Do Jews want us to revolt?

do they want to be slaughtered? has it been their plan all along?

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the onyl way for the jews to escape now is if the people start fighting each other so they can escape

What the fuck is up with those american tier optics?

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There are 1 of 3 explanations.

1. We are insane and there is no real jewsh control system.

2. The "elite" jews are willing to sacrifice the low level jews in order to establish complete dominance over the planet.

3. They believe that an event is coming that will save them and enable them to take complete control without any repercussions.

They are going to fast for it to be any other answer.

I'm guessing 2 or 3

You attack the Jews - you lose credibility

Also, it's not the Jews but Leftists, Left is international and created by heresies, Jews only supported it afterwards

They don't have a plan. They're parasites. They parasitize. They subvert. They eventually die.

>3. They believe that an event is coming that will save them and enable them to take complete control without any repercussions.
this seems like the most likely scenario. Except theres two opposing forces in a battle for the world.

Unfortunately i too believe that 3 is the gameplan. I dont know how else they would plan to get out of this since it is quite clear that the goyim are waking up, and this time it isnt just germany but the entire planet.

I can tell you with definitive knowledge of the jews that it is #2

Jews help each other but they also jew each other constantly

spygate = jewgate

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But once the world finds out about their lies how can the "elite" jews take control without massive backlash?

I think israel is up to no good right now. Like the nuclear blackmail level of no good

Seriously, the "All are welcome" message of the cucked church is such a weakness that is clearly becoming its downfall. All of Christianity is a liability at this point.

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Holocaust already happened. They are waiting for the trip off hear before the planet ignites. We see the end my friend. No fighting it. The world lights on fire. Better be prepared for the afterlife. Its a long battle

They wont, people getting this woke was never part of the plan and believe it or not, their plans arent perfect. I know it seems hard to believe (with how long it's been in motion and in effect) but I want you to think about it like this...

Some jetliners will have major issues I'd they run out of fuel entirely, because they were designed to NEVER be out of fuel running.

That is very much how their plan is designed, they dont have a backup plan for all of this because it was never designed to need one, once they got this far gone it was a presumed conclusion that they would win via media control. That's why they are SO assblasted about the media thing: it was their cornerstone for victory.

I had a person familiar with jews tell me a story of a man who was trying to join the faith for 5 years until he demanded a rabbi tell him what else he needed to do. The Rabbi told him "you tell me, you're as religious as I am at this point". I.e: You're the jew now.

Think about that. If we've been studying this shit to the nth degree, we are like that guy. "We're the jews now" is not a meme, it's a reality. What we do with it is up to us, but everything they have in terms of a secret plan, we have as well and are actively operating back against them.

Basically they don't have some "magic thing" that you're missing that if they would just explain you would be defeated in an "A-ha!" moment like you're afraid of.

They dont have it, if we just go at them they're done. In fact at this point, the evangelical support is the only thing standing between likes and a shoah.

It would have to get alot worse for them to enable the sampson option buddy.

Why do you think there was a speedbump in the NK thing?

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Why is the first article that pops up when I type in the word Netanyahu into Google an article written TODAY about Nuclear war?

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church mass shooting

Fuck off reddit nigger

Not to mention that is to prevent other countries from NUKING Israel, it cant be used willy nilly in Israel's backyard or they'll be the ones to suffer.

What jews dont want you to know is that they have a strong liberal problem IN ISRAEL. Anything we can do to empower liberals in israel and find ways to get liberals in America to help the liberals in Israel is going to help us in the long run as well. Literally using the exact tactic they used against us, RIGHT back at them.

Nah. Fire has always worked better for these type of problems.

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Dude, they have bunkers where they can survive a hundred years. All they have to do is drop some nukes and hide out for a generation, comeout of the bunkers fallout style and control the underclass mutants.

your post is great but these people have very limited morals


Caps and memeflags will not help you. Fire is cheaper and easier.

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Co-opt and subvert. Nothing new here. The reason you can say that Christians etc are cucks is because you only see the ones that are out doing stupid shit like in you image. The good ones keep to themselves. We need to reawaken the puritanical spirit.

Think that through dude, they want to rule over a world worth ruling over, a world that's been destroyed means all that WEALTH they have right NOW? Its worthless. Their whole thing is about owning the system the way it is now, not ruling over a carcass. If they wanted to rule over a carcass they would've already done that, we'd all already be dead.

>Caps and memeflag
What does lately have to do with anything you god damn nigger? Fire is the way to go.

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God is real but he isn’t a person like you or I he is literally the whole universe he is the forces that’s are eternal

Christianity was once great but now the Rothchilds own it and have done for 300 years

Think I’m crazy?

Why do you think it’s full of pedophile priests and child abuse? Believe in your own god you don’t need them to tell you .

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covering all bases.

2 and 3 are likely. We need to be honest with ourselves though at the same time and realize we need to export the Jews back to Isreal otherwise its going to be a bad process.

Jews hijacked leftist idealogies and turned it into Marxism.

but surely by now a nice chunk of the population knows it's the Jews behind all the shit going on in the world

>sending Jews anywhere but hell

>The good ones keep to themselves.
The good ones are weak cucked sheep who like most of Western politics will have been completely undermined before action is taken. The church has proven too be a gateway into undermining society because if the church is willing to accept an agenda piece there is no hope in the politicians to resist. Since the church is compromised it is best to burn it down before it can be used to do anymore harm. One less problem to have to keep control over.

I plan to slaughter Jews and seize their power and shekels.

>Export the Jews to Israel.
Fuck off kike. That's exactly what they want. No. They will all be exterminated.

I cant refute that. It just doesnt make sense why they are being so open and brazen about this though.
How do they expect to win if they dont have some sort of hidden card up their sleeve? The entire planet is waking up to their lies thanks to the internet.

If we were going to revolt we would have done it by now.

The only people surprised by this are the people who mistakenly took the CoE seriously. The CoE isn't a religion. It's a social club.

Should I care that trannies are being recruited to participate in these fantasist pantomimes? Just keep them off my lawn.

Jews are not some grandmasters of survival
If they were, they won't be limited to just 15 million population in total. That makes then ranked beyond 30th in the rankings of the largest ethnicities.

Why is their size limited when they are so smart? Because they get over their own heads constantly, they thought starting communism in Germany was a good idea, that ended up costing them the 6 gorrillion in brutal retaliation.
Today, they think importing diversity would leave America and Europe a land of mutts that they can rule over easily, what actually will happen is the whites waking up, or the muslims and blacks they import killing them out of jealousy.

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Have patience nigger

Love seeing this thread immediately after finding out that the socialist tranny running for congress tried to kill himself.

Do you realise current technology make it possible for a single person to control all other humans beings?

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They control fractional reserve banking institutions all across the planet.

Africans have like 4 billion motherfuckers spreading aids across a continent... does population size correlate their IQ?

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enlighten me poo poo man

it's almost like there's a time limit for them now. so they're trying to speed things up

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Honestly, if you're enough of a petty low IQ bonehead to revolt over something as ridiculous as transgender priests, then please do so that you can be removed from the gene pool before you can damage it irreversibly.

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The Jews must know, we are winning back the next generation.

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Which makes me believe that a. they plan on dropping a massive program or that they are expecting something to come to the planet.

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In the kikes mind, their plan to still win looks like this

>push really hard with your slaves, really attempt to cement your gains
>unleash endless shilling
>hopefully win back control in a future pendulum swing and then move for the win at that time
Honestly the midterms are retardedly important if you view the game from this lens. Momentum is EVERYTHING for us essentially, the kikes have to break our momentum to win. If we can keep this thing going long enough, WE WILL WIN.

not just priests my man, everything

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I know that their "forwardness" seems so bold its maddening but you have to remember that normies are still utterly asleep to this shit and the jews know it: they arent going full bore just to scare us, they're going full bore because THEY'RE scared but they see the finish line in sight and they're DESPERATE to get there.

If we win guys its going to be a "we tackled them on the 1 yard line" kind of thing.

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Running out of redpills...
Some help bros


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What is the finish line? In my eyes they have atleast 20 years before the finish line. That being no white majority countries.

Sorry cant find em right now lol have another bump though

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I say we lean on this. Putting a man in jail because his not Jewish penis entered a Jewish vagina? How PATRIARCHAL is this lads? Why aren't we pushing this in front of all the Feminist Puppets of the Jews? Miscegenation laws? Remember how Jews tore ours down?

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hahaha the absolut insanity of britbongs.

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He's afraid.

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The "finish" line isnt ZERO whites, its whites losing political control of their counties PERMANENTLY due to immigration.

America was terrifyingly close to that with Hillary (where the only way out is a giant brother war, which the kikes want).

This is why they forced the royals to marry a nigger jewmutt, they want to start prepping brits for the eventually acceptance that they no longer control their country politically (they're already there essentially just being prepped culturally, we had one final bulwark: The Presidential shit)

If we have enough political ability to fight? We're alive. When we have no choice but to atomize or declare guerilla war? That's when they win and we lose.

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I'm afraid that this shit is notcontained inside your walls and that it will inevitable spread to the rest of the world. Fucking die in hellfire you shitstain.

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4. interfactional warring jewish tribes

He definitely not happy.

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If we're the Jews now, does that mean we are the chosen people who will inherit the kingdom of heaven?

Think about it. Jow Forums delights in truth, hates wickedness. Preaches purity, despised corruption. Countless threads about a return to faith, of living pure and humble lives, rejoicing in a world we will purge of evil. Are we the new Jews?


in the next 10 years, Israel and the parasite called "jude" will be extinct.