Does IQ fully explain the economic outperformance of some countries?

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*assuming the compared countries have capitalist/capitalist-ish economies

China was doing pretty shit economically until 1989 or so.

No one variable fully explains anything, except maybe being dropped on your head at birth.

Not fully, but it has strong suggestive power. It's clearly very influential. It's probably more influential in establishing a ceiling than in ensuring a certain floor, though - higher IQ societies can still suffer poverty.

I know .

I formulated the OP badly. What other factors do you think is important and why?

Personally I suspect that the degree of individualism is quite important since it effects what kind of economic system is preferred by the voter base as well as the degree of nepotism, which would be negatively correlated with economic success.

You're talking out your ass. Individualism isn't a precursor for economic success.

It's not? Certainly looks like it's correlated. Also makes sense since...

> effects what kind of economic system is preferred by the voter base
i.e. market economy

> degree of nepotism

Also, people are more willing to go against the collective and thus you would expect to see more innovations. Might also see it being correlated to the degree of risk taking etc.

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And really well from 2000BC-1700AD or so.

lol man read a book

IQ is probably the most important factor but apart from that things like a homogenous population, access to natural resources also matter. Also, the distribution of IQ scores is also important, that's why even though East Asians might have higher average IQ score, their populations cluster much closer to the mean and hence they don't outdo White populations.

People never understand. It’s not that low IQ countries struggle for a lack of geniuses, it’s their abundance of retards.

A genius will drive society forward, a normal person will maintain the status quo, and retard will drag society down.

The US military doesn’t accept anyone under IQ 83. They are too stupid to be trusty worthy with the basics of soldiering. Half of all US blacks are under 85. In Africa, the average person is literally retarded at sub IQ 70. This means that any progress that the geniuses could achieve is massively set back by the majority retard populaation who call him a witch and necklace him.


Imagine being born as a legit genius/prodigy in some shithole tribe in Africa where everyone around you is a literal retard. It has to be a special kind of hell.

IQ doesn't explain everything (economic system, ethnic homogeneity and natural resources also matter), but IQ is still a very important factor

PISA aint worth shit.
I did ita while back its badly translated and people ought to just sign it and leave the test empty to get a free day from school.

No, but it explains a lot of the variance.

This is also true, however differences between populations' expression of individualism/collectivism can also be explained in large part be genes.

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>Does IQ fully explain the economic outperformance of some countries?
No, of course not.
Without a doubt there are a billion factors in that, ranging from policies to education, to other factors about the people living there.

It certainly explains *some*, but most definitively not all.

It's how well private property is protected. It enables individuals to invest in their future.

work ethic ,like germans have

IQ has nothing to do with greed
lots of stupid and lots of smart
money is a meme, economics is a meme
"outperformance" is a meme
your country and flags are memes
IQ only helps you escape memes, it takes nothing to be fooled by them

Not fully, but it’s a major contributing factor.

Based on the thorough subhuman behavior of the chinks, I have a hard time believing they didn't just cheat with their results (as they do with everything else)