Antibiotic Resistance is because of global warming - SCIENCE says

The most Elite and prestigious scientific paper, nature, is pushing a NEW THEORY.

Climate Change is what is behind anti-biotic resistant bacteria.

The new leftist ideological narrative in science, at elite insitutions, is that antibiotic resistance is because of CLIMATE change

They are testing what complete insanity they can push to attack anyone not communist.

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they're just failing to realise that warmer temperatures and more people means more Bactria, and more Bactria there are the more of a chance of one randomly mutating resistant properties. So Climate Change may have an effect but its not fully >behind anti-biotic resistant bacteria.

New @harvardmed research finds that climate change could be compounding and accelerating an increase in antibiotic resistance

Harvard Medical SChool is pushing this latest propaganda

>leftist ideological narrative
GTFO butthurt redditard

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T_D user found. The narrative being pushed by Harvard and others that antibiotic resistance is because of climate change and not antibiotic usage needs to be exposed.

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you won't hear anyone talk about this shit but like 85% of antibiotic resistance is b/c the meat industry dumps last-line-of-defense antibiotics into animal feed wholesale – not in order to protect cattle from disease or anything, but just b/c oddly enough it has the effect of accelerating growth.

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Anti-biotic resistant bacteria aren't even a problem. We know about Bacteriophage for more then 80 years.

Global warming is going to kill you through superbugs. Be afraid. Give them power.

Show penis.

I just read this headline to my mom, who's been a nurse for over 20 years, this is her exact response:

>massive eyeroll
>"Oh my God, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

There is a fucking construction site on my way to college which prevents me from buying a coffee before class.
FUCK GLOBAL WORMING and fuck white people,too, because all the construction workers are fucking white mails

You need to stop thinking. When you question science or elites you are just causing problems. Sit down and believe. Islam is a religion of peace. Global Warming must be solved by globalized government or we die. We are all immigrants.

That's why I don't believe in science. Sure, call me names, but at least I'm not falling for snake oil like that.

Bacteria doesn't "randomly" mutate to be antibiotic resistant.

That kind of mutation can ONLY be caused by EXPOSURE to antibiotics.

Doctors prescribe people 20 pills, and say, "Take two of these a day for 10 days." Because that amount is mathematically certain to eliminate ALL the bacteria. But what a LOT of ignorant people do is, they take the pills and then after 6-7 days, they feel completely better, so they stop taking the pills and save the rest for "next time."

That is the exact mechanism by which all these antibiotic resistant strains have come into existence. Because most people are so stupid and childish, they shouldn't be trusted with managing their own health. They can't follow simple instructions, it's too hard, they're too stupid. Most people need a fucking ADULT to PARENT them in order for them to get through life.

That's why now, millions must perish. Because of the stupidity of a few.

>mfw they use Global Warming and Climate Change interchangably

Patients usually give shit reviews to doctors who don’t give them what they want. Like when he tells a common cold patient he doesn’t need antibiotics.

Antibiotics are a steroid now? I gotta get me into some of that AB abuse.

It's not propaganda, it's basic science...

Heat is energy. Energy energizes life. Bump the heat up a few degrees, and in most climates (unless you're living in a climate that is "too hot" or "too cold" for bacteria, which is relatively rare compared to the temperature range that bacteria thrives in) you'll see an activity increase that could be quantified to tens of percentage points. The activity increase translates to more frequent reproductive cycles, and exponentially compounds both the net activity and reproduction of coming generations (i.e. a more active population of bacteria breeds a larger [than normal] set of offspring, which is more active than it would have been, which breeds a larger set than it would have, etc). The more cycles of survival of the fittest, the more fit/resistant the bacteria.

You guys do actually know this right? You did make it through high school?

So it's just bullshit then.

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Please don't be uneducated and ignorant like the niggers. Global warming is happening, it's completely objective that average temperatures are rising and ice is melting more during the winter. It's also objectively known that CO2 and CH4 make the atmosphere more opaque to infrared light but still transparent to UV and visible wavelengths.

This lets sunlight in, but prevents infrared wavelengths that the Earth re-emits from escaping, so we heat up like the inside of a car (because glass does something similar). The only reason it is pushed so heavily is because it threatens the Jews as well, mother nature is the one thing they can't manipulate.

i don't know why everyone is getting so worried about antibiotic resistance we can just use these bad boys


What about this?

No it's from overprescribing and the meat industry

Daily reminder that global warming is caused by the dropping number of pirates, so if you want to stop antibiotic resistance, become a pirate.

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All global warming is climate change, not all climate change is global warming.

Antibiotic resistant bacteria aren't the strongest or fastest breeding bacteria - if they were they'd already be the dominant strain. They're defining trait is that they resist antibiotics - a trait that is useless in the absence of antibiotics.

i don't care what their political position is the video explains in detail what that thing is

seems plausible

Global warming is probably the cause of racism too lol.

imagine being so blue-pilled you trust scientists. They used to lobotomize little girls who acted up.

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latest test show that anti semetism is causing global warming

It's a new hypothesis, why don't you retards ever know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory? Oh right it's because science classes in America are an embarrassment

Usage in the meat industry is not affecting human transmissible viruses you absolute dolt


Fuck I mean bacteria, now I'm the dolt

How about the theory that STD medication mainly used by women doesn't get filtered out after they uritate?

Dude, the Bactrians are coming back? WTF??

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any resistant strains have a chance to pass on genes to other strains that are human communicable.

Excuse me, but this is wrong. Harmful Bacteria are the living manifestation of our sins. We are being punished by God for our collective degeneracy and moral bankruptcy.

Oh yeah you're right, bacteria dont evolve I forgot.

Overuse of antibiotics, by doctors but more importantly by farmers that often use it on healthy cows preventatively, is the cause.

This is just a typical jewish lie.

They don't use it preventatively, they use it as a growth promoter. Antibiotics make animals swole as fuck


>Scientists acknowledged that additional research will be necessary to confirm a cause-and-effect relationship.

>"The bottom line is that our findings highlight a dire need to invest more research efforts into improving our understanding of the interconnectedness of infectious disease, medicine and our changing environment,"

calm down OP, it's nothing

Yes plz. I work on climate data sometimes in my lab, please give us more funding, $16.67/hour ain't cutting it anymore.

>sandbox gets hotter
>shitskins flee to temperate areas
>they move in next door
>wtf I hate brown people now


Those are the most opposite things existance. Perhaps AnCap would be just an inch further.

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It's not really an unreasonable idea though, if the temperature increases we may find it is optimizing growth of certain bacteria

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That article is great and all, but this is the first time in human history we have ever had to deal with the amount of livestock we currently have. We dont know what the effects will have. We know overuse of antibiotics causes super bacteria. We know we are dumping antibiotics into our livestock like candy.
>How often they colonize the human gut, and transfer resistance genes is not known
That article is also talking about only a couple types of bacteria

>our findings highlight a dire need to invest more research efforts
one good nature article deserves another 100 million dollars of "research into this possible emerging problem" - meaning demolibjackassedidiots declare the black plague is the racist outcome cause cis white males invented the modern world, the parts they didn't steal from african kangz, that is

This is exactly the kind of bullshit why everyone thinks amerimutts are retarded. It is not about using wealth but limiting it's use.

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This is a problem of hazard vs risk though. You'd have to stop livestock production completely to reduce any hazard yet there is little evidence to support that anything will happen

The original argument was that animal communicable bacteria that is antibiotic resistant doesnt affect the human populous not that there are risk and benefits to antibiotic use.

Only 3rd world countries need to use antibiotics, GMO or hormones.

Americans do eat way too much meat and other animal products even if only looked from the health perspective.

But there is no evidence that it does, it may be a hazard but it has not yet affected human bacteria

Good luck telling American farmers that they can't use growth promoters

you're not in STEM are you? Every paper ever ends with the need to further research the subject to better understand it.

what are things to invest in to capitalize on the mini ice age over the next 30 years?

Theres also many cross species contamination in china which abuses many antibiotic growth promoters.

You wouldn't have to stop it completely, just scale it back. And it should be scaled back. Onions memes and antibiotics aside, you dont need meat every single day. You just dont. The massive amount of stress the current western diet puts on our resources is ridiculous and will eventually need to be changed under one condition or another. It's simply unsustainable.

I think you'll find that the global financial crisis is what caused global warming.... true.

Google up how many headlines this SCIENCE pushed.

Silly. There were many moire than 17 pirates in 2000 - obviously.

This is the only thing you should be concerned about.. it is connected to pizzagate, QFagFraudnon and the Elite...
>when it is fully in place we will not have any recourse
It will be too late...
>the elite worship demons and satan
>Elon musk says we are summoning the demons with AI
>CERN mass sacrifice to Shiva
>the elite are worshiping technology
>AI will be their saving grace and god

We must stop THEM before it's too lateYou faggots are gonna love this!!!!
>shills will slide
>thots will swoon
>Clinton's will cryochamber escape
>trump will watch this on the shutter

And the world turns, the system buckles, the world is being prodded by the Jewish Satanist warlocks and the PEOPLE are awakening

>QRD is Weinstein connects to it all
Fucking Duh

We are in a NEO-Renaissance of TRUTH And THEYYYY Cannot handle it
>let's distract the goyim

This is the weak link in the Global Cabal armor
>Epstein, Weinstein, allison mack
it's all linked together

Find out here

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And not because of third worlders eating antibiotics everyday.

This is a contributing factor, but not the only factor. Western nations are fighting a lost cause because pajeet is pumping his chickens with some of the strongest broad spectrum, last-resort antibiotics.

>deflecting and trying to use baby’s first appeal
You have to go back.

Bullshit. Source

Globalism is caused by an increase of pirates

How do we fix the issue?

Ah, you were faster

Its because 3rd world amerimutts feeding it to their animals.


I see evidence-based (((science))) is everywhere now

lmfao what is up with the x-axis?

Did (((Science))) or Science say so? I have a feeling it's the former.