How do we save America?

How do we save America?

Attached: America.jpg (1024x561, 99K)

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There's only one nigger in this image so I'd say we're off to a good start.

1. get rid of the nigs

i guess we need more niggers and to have gun rights abolished

Kill them all, let God sort them out.

>hanging out with negros

These are wiggers

Not knowing who Ice Poseidon is...

looks like a semite and a fag

the black guy in this image is cool fuck off racist fags

vote Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai for senate

Attached: 1317143307535.jpg (500x581, 73K)

really seems like the type of person to build a civilisation

Nig seems pretty aight in my limited time with this stream

Literally told white people to own white pride and ditch that shame shit

Which doesn't need to be said but hey

These people need to get a job..

Vote republican in the midterms

There's a crackhead a fucking obnoxious cokehead a Jew a whore a cuck and a s o y boy Australian in there aswell bud

And a rapist, forgot about the pepskironi


hi memeflag.

you don't. america is a prison based totalitatian government with cops as the hired thugs to put you in jail and make money off of you. its completely systemically corrupt from the bottom up. "america" is dead and had been dead for years, you stupid fool.

Attached: Screen-Shot-2012-10-15-at-10.25.43-AM.png (626x336, 33K)

shoot all the traitors, seize their ill-gotten gains, pay off the national debt

Attached: poppincaps.gif (348x250, 1.35M)

Hahhaha fucking funny cunt


>cops put you in jail and make money off you

Yeah. It's called a job.

randomly watched the next video, it's a group of guys getting sucked off by some fat girl while her husband watches. this shits absolutely degenerate.