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God just IS

recycle memeflag is mega faggot tier. i will blaze you up hotter than an oven in 1939. gtfo my board godless faggot

Explain the trinity.
I hear a lot of conflict between trinitarians and oneness people.

Show me the chapters and verses that prove the true one.







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If God could have always just existed, why couldn't the universe?

Literally the first requirement of an omnipotent being would be to create yourself.

the universe is god

cmon dude, that was pretty cringe.


so cringy that it can perhaps... go into a cringe compilation?

>Did you make mankind after we made you?



Trinity is just a soft word to say: "I'm a polytheist, but I believe in One God, seriously!"

I did.


Father + Mother + holy spirit.

Immaculate conception equals conceiving a child without orgasm.

>1 post by this ID

S a g e




Because we know that the universe isn't eternal from observing the cosmos.

>Conceiving a child without orgasm.
Millions of women do that every day.

No without MALE ORGASM

The answer is G-d


Believing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three seperate gods is a heresy that would have gotten you burned at the stake. Trinitarianism is not polytheistic.

Science says the material universe has a beginning

Because all evidence and observations of the universe points to both an eventual death and an origin of it.

what do you mean? we can only see with so much light that has reached us from old stars, the amount of the universe we can see, compared to what we cannot see, is staggering, the universe may be limited, but we cannot see that wall

>God needs a creator.
No, He doesn't. He's God. He's not bound by your limited intellect.

Because your question is predicated on god being a distinct being instead of an omniscient prime mover.

You fucking retard.









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>God is existence itself
>Jesus was his "voice"
>Holy Spirit is Life

Trinity is different aspects of the same God.

this is grade school tier observation

God is eternal.

Religion has been the longest running form of mind control on the planet and has served to not only keep us separated, but to depopulate the world through numerous wars, Inquisitions and Crusades in the name of “God”.


It’s the only thing that makes sense

Also, there is no heaven or hell. Everyone should be more grateful that they’re alive at all.

Also this. Trips of Truth. Prime Mover, means first mover

God is the first thing in the chain of creation.

JIDF detected.

What religion does not teach us is that we are powerful, spiritual beings without them.

Where does it say that?

What if God is the universe and always was and always will be?

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That is the six million dollar question dipshit, and why, logically speaking, proof for or against existence is impossible. The implications are there that God indeed is. The five arguments by Aquinas can't be beat, in spite of what fag brights might tell you.

God does not exist (except thru Christ, the God-Man, God-with-us). God simply IS. Time necessitates entropy, a moving. God can effect the phenomenal universe, but we cannot come up to Him. This is why all scientific methods of proving the supernatural or even preternatural is impossible.

Matter is inherently corruptible

Not all Christians are trinitarians. In fact, the trinity is basically bollocks that started off as a ‘mystery’ catholic hierarchies spent little time in trying to explain to the plebs, but got hijacked by idiotic evangelicals who promptly set about using it as a way to force their version of Christianity as being supreme. So yeah, it’s a forced meme. By retards.

It is beyond our capabilities to understand.
Get into world history, world religion, and quantum physics and you’ll have a better grasp on why you’ll never have a grasp on it.
Also, read this 50 page book.

>hurr dude god just is, ok, it says so right here in this jewish book

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>Science says the material universe has a beginning
Where did all the material of the big bang come from then?


>Jewish book
>Jews hate Christ, Christianity, Christian morals and Christians.
Pick one.

Then provide the scriptures that back up what you're saying.

This. For all you christ cucks out there please listen to this pastor speak UNIVERSAL TRUTHS.


Yes leaf..

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Pro-tip: God has always and will always exist AND God is both the creator of the universe itself.

People who care about trinity aurguments miss the message. Stop worrying about technicals and read the gosbel

the material universe was created by the demiurge, the godlet. God is a collective of all souls that exists beyond all time and space

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Not from our laws of physics that's for certain. The big bang is a singularity. It is truly impossible to know what came"before" it especially since time is part of what was created through it

thats an anthrooromorphix ques5ion

>New Testament

Irony of brainlets

Mary, obv.

Atheism is bad
Science is evil.
Religion is evil.

We are gods.



Why do you fucking leaves even come here? Christianity is where your morality came from dip shit. There is no other explanation for why you don’t rape, murder and steal. God I wish you knew what a world without Christian morality was like.

Blow it

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define god


No. Morality comes from within.

Watch the videos I posted.

Why isnt oyr universe filled, every inch with an omni potent god then?

Is he so powerful he killef himself and setit so there can never ever be anothrr god?

Is he inside the shit i just took?

>ID: Fag
Yup, got that right.

In the next few months or years, we can look forward to religion’s next form of mind control as they admit to the presence of extraterrestrial beings. This, of course, will not fall into the bible’s timeline, unless they try to convince their followers that the ET’s have only been around for the last 6,000 years as well. If that were true, then why are they so much more advanced than we are if they are able to travel light years to visit us?

The real truth is that the bible is just a story to keep you living in subservience, control, and conformity, the same template as every government.

Solution: Ask lots of questions and go within for answers. It is time to take control of your own life instead of giving your energy and power away to others.

>Fag in ID
>Hippie flag
OP is a literal fag.
also to answer your question, Morgan Freeman narrarated God into existance who then created Morgan Freeman.

If God isn’t real then how did the universe come to be?

"And ye shall be as the gods, knowing good and evil"

god aint shit
what does god need with a starship?

Causality doesnt exist outside time. Basic philosophy

>Not from our laws of physics that's for certain. The big bang is a singularity. It is truly impossible to know what came"before" it especially since time is part of what was created through it
So all the matter of the universe, time and space came from "somewhere" but science doesn't want us to believe it's from "god" all the while telling us to trust them and give them more money and power.


Atoms formed

If the singularity created the universe with the Big Bang where did the singularity come from?

It's not a very hard concept to grasp. All three are separate entities that collectively comprise the entirety of God. This is often referred to as the Godhead.

They are the same being but different aspects of it.

When you find religion, you find money as these two tenets in life are married to one another. Within these two entities, you’ll also find their bastard stepchild, government as all 3 are perpetually tied to each other.

I often ask people, “If there was no such thing as money, then what would you be doing with your life?” This will give you an idea of what your life purpose should be if you were not influenced by the almighty dollar.

While money can simply be viewed as another form of energy, neither positive or negative, it also takes us away from our true, natural selves along with what is truly important in our lives.

We are all economic slaves to the system. How many of us work 40+ hours a week only to find ourselves so drained at the end of the day that we don’t want to do anything other than relax and watch TV?

That means that you are working 40+ hours so you can enjoy yourself for the weekend. In essence, you are an economic slave for 5 days to the corporations in exchange for 2 days to yourself. Does this sound fair? And how are you spending these two days? Are you helping to make this world a better place or are you simply recharging your batteries so you can go back to being a slave to these corporations who drained your battery in the first place?

Solution: We live in a society that relies on money for existence. Some people are able to get off the grid completely but they are few and far between. Find whatever it is that truly makes you happy, then find ways to make a living doing it. There may be a time when you have to work your current job while building a new career, but in the end, you’ll find that working for yourself is much more gratifying than working some job that you hate for a boss who is an a*hole.

Also, stop supporting these companies that keep us living as economic slaves. Buy local.

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The big bang created god, obviously. Next question.

>God I wish you knew what a world without Christian morality was like.
We see it every day the Jew gains more power, control and authority.

Ask an old person what life was like in the 1950's compared to today.

>the only possible explanation for the universe is that a magic man farted it out

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another God

what do you mean with is, is what

I think it's perfectly reasonable to say good caused the big bang. The problem is everything beyond is literally unknowable from our perspective. So merely speculation

He's referring to Thomistic philosophy, where the essence of God is to exist.

What is the 3rd eye?
What is DMT?
What is spirituality?

our bodies have been introduced to many foreign substances, such as vaccines, GMO’s, fluoridated water, chemtrails, mercury fillings, etc…

There is a reason why 55 countries have BANNED GMO’s and why there is a Monsanto Protection Act in the United States. If you haven’t already, please educate yourself on the dangers of genetically modified organisms.

Each of these substances and elements have been specifically designed to keep our energies at low levels while polluting our bodies along with the air, water, and food supplies.

Plus, each of these are introducing elements that are foreign to our bodies and cannot possibly be good for you.

People will say, “Well, I’ve been eating GMO’s for years and I feel great!”

10 years from now, when they’re on dialysis from kidney failure or need massive tumors removed, will they be saying the same thing?

Solution: Buy local. Buy organic. Stop buying from chain stores. Filter your water, use reverse osmosis or buy clean drinking water. Plant organic heirloom seeds. Replace mercury fillings. Refuse vaccinations. Research holistic physicians and methods to cure holistically.

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Back up what? Where did I make a religious claim? You also understand that not all Christians share the same christology, and not all Christians are biblical Christians, either, right?

Of course you don’t.

This is why even though I’m irreligious, I never refer to myself as an atheist. You people ‘argue’ like the most idiotic, backwards fuck evangelicals. “Gib me buk were say in buk??!”.

Stupid cunt.


>science proves god
no, it doesn't, sweetie, quite the opposite in fact.

>creation story
>new testament

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>the other explaination is that it suddenly exploded for no reason

Those on the right are literally all Christian countries, with Christian leaders non-stop for 300 years.

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>I think it's perfectly reasonable to say good caused the big bang.
And if you do, that's cool. Religion has no problem with science. It's when "science" tries to replace religion is where the problem lies.

Like "science" will one day soon tell us that homosexuals and transsexuals are completely natural and that we should tolerate everything they are and do. When those in virtually every (serious) religion have been taught otherwise (and with good reason)

which came first chicken or egg

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The verse that picture claims says Earth is a sphere actually says it's a circle. There was a word for ball in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek but circle was used instead. Elsewhere in scripture Earth is said to be covered in a solid dome and supported by pillars.

Also science didn't exist that far back. It's an offshoot of natural philosophy, which also wasn't around then

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Wow, straight from reddit I can see. Fuck off, immigrant
