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He did nothing wrong.

He's right but he's Doing It Wrong.

No he isn't!

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Defend the sacred

>You don’t deserve to eat here
Fucking hilarious


How do you hate something you don't even know?

McDonalds is an uh merican resturant you mother fuckrsh.

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>additional hate crime charges

Attached: 2018-05-28_1041.png (675x872, 134K)

Why are all these stories coming out of Florida? What the fuck is going on over there?

Do we even need to look into this any further?

How do we put money on his books.

Why didn't he LOVE IT?

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No don't it's not halal!!!


>you don’t deserve to eat here
Is that really an insult

>what the fuck is going on over there?
a burger crusade apparently. because the other 49 states are too pussy to do anything about it.

> Florida man
At this point i dont even believe stories that start with "florida man."

It is if you appreciate good American dining

Is this the most American thing done this month?

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What, did he steal their burgers?

Depends on the jurisdiction; reaching into a car might be deemed burglary. Generally it means going into a building though.

>"they killed my son" - "my son was a marine"
>God damn it, poor man.

it isn't illegal to be anti-muslim. he can be escorted out of the mcdonalds, fuck that guy.

Can we do that to New England, NY and NJ as well?

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fake news

nobody deserves to eat that garbage

fuck you achmed mcdonalds is litty


McDonald's is a sacred temple of Americanity.

I was brainwashed by Happy Meals as a child

>we feel vulnerable and scared
All semites are pathetic

I knew that a burger would defend McDonalds

Attached: muh burgers.gif (600x300, 263K)

He's right you know

The sons and daughters of Shem don't deserve oxygen.

He is right. Nobody deserves to eat at McDonalds.

O il
I srael
L and bases

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Is that a FAMAS?

Florida has a law that any police report made is open to the public regardless of if it goes to court or not and before any official charges are pressed.

The press run away with it.

In the u.s., burglary is almost universally "committing a crime while trespassing". I guess since Florida castle doctrine extends to cars, it can fit.

Their fries and apple fritters are the only redeeming products, the burgers are shit.