What's going on with white women?

What's going on with white women?

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Oh my God. You're doomed.

They crave the big black cock, just like Swedish sissi bois.

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Women should have no political rights.
Women do not understand society of adults at all.
Women evolved to raise children.
White women see white people as the only adults in the world.

Imagine being the father in this photo. Imagine that your wife insists that you house a refugee, and will not be swayed otherwise. What do you do? Do you leave, abandoning the kids? Do you stay and tolerate it? I can't see a winning scenario here

You tell her no... If your wife has more power over your household than you do than you deserve a Somalian.

Of all the refugees they pick this Somalian creature

They are brainwashed by the Jewish media:

"That look on your face when you didn't want to get married and have kids with a white man so you voted for welfare and food assistance so you could try being "independent", but pitching the feminist lifestyle to children in the schools caused the birth rates in your country to plummet so the children that generation of people refused to have got replaced by third world immigrants who are now using all the welfare and food assistance you voted for and instead of working things out with a white guy in the middle class you're probably going to get raped by a homeless HIV positive Somalian because you also convinced them that all white people are racist."

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A major reason why white people were pro slavery was because we believed we could uplift the savages of the world to our status. This was before Darwin and before our understanding of genetics.
Slavery became illegal. Genetics have always existed. White people still think they can better the savages of the world.

They're wrong.

that's the face of a defeated man right there

All the good white women are from past generations and/or taken by top tier white men. If you're average, just get a Latina or Desi. Don't even bother. They're not worth it.

Women want those big black dicks and they'll sacrifice their families, their culture, their livelihood just to get a taste.

>White women see white people as the only adults in the world.
en oo tajunnu........care to explain?

That thing is fucking ugly

We’re going to have to gas some of our women. Or deport them to the Congo.

Lol, the look of utter hatred on the white husband's face. He knows his wife is getting black dick on the side.

Nothing new. It is in the nature of women to listen to snakes (degeneracy, evil) and do as it says. Then they turn and corrupt men. However, this can only happen when men allow it. The duty of men is to slay snakes, to slay dragons, to slay evil. When men turn their backs on this duty, when they do not remain eternally vigilant, humanity gets kicked out of Eden. Again and again and again.

>White women see white people as the only adults in the world.

This so much.
In The Bleak House by Charles Dickens he describes a rich English woman who neglects her own children because she's so concerned with African children. Still relevant over a hundred years later.

It's probably similar to the way the rich would invite vagrants to dinner.

Women are so entitled and spoiled by society that they are now in some zone where they are completely detached from reality and need to bring trash into their lives to give them entertainment or make them feel grounded.

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Women have a natural propensity towards superior and more vibrant genes in order to strengthen the lineage. That and also melanin receptors play a big part in it.

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Nice one

>not even bothering to translate the text from cuckspeak

>Norwegians white

>His face

you just know what's going on in that household.

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>a tattooed grinning Somali nigger sitting at your family's dinner table
>bringing a stranger from a hostile tribe into your house exposing risk to your children and wife
>giving up resources to house, feed and maintain the life of an useless nigger

I can't even fathom the mindset of someone like that.

>1 post by this id