The Holocaust never hap-

>The Holocaust never hap-

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Most of those are holodomor crimes the communist scum tried to blame of Germany.
Winners write history.

isn't this picture taken by the allies?

Russian Gulags

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they're gonna shovel the bodies into the holocoaster cart and then dump them into the bear and eagle arena

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>Newsflash: People die in war
>Subsequently found that people die from malnutrition and disease in internment camps
>More at 11

Figured it'd be an Aussie.

nice typhus victims


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>Denying Hitler's best achievement

>Just replying with 'false'

= Beta

Ah, I forgot, you were there; not just going on a different heresay than the rest of us adopted as the truth.

Shut up kike

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Educate yourselves

It didn't, those are bodies of people dead from either war or typhus. I wish it did happen tho


It's true. These were typhus victims many of whom died after the war ended.

I don't deny that germany put jews into camps. The concept of death camps is asinine and anyone who believes in such a thing has a child brain.

>spending resources while fighting two wars to slowly exterminate in cartoonish ways people you could be using for labor
no wonder people are starting to call the jews out on their bullshit in the information age

Those are Germans starved to death by Americans after the war.

>educate yourself by reading the victor written accounts of how horrendously evil their enemies were & blindly adopt it as truth unquestioningly

False, they are Jews exterminated by Nazis


Rhineland camp I believe. Uniform is clearly American.

Look at the emancipation.

Rhineland victims died of starvation!

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Sure, keep telling yourself that Schlomo

That only proof you need is the Jews that came out of the camps. The Germans wanted them dead they could have stopped giving them water and they would have all been dead in a week

there's just no way this mass-propaganda won't backfire
good luck to everyone when that happens

Proof? Dead bodies especially dead skeletons shows starvation to me.

They are german post war POWs.

An allied soldier on an allied bulldozer getting rid of the hundreds of thousands who died in Eisenhowers camps

If Hitler wanted jews dead,they would have all been shot by firing squads in under a week.
Germany valued efficiency,gas chambers are not efficient,faggot.

i wasn't disagreeing that it happened. i'm glad it did.

lol believing in holodomorhoax.

even if it happened it wouldnt be on the scale we've been told

Yeah holohoax is overblown. But Germans were quite keen killing Soviet PoWs but kikes never mention that.

WW2 lasted about 5 years.
5 years = 1,825 days plus 1 day in 1944 as it was a leap year.
1,826 days = 43,824 hours (5 years).
43,824 hours = 2,629,440 minutes.
6,000,000 Jews divided by 2,629,440 = 2.281 Jews per minute.
That's 1 Jew every 26.30 seconds.

Not even possible with today's crematoriums.


Not after the war. During the war as the British bombed German supply lines.

The real crime of WW2 was the allied forces turning on the Germans and looking the other way to the communists.

reported for inciting violence against the jews, because if you keep blaming us for a holocaust that didn't happen, what do you think our revenge will be?

>announcing reports
Have fun getting b& newfaggot

You do realize the Nazis didnt just gas the Jews?

They made them dig their own mass graves then shoot them

>Communist mismanagement of resources leads to mass starvation
>implying this is something that is hard to believe let alone corroborate

>The Holocaust DID happen

That's a British soldier on a tractor pushing German citizens into heaps for loading into trucks taking bodies to mass graves.

No way he would just bulldoze like that, look at all the soap he is wasting. What too soon?

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How can i be sure that those guys are truly dead?

>8 of these posts contain nothing even remotely resembling antisemitism
Yup, totally fine to shut down discussions because you don't agree with them & can't definitively disprove them. Not at all a childish fingers-in-the-ears-while-shouting type of tantrum.
Such mature, much adulting.

If it didn't it should have

rooms with paned windows and wooden doors aren't gas chambers
Why use bullets just dont feed or water them and they die for free.
why waste resources while losing a war on all fronts, all accounts say the killing was mostly towards the end of the war.
wouldnt your prisoners be your last concern when the very people you are openly advocating for are being killed and jew ran countries are closing in on all sides?
or did russia and america just make it impossible to move supplies, causing death and sickness in the camps and germans made them dig their own graves so they didnt get sick, and they probably didnt have the fuel to use vehicles because they were doing so much gassing and incineration, and if youre only killing the sick to save the healthy isnt that the responsible thing to do?

nothing to see here boys, just another faggot.

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Pic attached is the post he deleted.

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Great, where are the graves? The bones should still be there right?

no silly, they cremated them all, lol.
its a never ending circle of lies

WW2 was a racket. Why did the Germans have so many prisoners? The allies pumped up the USSR to be slaughtered by the Germans and then vise versa. Remember world wars are Jewish wars for making money.

Jow Forums once again proves its the easiest board to bait

my job here is done, stay mad faggots

Birthed the US MIC. And it's an ever hungry bastard son.

>my job here is done
>I totally won by not even trying
Meh. Low test, no effort.

i dont even have to try to trigger you retards lmao

They are pretty easy to bait. I mean, anyone who knows even a few photos from WWII knows that that picture is a British bulldozer in 1945. However those bodies are indeed Jews.

>thinks we were triggered
Nah, the crossover of this with MLP, THAT was this board being triggered. You barely even registered enough to wake anyone up.

Typhus victims being shoveled by a british soldier in a bulldozer.
Wtf does this have to do with the holocaust?

Germany Russia and America rising on the world stage, Germany does it by getting rid of the Jews, the other two jewish countries attack it. Russias communism and zerg rush in ww2 weakened it, while America adopted feminism and black rights to help the economy out, resulting in the continued grip on power, with unlimited debt because we will defend israel to the death for some reason.

posting truths for the lurkers isn't being triggered. it's what makes /pol great, everyone can see how easily the lies are destroyed by verifiable facts and a little critical thinking.

Those people died of typhus at Bergen Belsen, it is a real tragedy but the success of allied interdiction turned german logistics to ahit in 1944-45.

There were German movies made about the holocaust, by German jews, in 1917.

When allies bombed Germany they destroyed all supply lines to the camps many Jews died of hunger and sickness
Hitler used Jews as labour that’s it

I would say though if the truth comes out it may happen for real

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There's also the Balfour Agreement. The British pledging to help recreate Israel for the jews

Also the Transfer Agreementat the end of WW2

Then you have the USS Liberty Incident

Then you have the wars we fought in Asia, then the Gulf wars.

Then you have 9/11 because we haven't been keeping up the our end of the bargain for our unlimited debt.
Immediately start a 17 year war cleaning out the middle east

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I believe every picture I see

Eliot Rodgers grand dad took this picture!

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Jow Forums Humor Thread?

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White people who want to stop wars because their numbers are being depleted and replaced at the same time. Fucking racist anti-semites.

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Exactly. Why let human resource waste away? The Jews are pissed they had to work in camps and then charged Germany interest after the war.


>6 Million Jews
That's more then the entire city of Los Angeles and San Francisco combined.

So they gassed the kikes in the open air?
Fuck off double digit IQ nigger collision watching boomer scum.

Most jews died during USSR invasion. This is what we've been taught at school 20 years ago.
No one actually claimed 6 000 000 died in camps and were cremated here.

The war on terror is jewish yes. Migrant crisis. Open borders. More profits!

That is a BRITISH soldier, user, look closer. This was after liberation of the camps.

Isn't it strange that not a single one of the "Gassing Victims" was a healthy weight? Why does every single corpse look like it died of malnourishment and/or disease? If allegedly so many of them were also sent directly to the chambers after arrival, and we have pictures of new inmates looking well fed and healthy, where are the well-fed looking corpses?

Did they wait until literally hours before they were going to die anyway before killing them?

Explain this to me and I will believe the Holocaust happened. And don't give me the "Jews were already starving on arrival" shit, because we have all seen pictures of healthy looking new arrivals, many of which we are to believe were sent directly to the chambers.

First time mist of them worked an honest day in their lives I'd bet.


Also, why do you push dead bodies into mass pits like that? Why were the British doing it even after liberation?

To prevent disease.

Pic needs updating; Egypt got a "soft" regime change; soon you'll have to add X's to Turkey & Iran.
Mayyyybe SA too, depending on how the petroyuan & new prince things play out longer term.

or just shot them. can't believe people expect me to believe this holocaust bullshit. it insults me.


The MIC isnt American. Its global. We need to tear down all these defense contracting and weapons manufactures.

stay triggered

literally victims of a ruthless bombing campaign executed by the allies, with the intention of cutting off and obliterating supply lines. They were firebombing and massacring German civilian centers. Why the FUCK would the Nazis intend to keep these prisoners alive for so long, so near the end of the war even while the Fatherland was being invaded -- why not just kill them? They were still feeding them and treating them of disease, still had soldiers staffed at the camps even when the war was critical. WHY? Why not just fucking kill them if it was a (((holocaust))) like you say?

This is fucking propaganda. Fuck you, I can't even deal with this shit anymore. It's been over 70 years, shut the fuck up or you're going to have even more killing, I promise you.

Typhus is a bitch.

Yeah, but for a long time, at least, we were by far the biggest tit it milked from.

I'll take any opportunity to redpill lurking normies. thank you.

Hasbara is out in full force
but you will not win
we are WOKE
Get out of our lands

>s-stay t-triggered
>has still failed to trigger anyone, while continually being blown the fuck out on previous "points" and not making any further counterarguments
Jesus, you got us, p-please stop triggering us with your god-tier trolling

there's 300 million less Whites in America today than there were in 1938
there's the same amount of jews now than there was before the holocaust.

The best way to redpill is to draw attention to the fact that literally every single corpse looks like it died of starvation or disease. If so many were supposedly sent directly to the chambers on arrival, where are the well-fed looking corpses? We've seen many many pictures of relatively new arrivals at the camps looking well fed, some of them overweight. Where are they?


>le epic trollz lol guyz I waz only trolling!!1! xDDD

We can clearly tell you are. Keep bumping the thread, so we can use it to wake up others lurking.

these people died from kiking other people.