
This is my last thread on Jow Forums, boys. 4 months ago I got my first job working at a factory owned by my mother's landlord. It was pretty easy work but it was my first time having to deal with large groups of people outside of school so I was really nervous. I could tell right away that much like school I didn't fit in at all and I wasn't going to be part of any of the cliques or groups of friends that were already established there. I was quiet and kept to my self and tried to learn my job. I was still living at home and there was no pressure from my parents to leave, so my first goal was to save up and get a decent computer. I volunteered for overtime and started working long shifts overlapping with the other regular shifts. The 3rd shift supervisor was always getting on to me because I was moving slower than most of the other people, and DESU I was slower. A couple days in he started chewing me out in front of the other workers, one of them stepped up in the middle of it and told the guy he would try to help me learn how to work faster. I had never heard this guy speak to anyone at all or even heard his voice before. He had really dark skin and his name was naveed, I had assumed he didn't even speak English. Well his English was far from perfect but he took a spot on the other side of the line from me every day I worked over and taught me how to keep up with everyone else by refining my movements with my arms so it didn't take as much time to work the part. Once I had caught on he still kept working across from me and we were talking about things other than work, like games and TV shows. We had a lot in common. A couple of weeks in naveed transferred to my shift (it had something to do with the cost of daycare and babysitters, not because of me) and we continued working together and hanging out on lunch break. It became pretty obvious right away that a couple of the guys on my shift didn't like him at all. (continued)

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Like everyone else here I believed that poos and other non whites were inferior races and generally did not belong in my country, but naveed was the only one who tried to be nice to me since at least middle school and took the time to not only befriend me but try to help me be better at my job. I realized that the comments some of these people were making behind his back, and sometimes when he could hear them, were actually pissing me off. Naveed was a legal immigrant and a citizen with a wife and a young child. He didn't drink or use drugs. He was a christian. I never heard him say an unkind thing about anyone. Even though they were behaving the way I had behaved here and in other places online, I didn't understand why these guys hated him so much. It's just different in real life when you get to know people I guess. About 3 weeks ago we were hanging out in the parking lot after work and one of the guys came over and said "hey bin laden" and basically told him to go back to his mud hut so a real American could have his job. Naveed started to say something but got cut off short when the guy grabbed him by his shirt and started shaking him around. I had had enough and shoved the guy as hard as I could. I moved him maybe 2 inches and that was the last thing I remembered. I woke up on the ground not knowing where I was. There were cops, and an ambulance. People from work were standing all around watching. I ended up with a very black eye and a headache that lasted until the next day when I was released. (continued)

The asshole that started the fight spent a night in jail. He doesn't have a job anymore, and the assault triggered a HR investigation that got 3 other people fired for harassment as well. They let me have the rest of the week off of work to recuperate. Naveed went up to the hospital with me that night, and a bunch of people from work got me a card a couple of days later. When I came back, everything seemed different. A lot of people wanted to talk to me about what happened, and some just wanted to talk to me. I felt like a weight had been lifted off of me and I became conformable with everyone at work, because I finally felt accepted - by REAL people rather than some ridiculous group of pissed off kids online. I have gotten to know a lot of people, and now I have friends. Last week, I used the money I had saved to buy a car instead of a computer. One of the new quality girls stops and talks to me every day when she makes the rounds, and her English isn't perfect either. Saturday she asked me if I had a girlfriend. I told her I didn't and she asked me if I wanted to go see a movie or something. She's beautiful, and we're going out on Tuesday.

I'm so glad I got out from in front of the computer and out into the real world and met real people. I feel like the sun is shining on my life at last. Everything that goes on on this board is ridiculous bullshit with no root in reality. In the real world people are people no matter where they come from or what color they are. Please don't waste your time in this echo chamber, there is a real life out there. Q and Jews and all the other meme bullshit is just going to keep you in front of the screen spinning your wheels, never accomplishing anything but getting yourself so buttfrustrated nobody will like you at all. I don't want to be a virgin forever, and I know I won't. You can't say the same thing. GET OUT!

kys Shrek. This forced memei isn't taking hold

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and btw,

>Like everyone else here I believed that poos and other non whites were inferior

Stopped reading here

Destroy the shrek meme.

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That is too bad because you are just wasting your life here. Why do you love your hate so much that you let your life revolve around it? There are real friends out there waiting for you. There are girls out there. There's a real life out there, and it's not too hard to find. Just let go of this play acting bullshit.

And that's when OP realized he was secretly gay, unbeknownst to him before, this perplex him, he wondered what kind of travesty could have caused this dilemma of his? He deduced it was a top secret gay beam the nefarious kikes had devised specially to turn him into a faggot. A derivation of the HAARP weather control project, this top secret project could turn people gay. This troubled OP as he never had gay thoughts like these before.


Nonwhites are fine. The problem is the jew who destroys our and their societies.

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This isn’t my first time not reading a long-ass post. What did it say? Wait, never mind, I don’t care. Learn to use an image board you faggit.

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Hey OP I'm glad multiculturalism is working out great for you but for a lot of others it isn't.

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wow, OP found his unicorn PoC friend. what a faggot. this is gay af.

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all those images are the closest you'll ever be to a woman. All your posts are the closest you will ever be to companionship. All your memes are the closest you will ever come to belonging. It's sad. Why don't you step out of the shadows and live?

Even if that statistic were true, it would not be justification for the mistreatment of 100% of blacks, or justification for mistreatment solely on the basis of being black. It's not logical. It's not ethical.

White friends and white women I know OP.

No, you don't, unless they are relatives. Seriously, your hate comes from loneliness. You think that the world imposes that loneliness upon you, but it is a prison of your own construction, and you still have the key if you want out.

you found one gem in a sea of shit, congrats. give him a blowjob

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>read it all and sounds like a Jewish psyop.
user there are decent people and assholes of all colours. Unlimited mass immigration is the problem. One immigrant doesn't change the culture of a country but millions of them do and that change is never a net gain.
Also more immigrants mean less resources for everyone, such as housing, hospital beds, school places.
I don't blame the immigrants I blame the people pushing them to come here.

Im truly happy for you Op. God speed.

Let me ask you a question then. Do you think it's ok for other races to blame white people for the evils of the world and their own failings in life?

>your hate comes from loneliness
I'm neither hateful nor lonely
kys you fucking moron

So basically you met an immigrant that actually assimilated to our culture, and it threw off your ignorant Jow Forums world view. Here's a protip user: Most immigrants aren't like that. I don't give a shit about white supremacy, and neither should anyone. However, if you refuse to adopt American culture, fuck you. We have entire cities with signs in Chinese here in California, and it is not ok. Nothing is straight forward in this world, you will learn that when you grow up.

nah I read it and my jewdar went off too. this is a fabricated story.

None of this ever happened.

The fact you dont pay attention to history is retarded. Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it, enjoy life as a majority because 1 token wont save you as a minority.

ITT: People who are so incapable of admitting they are wrong that they will ride their own foolishness straight to hell, all alone.

This is my last thread on Jow Forums... but it won't be the last time I post it. I'll make sure to add updates as I repost it, as my life changes and improves, while yours will remain stagnant and miserable.