trump was Carter. he just wanted to help and wasn't pulling some obama shit, but i think he wanted to fix his legacy post white house. he was before my time.
Seth rich was a bernie bro and i do mourn his sacrifice, but he was killed by his greed. leakers are protected by the illogic of giving away information for free.
most peopel who do spree killings are easily spotted. i met the embers ghost squad guy too.
oh fuck, and while it's relevant, Manning. Man they did a number on manning. Like he acknoledges they fucked his mind but he's still...you know....
its scary really. i will want for death if i am ever at the hands of military intelligence.
He's a radical centrist who hates other radical centrists, kind of like Slavoj Zizek but without the retarded communism.
a faggot
>Both sides thought he was talking about Jews
That's the best part.
fuck off Sargon
to be honest, to say i've met one politican would be dishonest. i've met many.
hell, i remember casually suggesting to a guy to bodyslam a reporter. the madman actually did it.
also, having met T-rob, go fuck yourself. He is trying. Take him honestly, back him, eat him the moment he falters. His true intentions are nothing, his public intentions are everything. that he would be punished for so milquetoast an infringement
quite frankly, you should be killing your elected officials until Nigel is all that's left.
NIgel is cool. scared af tho. you need to get primer shipped to you, along with the materials to make ammo and guns. get your shit together and i'll put in a good word to try and get you fucks statehood in a real country.
everyone eats.
Jim is on a stream?