Join the infantry they said
You're physically equal to men they said
Join the infantry they said
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>her resignation is a huge blow to officials looking to integrate women
Lol no it isn't, they'll just ignore the data, try again, and the media will call anyone bringing attention to this a sexist bigot.
At least they're not lowering the requirements to accomodate wamyn.
At least not yet...
well if a woman can actually do it then what is the issue, there's probably plenty of bugman who drop out as well
that's the point of basic training
to weed out the weak and women are weak
arguing that they're not till you're blue in the hair won't change that fact
The military is a land of sexist dick and fart jokes among jocks and dropouts in unsanitary shitholes where people want you dead. Being an asshole and black humour are morale boosts. Without “ ummm whoa now sweetie” most men are like this. When women try similar banter it’s I’ll placed or awkward. Not too mention sexual temptation in a trench among Chads and one stronk roastie.
I’ve heard your argument before but there is no documented instance without a shit load of extra help/cash in integration.
There is no room for the politically correct campus fluff in a war.
They'll just lower the requirements. In europe women don't have to do half the shit. Our police for example has a minimum height requirement (which is low already) but women can be 2 inches shorter
The idea of women in combat is hilarious to me
Imagine having to deal with roasties in your squad